Negativity on the Internet
How might the Internet affect candidates’ tendencies toward negativity?
Does the medium influence their decision about going negative?
These questions reflect an ongoing debate about whether behavior on new media matches or differs from that found in more traditional media.
The innovation hypothesis posits differences, suggesting that online campaigning is “more disengaged from typical offline patterns of electioneering” (Schweitzer, 2008, p. 450).
In contrast, the normalization hypothesis suggests that “political practice on the Internet . . . closely resemble[s] politics offline and that traditional factors affecting the distribution of political resources . . . shape the way that political actors use the Web” (Foot & Schneider).
Most extant work on negative campaigning, including our above theory, provides little insight into innovation versus normalization.
Indeed, it ignores media differences and implicitly assumes that candidates aim their strategies at voters in general (e.g., the median voter).
This may be a problematic assumption for candidate Web sites.
Engaged supporters visit candidates’ Web sites with much greater frequency than other voters, and as a result, may serve as the sites’ primary targets (e.g., Bimber & Davis).
This, in turn, might induce candidates to be more apt to go negative online since attacks are less likely to alienate supporters (compared to voters in general).
Moreover, online negativity may stimulate supporters to participate (e.g., Levin,Schneider, & Gaeth, 1998), volunteer (e.g., Hansen, 1985), and donate funds (e.g., Miller, Krosnick, Holbrook, & Lowe, 2007).
Trent and Friedenberg (2008) argue that “websites are not constructed primarily for undecided voters or voters who are strictly seeking information. . . . [Sites are designed to] influence a different set of decisions: whether to volunteer, whether to donate, whether to vote or stay at home” (Bimber & Davis).
Trent とFriedenberg は、”ウェブサイトは、もっぱら、決めかねる投票者もしくわ情報を厳密に探している有権者のために、建設されていない・・・・・異なる決心に影響を与える:つまりボランティアするのか、投票するのか、寄付するのか、家にいるのか”と主張している。
In line with this logic, numerous analysts predict that the likelihood of negativity will be higher online than in other media (i.e., television).
Some have even proclaimed that “attack politics has hit the Web in a major way” (Thornburg & White).
The different cost/ benefit calculations of going negative online also might mean that the determinants of online negativity differ from those found in other media.
The advantageous cost/benefit structure of online negativity might compel all sorts of candidates to go negative, regardless of their status and the competitiveness of the race.
For these reasons, then, we may see differences between the Web and other media such as television. We now turn to empirically examining if this is, in fact, the case.
引用:Timeless Strategy Meets New Medium