
  • 添削願いします。

    small state は全ての州に均等な人数の代表を選ぶことを望んでいた。 big stateは人口・規模に比例した数の代表を選ぶことを望んでいた。 *** Small states wanted to choose represetatives of equality numbers for all states. Big states wanted to choose a number of representatives proportional to the pupluation and scale. こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

    • wxw
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  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Imagine at the height of the cold war they developed a technology that enabled your spies to get information on your enemies without leaving their computers- could ruin or influence from thousands of miles away. Of course they are using this shit! Putin recognized how easy it is to weaponize social media. And did it first. It's going to take years to unravel this.

    • tsf12
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  • 白髪 シラガ と ハクハツ をドイツ語に

    シラガ と ハクハツ をドイツ語に訳し分けたいのです。 白髪(ハクハツ)の紳士と 白髪(シラガ)のおじさんは違いますね。 辞書を引けば、 どちらも das weisse (graue) Haar としか出ていませんね。 翻訳、あるいは時間が殆どない通訳で、ニュアンスを出すのは大変だなと思いました。 当座にはドイツ語を考えておりますが、英語やフランス語など他の言語についてお答えをいただいてもよいのです。よろしく。

  • ごく簡単な文章を英語にしてください。

    LINEスタンプを作ったのですが、申請するには英語のタイトルとスタンプの説明文が必要でした。以下のタイトルと説明文を英語にしたいのですが、どなたかお力を貸してください。 コーギー チョコちゃん コーギー犬、チョコちゃんのスタンプです。日常で使う言葉をスタンプにしました。

    • noname#245132
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  • to不定詞とingについて

    通常to不定詞をとるのに、否定のときはingをとるという用法があるのでしょうか? そのような使われ方があることを、今まで聞いたことがなかったのですが、 質問サイトの中でチラッと触れていたのを読み、気になったので質問してみました。 よろしくお願いします。

  • Don't try ~

    Don't try to eat that. Don't try eating that. どちちらの言い方も使われますか? どちらも使われる場合は、どのような意味の違いがありますか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 「~だわ」「~かしら」といった女性言葉

    最近テレビを見るのですが、 外国人(とくに欧米人)の女性がしゃべる字幕に、 「~だわ」「~かしら」「~の」「~よ」 といった女性言葉が多用されますが、 実際に使っている日本人女性をあまり見ません。 「~だわ」は一番聞きません。 まれに百貨店客の富裕マダムが使っているようですが・・ TVで使われる際も、鼻にかかったような? 落ち着いた感じのような吹き替えになり、 「そんな喋り方の日本人女性はいるのだろうか・・・」 という疑問をいつも持ってしまいます。 なぜこのような現象があるのでしょうか? 1.いわゆる洋画吹き替えの伝統だから 2.視聴者がそれに慣れているから 3.欧米人女性に対する精神的へだたり 4.日本語における敬語の存在 といったものを考えましたが・・・ 4.に関して、外国語は敬語が厳密ではないため、 非実用語として独立する「吹き替え女性語」が発生した。 という考えが浮かびました。 このあたり、研究されている大学教員などいそうですが・・・ なお、すみませんが「使ってる人いますよ?」という返答より、 「なぜ存在するのか」に関する考察を 私見で結構ですので頂けたら助かります。

  • よろしくお願いします

    (手のひらに書いてテストでカンニングをしてしまったという投稿に対して)You know that you didn't go into that test with malice in your heart and murder on your mind—and if you'd remembered to wash your hands before the exam, you probably wouldn't have even considered cheating your way to a better grade. But things being what they were, the opportunity presented itself, and in a moment of weakness, you messed up.http://community.sparknotes.com/2016/10/26/auntie-sparknotes-i-cant-forgive-myself-for-cheating things being what they wereの意味と文法的解説をよろしくお願いします

    • corta
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  • これどう聞こえます?

    下にアップした音声聞いてみてください。 He just launched a group that will seek to gather and publish evidence これが正解らしいんですが、私には何回聞いてもwillがwereにしか聞こえないんですけど、みなさんにはどう聞こえます? http://www.geocities.jp/nnaa66yy/kiroku2018/2voa.wav

    • ny36
    • 回答数3
  • cis gender

    I'm a working-class brown queer ciswoman in a predominantly rich white school. とあったのですが、cis genderとはいうのはつまりストレートという理解でいいでしょうか?queerとciswomanは矛盾しているように思えるのですが、どういうことなのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

    • corta
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  • 和訳 natural sentence order

    下記の和訳、どれの方が自然ですか? For decades all have failed to “indirectly” (formally) explain. 1. 何十年にもわたり、全員が「間接的」(正式)な説明を仕損じてきた。 2. 何十年にもわたり「間接的」(正式)に説明することを全員がし損じてきた。 3. ?

  • 和訳 verbal language

    和訳はあっているでしょうか?添削をお願いいたします(外国人です) ※ verbal language = written in verbal language (very informal language) The above paragraph is the actual present day legal procedure used in Japan for minor crimes in verbal language. 上記の段落は、口頭で書かれた軽犯罪用に現在日本で実際に用いられている法的手続きである。

  • 英語にしてください!

    下記の二つの質問をえいごにしてください! 1. 友人が他国で結婚式を挙げる際、飛行機代やホテル代は自分で払うべきだと思いますか、新郎新婦側が払うべきだと思いますか? 2. 貴方の国では他国で結婚式を挙げることは有名ですか?

  • 和訳 compel to violate

    和訳はあっているでしょうか?(外国人) Because Defendants used human suffering, by putting Plaintiff in a hardship for an illegal purpose of compelling Plaintiff to violate his right against self-incrimination. 何故なら、被告は、原告に与えられている自己負罪拒否権を、原告自ら侵害することを強要「する・させる」という違法な目的のために、原告に苦痛を強いたことによって、人間の苦しみを利用しているからである。

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I am 15, have ADHD, and am currently enrolled in an online school and taking a college course. My father is in the last stages of ALS, more commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. He has a tracheotomy and everything. A few months ago we moved to a new state because my father is dying and we want him to spend his last days with his family. I have been living with this for five years now. I don’t really have too many experiences making friends; I either get down shot, dropped, their parents get in the way, or they just don’t call. I have made a few online friends, but none IRL. It never really impacted me as much as one would think, but for the last few years I have been keeping to my thoughts a lot. I may also have a certain form of autism (HF) as well. I either get down shot, droppedとkeeping to my thoughtsはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

    • corta
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  • 英語の歌詞について

    Come unto Him all ye that labour, come unto Him that are heavy laden, and He will give you rest. Take His yoke upon you, and learn of Him, for He is meek and lowly of heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 疲れた者、重荷を負った者は、誰でも彼のもとに来なさ い。彼が休ませて下さるから。 彼の軛(くびき)を負い、彼に学びなさい。彼は柔和でへ りくだった方だから。そうすれば、あなたがたは魂の安ら ぎを得ことができるのだ。 というHandelの歌があるのですが、 簡単にまとめると「疲れたものなどが、彼の元へ行くと魂の安らぎを得ることができる」 というのを英文で言いたいのですが、 Some people who are tired go to him, they can get rest unto your soul. でいいでしょうか? これだと疲れたもの「など」ということが入っていないのですが、何か他の表現方法はありますか? こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。

  • ろくろ首という妖怪の名前の由来について


  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    Midday saw them in a stronger position until French artillery and machine guns opened fire on them, mistaking them for Germans, forcing them to retire to high ground west of Grandu. The remaining troops of the 36th Division were ordered to withdraw and reorganise. To give support to French troops now holding the front, they set off on a 24-kilometre (15 mi) march west. Around midday, they halted for a few hours rest near Avricourt. While there they received orders to head for a new line which would be formed between Bouchoir and Guerbigny. During the day, the Germans made a rapid advance and Allied troops and civilians with laden carts and wagons filled the roads south and west. The Germans passed through Libermont and over the Canal du Nord. Further north, the town of Nesle was captured, while south-west of Libermont German troops faced the French along the Noyon–Roye road. The 1/1st Herts having spent the night in Maricourt, "marched from MARICOURT to INSAUNE. The march was continued after breakfast across the River SOMME at CAPPY to CHUIGNOLLES, where the Bn reorganised and spent the night.”(25 March 1918) More orders were received at 3pm to move to Varesnes on the south bank of the River Oise but whilst en-route they were countermanded with surprise orders to counter attack and retake a village called Babouef. Therefore, the war worn Brigade who had been fighting and marching for four punishing days solid were about faced and moved off to the attack with an enthusiasm that is nothing short of incredible. By rights, the Brigade should have been incapable of the action yet those quoted as being there remark that it was the most memorable event of the entire rearguard action. At 5pm, with the Fusiliers on the right, the Bedfords on the left and the Northamptons in reserve, the Brigade formed up with the Babouef to Compeigne road on their right and the southern edge of the woods above Babouef to their left. The Germans had not expected a British counter attack, thinking there was nothing but ragged French units in their area, so were surprised at the arrival of three small but determined British battalions.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    In his diary entry for 24 March, Haig acknowledged important losses but derived comfort from the resilience of British rearguard actions, By night the Enemy had reached Le Transloy and Combles. North of Le Transloy our troops had hard fighting; the 31st, Guards, 3rd, 40th and 17th Divisions have all repulsed heavy attacks and held their ground." Late that night Haig (after first dining with General Byng when he urged Third Army to "hold on ... at all costs") travelled to Dury to meet the French commander-in-chief, General Pétain, at 23:00. Pétain was concerned that the British Fifth Army was beaten and that the "main" German offensive was about to be launched against French forces in Champagne. Pétain was under enormous pressure from his government to safeguard Paris, which was under long-range German artillery bombardment. On 24 March, he informed Haig that the French army was preparing to fall back towards Beauvais to protect Paris if the German advance continued. This would create a gap between the British and French armies and force the British to retreat towards the Channel Ports; Haig sent a telegram to the War Office to request an Allied conference. Day 5, 25 March British 60 pounder gun firing near La Boisselle on 25 March The movements of 25 March were extremely confused and reports from different battalions and divisions are often contradictory. An unidentified officer's account of his demoralising experiences that day is quoted in the British Official History, What remains in my memory of this day is the constant taking up of new positions, followed by constant orders to retire, terrible blocks on the roads, inability to find anyone anywhere; by exceeding good luck almost complete freedom from shelling, a complete absence of food of any kind except what could be picked up from abandoned dumps. The focus of fighting developed to the north of the 54th Brigade, who were now joined with the French and the survivors of the 18th Division, who could scarcely raise enough men to form a small Brigade. By 10:00 on the 25th, the left flank of 7th Bedfordshires was again exposed as the French around them retreated, so another retirement was ordered. They withdrew back to Mont Du Grandu further south and away from the British Fifth Army.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The fighting and retirements in the face of unceasing pressure by the 2nd Army led the right of the Third Army to give up ground as it tried to maintain contact with the left flank of Fifth Army. First Battle of Bapaume, 24–25 March Day 4, 24 Marc In the late evening of 24 March, after enduring unceasing shelling, Bapaume was evacuated and then occupied by German forces on the following day.[62] The British official historian, Brigadier-General Sir James E. Edmonds wrote, The whole of the Third Army had swung back, pivoting on its left, so that, although the VI and XVII Corps were little behind their positions of the 21st March, the right of V Corps had retired seventeen miles [27 km]. The new line, consisting partly of old trenches and partly shallow ones dug by the men themselves, started at Curlu on the Somme and ran past places well known in the battle of the Somme, the Bazentins and High Wood, and then extended due north to Arras. It was, for the most part, continuous, but broken and irregular in the centre where some parts were in advance of others; and there were actually many gaps...Further, the men of the right and centre corps..were almost exhausted owing to hunger and prolonged lack of sleep." After three days the infantry was exhausted and the advance bogged down, as it became increasingly difficult to move artillery and supplies over the Somme battlefield of 1916 and the wasteland of the 1917 German retreat to the Hindenburg Line. German troops had also examined abandoned British supply dumps which caused some despondency, when German troops found out that the Allies had plenty of food despite the U-boat campaign, with luxuries such as chocolate and even Champagne falling into their hands. Fresh British troops had been hurried into the region and were moved towards the vital rail centre of Amiens. The German breakthrough had occurred just to the north of the boundary between the French and British armies. The new focus of the German attack came close to splitting the British and French armies. As the British were forced further west, the need for French reinforcements became increasingly urgent.