• 締切済み


--- ほんとは横浜でショッピングしたりわたしの職場もあるから連れて行きたかったんだけど、雨だし今日少し寒いので妊婦のあなたは大変かな~と思ったの。 夕方すぎには雨弱まるか止むと思うからお寿司食べて、そのあと飲みにいこうか!! それとも、お寿司はあなた方だけで先に食べに行きますか? --- お手数お掛けしますが宜しくお願いします。 *飲みにいくというのは彼女の旦那様のリクエストで居酒屋に行きたいとのことだったので。


  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

In fact I really wanted to take you to Yokohama for shopping, where my office is, but I thought it might not be good for you a pregnant lady to walk in the rain and today it was a little cold, too. I think the rain will be eased in the evening, so why don't we eat sushi before going to the bar? Or will you go eat sushi by yourselves? 以上でいかがでしょうか。



遅くなりましたが ありがとうございました。 助かりました(^^)

  • 15925
  • ベストアンサー率0% (0/0)

Actually, I wanted to go shopping with you at Yokohama and wanted to take you to my office nearby. But I thought it's tough for you since you're pregnant, it's raining outside, and a little cold today. May be the rain will calm down or stop till the evening, so how about having some sushi tonight and after that go for a drink? Or would you like to go to sushi bar ahead of us?


To be frank, at first i planned some shopping in Yokohama and taking you to my office to show something. But decided to be postponed to the next time, as it was rainy and little bit cold, viewing risk as you are pregnant. How about going to sushi bar this evening, as rain would be weakened , and after that go to drink place ? Or You prefer go Sushi First with your Husband , and later I shall Join at drink place?
