
  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    On 30 March the Germans attacked around Le Hamel and although this was turned back, they succeeded in making gains around Hangard Wood. Five days later, the Germans renewed their drive towards Villers-Bretonneux. Part of the German attack fell on the centre and left of the French First Army. The French line fell back, but a counter-attack regained much of the ground. From north to south the line was held by British and Australian troops of the 14th (Light) Division, the 35th Australian Battalion and the 18th (Eastern) Division. By 4 April the 14th (Light) Division, around Le Hamel, had fallen back under attack from the German 228th Division. The Australians held off the 9th Bavarian Reserve Division and the 18th Division repulsed the German Guards Ersatz Division and 19th Division. The British were forced to retire by the retreat of the 14th (Light) Division, where the 41st Brigade had been pushed back for 500 yards (460 m) "in some disorder" and then retired to a ridge another 3,000 yards (2,700 m) back, which left the right flank of the 42nd Brigade uncovered. The line west of Le Hamel was reinforced by the arrival of the 15th Australian Brigade. In the afternoon, the Germans resumed their efforts and pushed the 18th Division in the south, at which point Villers-Bretonneux appeared ready to fall. The Germans came within 440 yards (400 m) of the town but Colonel Goddard of the 35th Australian Battalion, in command of the sector, ordered a surprise late afternoon counter-attack on 4 April, by the 36th Australian Battalion with c. 1000 men, supported by a company from the 35th Australian Battalion and his reserve, the 6th Battalion London Regiment. Advancing by section rushes, they pushed the Germans back towards Monument Wood and then north of Lancer Wood and forced two German divisions to retreat from Villers-Bretonneux. Flanking movements by British cavalry and Australian infantry from the 33rd and 34th Battalions helped consolidate the British gains. Further fighting around the village took place later in the month during the Second Battle of Villers-Bretonneux. The attack on Villers-Bretonneux was the last significant German attack of Operation Michael (known to the British as the First Battle of the Somme, 1918). After the failure of the German forces to achieve their objectives, Ludendorff ended the offensive to avoid a battle of attrition. The 9th Australian Brigade had 665 casualties from c. 2,250 men engaged. German casualties were not known but there were 498 losses in two of the regiments engaged. The 9th Australian Brigade recorded 4,000 dead German soldiers on their front and the 18th Division had "severe" losses and took 259 prisoners from the 9th Bavarian Reserve, Guards Ersatz and 19th divisions.

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    The First Battle of Villers-Bretonneux (30 March – 5 April 1918), took place during Operation Michael, part of the German Spring Offensive on the Western Front. The offensive began against the British Fifth Army and the Third Army on the Somme and pushed back the British and French reinforcements on the north side of the Somme. The capture of Villers-Bretonneux, close to Amiens, a strategically-important road- and rail-junction, would have brought the Germans within artillery-range. In late March, Australian troops were brought south from Belgium as reinforcements to help shore up the line and in early April the Germans launched an attack to capture Villers-Bretonneux. After a determined defence by British and Australian troops, the attackers were close to success until a counter-attack by the 9th Australian Infantry Brigade and British troops late in the afternoon of 4 April restored the situation and halted the German advance on Amiens.In early 1918, following the capitulation of Tsarist Russia, the end of the fighting on the Eastern Front allowed the Germans to transfer a significant amount of manpower and equipment to the Western Front. With the general position for the Germans looking weak, the German commander, Erich Ludendorff, decided to go on the offensive. On 21 March 1918, Operation Michael was launched, and the attack was aimed at the weakest part of the British lines, along the Somme River. By 5 April, the Germans had gained 60 kilometres (37 mi) of British held territory. Two other operations were launched, one near Armentières, one near Reims. All three operations were eventually halted by the Allies. In late March 1918, the German army advanced towards the vital rail-head at Amiens, pushing the British line back towards the town of Villers-Bretonneux. In response to the Germans' early advances during the offensive, on 29 March the 9th Australian Brigade, consisting of four infantry battalions, had been detached from the 3rd Australian Division and sent south from Belgium to help prevent a breach of the line between the British Fifth Army (General Hubert Gough) and the French First Army (General Marie-Eugène Debeney) that was positioned to the south. The First Battle of Villers-Bretonneux 第一次ヴィレ=ブルトヌーの戦い

  • to不定詞について質問です。

    私はVOA英語ニュースファイル、という教材を使っています。 この教材は英語ニュースのはじめに、ニュースのタイトルが英語で読み上げられます。あるタイトルは Cluster Bombs to Be Banned クラスター爆弾、禁止へ となっていました。これは未来への動きを表したニュースのタイトルですから 例えば Cluster Bombs Will Be Banned ならわかるのですが、何故to不定詞が使われているのでしょうか? ちなみに私が使っている文法書にはto不定詞が「将来~になる」という意味に使われる、とは書かれていません。

  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    The Action of Khan Baghdadi was an engagement during the Mesopotamian Campaign in World War I.The 15th Indian Division had been at Ramadi since its capture of the town in September 1917. On 9 March 1918, it advanced and occupied the town of Hit in a bloodless victory, the Ottoman forces evacuating without a shot being fired. The next objective along the Euphrates was the town of Khan al Baghdadi. Most battles in Mesopotamia had been tied to the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. If an attack was successful, the loser would withdraw along the line of the river to prepared positions further back. Securing a proper victory was difficult. In an attempt to break with the usual pattern, the 15th Indian Division were supplied with 300 Ford lorries, the 8th Light Armoured Motor Battery (armoured cars), and the 11th Cavalry Brigade. A mobile blocking force was assembled using divisional infantry in the lorries, the armoured cars, the cavalry brigade, and one of the divisional artillery batteries equipped with double the usual number of horses. This mobile force was then sent on a wide flanking march around Khan Baghdadi, and dug in behind the Ottoman positions. The remainder of the division then assaulted frontally in the normal fashion, and the Ottomans retreated from the town. They then ran unexpectedly into the blocking force, and their discipline quickly crumbled. The entire force of about 5000 men were taken prisoner. The mobile force was then dispatched further up the Euphrates in the direction the Ottomans had expected to retreat. 46 miles further upstream was the settlement of Ana. Here was the main Ottoman supply base, which was now captured along with some high-ranking German officers attached to the Ottoman Army. This was the last attack on the Euphrates Front. The diversion of transport to Dunsterforce during the summer resulted in the CinC of the Mesopotamian Theatre, Sir William Marshall, restricting advances to the Tigris Front only. When the armistice was declared on 1 November 1918, the 15th Indian Division were back downriver at Fallujah. Khan Baghdadi ハーン・バグダーディー

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    About this time the Ottoman Seventh Army formed a provisional cavalry regiment by combining the cavalry companies which had previously been attached to several infantry divisions; these were the 11th, 24th, 48th and 53rd Divisions. Designed to be a surprise raid by mounted troops, the movements of Shea's force in the difficult terrain and weather, had proved to be too slow and restricted and the element of surprise was lost. The attack did, however, force the recall of a German and Ottoman expedition to Tafileh; attempts to maintain a permanent garrison there, were abandoned. The strong incursion by Shea's and Chaytor's forces materially helped Feisal's force; the Ottoman 4th Army withdrew part of its garrison from Maan to help defend Amman just as Feisal began his attack there. These major troop movements; the recall of the Tafileh expedition and the partial withdrawal from Maan, helped strengthen the operations of Feisal's Arabs and the threat to the Ottoman lines of communication east of the Jordan, compelling the Ottoman army to make a permanent increase to their forces in this area. Large new Ottoman camps were established to support the growing lower Jordan defences which included a large garrison at Shunet Nimrin. These troops moved from Nablus by the Jenin railway and then by road down the Wady Fara to the Jisr ed Damieh, where the ford was replaced by a pontoon bridge. It remained an important line of communication between the 7th Army at Nablus in the west and the 4th Army in the eastern sector. For the first time since the Second Battle of Gaza in April 1917, the Egyptian Expeditionary Force had been defeated; both Shea and Chetwode had opposed the attack on Amman at that time of year, believing the attacking force to be too small. Nevertheless, a second unsuccessful assault by one infantry and two mounted divisions, into the hills of Moab to Es Salt followed just a few weeks later at the end of April. It has been suggested that these two unsuccessful operations convinced the Ottoman Army to expect more attacks to be made in the same area by the same troops, while the breakthrough attack in September 1918 occurred on the Mediterranean coast.

  • 訳してください

    Life appeared on Earth by the Archean Eon • 3.8 Ga rocks from Greenland provide the oldest chemical evidence of photosynthesis, thereby provide the oldest evidence of life on Earth このような英文があるのですが、 3.8~の訳し方がわかりません。 こちらの英文を訳してほしいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 訳してください

    Analysis of granite clasts can give a maximum (can be no older than) age for deposition of the conglomerate. このような文章があるのですが… 「花崗岩(granite)の砕屑物の分析は、塊状物(conglomerate)の堆積の年齢を最大まで示してくれる(年齢を上げることはできない)」 ということでしょうか? このgiveの訳し方がわかりません。 わかる方教えてほしいです。

  • 訳してください

    Geology 地質学の話です。 Numeric Age and Sedimentary Rocks という項目に – Example: you may date granite clasts within a conglomerate, but the age will be the date of when the granite formed, not when the conglomerate was deposited. Can still be useful: you may not know the exact age of the conglomerate but you do know that it must be younger than the age of the youngest clasts within it. このような文章がありました。 2段落目についての質問なのですが、「Conglomerate(石の名前)の性格の年齢を知ることはできないが、その中の最年少のクラストの年齢より若くなければならないことを知っています。」ということでしょうか? The youngestよりもyoungerというのはどういう意味でしょうか? mostがついていないから「最も…」という訳ではないのでしょうか? このthat it must be younger~からがわかりません。 わかる方教えてほしいです。

  • 英文についての質問(添削)

    私は〇〇授業で、NYのXX(会場の名前)での発表に参加しました。 授業ではもちろん、それ以外でも練習を重ね、XXでとても良いパフォーマンスができたと思います。 I participated recital in XX, NY of 〇〇 class. We practiced in class as well outside the class, I think that we got a very good performance in XX. こちらの英文でいいでしょうか? 添削をしてほしいです。よろしくお願いします。

  • 添削をお願いします

    As the economy became globalized and seeking for cheap (low) labor, factories moved from the United States to foreign countries such as Chine and Mexico, and Americans lost jobs. He insisted heavily on such a thing. 「経済がグローバル化し安い労働力を求めて、工場がアメリカから中国やメキシコなど外国に移り、アメリカ人が仕事を失った。そういうところを彼は大きく主張した。」 その前の文章が=「トランプ氏は、不法移民が米国の労働者の職を奪っているとして激しく非難。そして彼らにもっとも訴えたのは、アメリカに雇用を取り戻すということだった。」です。 >>最後の「そういうところを彼は大きく主張した。」は何度も言いすぎて少しくどいかな?とも思ったのですが、どうでしょうか? 文字数稼ぎに入れたので、ないほうがいいのであれば指摘していただければ嬉しいです。 こちらの英文の添削をお願いします。

    • wxw
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  • 英文の添削をお願いします。

    In the presidential election of 2016, one of the causes why white workers led Donald Trump to victory. Trump criticized severely that illegal immigrants as depriving US workers' jobs. And the most appealing to them was to regain employment in the United States. 「2016年の大統領選挙では、白人労働者層がトランプ氏を勝利に導いた原因の一つであろう。トランプ氏は、不法移民が米国の労働者の職を奪っているとして激しく非難した。そして彼らにもっとも訴えたのは、アメリカに雇用を取り戻すということだった。」 こちらの英文を添削してほしいです。 よろしくお願いします。

    • wxw
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  • 洋楽とリスニングは関係ないのですか?


  • 訳してください

    Part 1. When you decide whether something is right or wrong, to what extent are the following considerations relevant to your thinking? Please answer on a scale from Not At All Relevant (This consideration has nothing to do with my judgments of right and wrong) to Extremely Relevant (This is one of the most important factors when I judge right and wrong) Question 1: Whether or not someone showed a lack of loyalty. というアンケート?がありました。 そして、6つの選択肢(Not At All Relevant~ Extremely Relevant)の中から選ぶ、という感じです。 このQuestion1はどういう意味ですか? 「忠誠心の欠如を示したか」ということでしょうか? それに対して「関連性がある・ない」がよくわからないのですが…どういうことでしょうか?

  • 訳し方についての質問です

    "If you were making up the budget for the federal government this year, would you increase spending, decrease spending or keep spending the same for Social Security?" このような文章があったのですが、 「もし今年の連邦政府の予算を補充できていたら、社会保障のために支出を増やしたり、支出を減らしたり、支出を抑えたりするだろうか」ということでしょうか? つまり、連邦政府の予算が十分にあれば、社会保障のためにどれくらいお金を使えるか、ということですか?(増やしたり減らしたり) 私の解釈であっているかどうか確認してほしいです。

  • 添削をお願いします

    A lot of people who is college graduate people also supported the Republic Party in 2012, but in 2016 there are a few people supported the Democratic Party. However, it says that it has been replaced, it is not a big change because there is no difference between the Democratic Party and the Republic Party. 「大学卒業者も同様に、2012年ではRepublic partyを支持するものが多かったが、2016年ではDemocratic派の方が少し多い(Democratic を支持する人が多い)。しかし、入れ替わったと言っても、もともとdemocratic partyとrepublic partyに差がないため大幅な変更とは言えないだろう。」 ⇨(つまり2011年では、Democratic と Republic の差が51%対48%と、あまり差がない、ということです。) こちらの英文の添削をお願いします。

    • wxw
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  • 英語についての質問

    選挙に関する投票結果をデータ化したものがあるのですが、 その中でEducationという項目があり、大卒の投票率、高卒の投票率、などグラフがあります。 その中でsome collegeというのがあるのですが、これは大学中退者ということでしょうか? ・high school or less ・some college ・college graduate ・postgraduate という項目に分かれています。 このsome collegeの意味を教えてほしいです。

    • wxw
    • 回答数1
  • She sat reading.補語?

    She sat reading.(彼女は座って本を読んでいる) readingがが無くても(She sat.彼女は座っている)で意味が不完全では無い気がしますが、readingが補語なのはなぜですか?

    • noname#259238
    • 回答数2
  • She is not up yet.のupが副詞?

    She is not up yet.(彼女はまだ起きていない)のupが形容詞ではなく副詞なのはなぜですか?

    • noname#259238
    • 回答数3
  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    So, active shooter at a school, wait outside. Black kid with a cell phone in his own backyard, shoot on sight. Got it. Update- There are plenty of new phrases to describe certain aspects of society going around these days. One that comes to mind is "White privilege". Well, here's an example of what that really means. I personally believe that if this kid was white, he would probably still be alive. What do you think? Feel free to comment below.

    • tsf12
    • 回答数1
  • 英文の邦訳

    The most common such pill allowed existing shareholders to purchase additional shares in the firm at a significantly below-market rate should a takeover attempt occur without the approval of the board. 上記英文の特にshould以下の構文が分かりません。お分かりの方,邦訳願います。

    • jubu
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