- 英訳お願いします
随分と前に、海外へ引っ越した友達に手紙を英語で書いてみようと思ったのですが、 次の文の英訳がわからないです。 お願いします。 あなたはまだ、水泳を続けているのでしょうか? という文です。 Have you been continuing to smimming? かなと思ったのですが、違う気がしました。 軽い挨拶(お元気ですか?くらい)の表現くらいで使いたいです。 回答お願いします
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- Mk25254649
- 回答数1
- featureは主役?
This movie features Colin Firth. この映画はコリンファースが主役として出ているのか、出演しているがメインとして出演しているかはわからない。どちらの解釈でいいのでしょうか。 同じような例で、 This event features Japanese culture. このイベントは日本文化をメインに取り上げているのか、他の国の文化を取り上げているなかのひとつなのか。 いまひとつfeatureのニュアンスがつかめません。
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- ellylightenson
- 回答数1
- ネイティブは他動詞を見極められる?
discuss aboutは、他動詞だからだめですが ネイティブ英語話者は感覚的にこれは自動詞他動詞とわかるものなんですか? わかるとしたらdiscussのどういうところが他動詞だとわかるんですか?
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- ta2020crga
- 回答数5
- .以下のの英語表現について教えてください。連絡
1「彼に何度か電話したのに、連絡してくれません。 」 2「彼に何度か連絡したのに、彼に連絡が取れないんです。」 「ずっと連絡が取れていない(期間は特定しませんが一週間から1カ月ぐらいの感覚です)」という状況を表すのに完了形(現在形も入れていますが)を使用していますが、以下の用法は不自然な表現でしょうか? 1・I called him several times, but/ yet/though he hasn't been answering my calls. ・I called him several times, but/ yet/though ,he hasn't been answering me at all. ・I called several times ,but/ yet/though he hasn't called me back. 2・ I tried contacting/calling him several times, but/though/yet I haven't heard from him. ・ I tried contacting/calling him several times, but/though/yet I haven't been able to get hold of him. ・I called/contacted him several times but/though/yet I haven't been able to get hold of him. ・I called several times but/though/yet I can't get hold of him.(I can't get n touch with him at all.) また、他に良い訳例があれば教えて頂ければ幸いです。 宜しくお願い致します。
- この文を英訳をお願いたします。
この文の英訳をお願いしたいです。 私のアイテムの発送状況について 私のアイテムが出荷がキャンセルされた状態のままです。 発送はしてくれるのでしょうか? 海外で注文したところ追跡状態がキャンセル?状態のまま動かないので…
- なぜtheyか
I have been dating a person for a few years on and off. I also struggle with alcohol abuse. A few months ago, I had what I consider to be a rock-bottom moment: I showed up quite drunk to a dinner date with my partner and behaved awfully, then broke down and laid out a plan to get sober. The next day, I checked into a detox and have been sober since. That night, my partner told me they loved me, and after they left they told me they would see me soon. https://slate.com/human-interest/2018/04/dear-prudence-will-i-lose-my-job-offer-if-i-dont-pass-this-background-check.html なぜtheyとなっているのでしょうか?誰のことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- よろしくお願いします
(ルームメイトが酔ってcouchにおしっこをしてしまった、という文脈)I’ve washed the cover, but I’m not sure if it’s set into the cushions or not. https://slate.com/human-interest/2018/04/dear-prudence-will-i-lose-my-job-offer-if-i-dont-pass-this-background-check.html set into the cushionsはどのような意味でしょうか?あと、I’ve washedはなぜ現在完了なのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- 「おおまかに」の意味の「ざっくりと」の発信元は?
最近テレビなどでよく聞くようになった「ざっくりと」という言い方、「おおまかに」という意味で使われていますが、この言い方は以前には使われていなかったと思います。しかしこの言い方は国内のある大きな企業内だけで以前から使われていた言い方が一般に広がったのではないかと思っています。 たとえば「しんどい」などの表現はもともと関西で使われていて関東では使われていなかったのが広がってきてマスコミでも普通に使われるようになりましたが、これと同様な現象ではないかと考えています。 本当のところはどうなのでしょうか、みなさんのご意見を伺いたいと思います。
- ベストアンサー
- 日本語・現代文・国語
- 回答数11
- art commissions
I just accepted a great job offer. The only problem is that it’s contingent on a background check. I used to be a sex worker. I fudged on my resume by saying that I was a “freelance artist.” Now that the company is going to do a background check, I am very worried about what they will find. My job history is not inaccurate—I did do art commissions and other freelance projects while I danced— art commissionsとは何でしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- 英語 gear の意味 ギア ギヤ
できれば英語圏の方の意見をお聞きしたいのですが、 ヘッドギア、サムスンgear vrなどといった名称についているギアとは、どういった意味なのでしょうか? ググッたところ、歯車的なイメージしかなかったのですが、ヘッドギアもVRも歯車ついていません。 何卒宜しくお願いします。
- 英文を訳して下さい。
Major Shearer took over the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines for the wounded Berry. On 9 June, an enormous American and French barrage devastated Belleau Wood, turning the formerly attractive hunting preserve into a jungle of shattered trees. The Germans counter-fired into Lucy and Bouresches and reorganized their defenses inside Belleau Wood. In the morning of 10 June, Major Hughes' 1st Battalion, 6th Marines—together with elements of the 6th Machine Gun Battalion—attacked north into the wood. Although this attack initially seemed to be succeeding, it was also stopped by machine gun fire. The commander of the 6th Machine Gun Battalion—Major Cole—was mortally wounded. Captain Harlan Major—senior captain present with the battalion—took command. The Germans used great quantities of mustard gas. :page 17 Next, Wise's 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines was ordered to attack the woods from the west, while Hughes continued his advance from the south. At 04:00 on 11 June, Wise's men advanced through a thick morning mist towards Belleau Wood, supported by the 23rd and 77th companies of the 6th Machine Gun Battalion, and elements of the 2nd Battalion, 2nd Engineers and were cut to pieces by heavy fire. Platoons were isolated and destroyed by interlocked machine gun fire. It was discovered that the battalion had advanced in the wrong direction. Rather than moving northeast, they had moved directly across the wood's narrow waist. However, they smashed the German southern defensive lines. A German private, whose company had 30 men left out of 120, wrote "We have Americans opposite us who are terribly reckless fellows." Overall, the woods were attacked by the Marines a total of six times before they could successfully expel the Germans. They fought off parts of five divisions of Germans, often reduced to using only their bayonets or fists in hand-to-hand combat. On 26 June, the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, under command of Major Maurice E. Shearer, supported by two companies of the 4th Machine Gun Battalion and the 15th Company of the 6th Machine Gun Battalion, made an attack on Belleau Wood, which finally cleared that forest of Germans. On that day, Major Shearer submitted a report simply stating, "Woods now U.S. Marine Corps entirely", ending one of the bloodiest and most ferocious battles U.S. forces would fight in the war.United States forces suffered 9,777 casualties, included 1,811 killed. Many are buried in the nearby Aisne-Marne American Cemetery.
- 英文を日本語訳して下さい。
Also cited for advancing through enemy fire during the counter-attack was then-Marine Gunner Henry Hulbert who was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. The rest of the battalion now arrived and went into action. Turrill's flanks lay unprotected, and the Marines were rapidly exhausting their ammunition. By the afternoon, however, the Marines had captured Hill 142, at a cost of nine officers and most of the 325 men of the battalion. On the night of 4 June, the intelligence officer for the 6th Marines, Lieutenant William A. Eddy, and two men stole through German lines to gather information about German forces. They gathered valuable information showing the Germans were consolidating machine gun positions and bringing in artillery. While this activity indicated an attack was not immediately likely, their increasing strength was creating a base of attack that raised concern about breaking through to Paris. At 17:00 on 6 June, the 3rd Battalion 5th Marines (3/5)—commanded by Major Benjamin S. Berry, and the 3rd Battalion 6th Marines (3/6)—commanded by Major Berton W. Sibley, on their right—advanced from the west into Belleau Wood as part of the second phase of the Allied offensive. Again, the Marines had to advance through a waist-high wheat field into deadly machine gun fire. One of the most famous quotations in Marine Corps history came during the initial step-off for the battle when Gunnery Sergeant Dan Daly, a recipient of two Medals of Honor who had served in the Philippines, Santo Domingo, Haiti, Peking and Vera Cruz, prompted his men of the 73rd Machine Gun Company forward with the words: "Come on, you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?" The first waves of Marines—advancing in well-disciplined lines—were slaughtered; Major Berry was wounded in the forearm during the advance. On his right, the Marines of Major Sibley's 3/6 Battalion swept into the southern end of Belleau Wood and encountered heavy machine gun fire, sharpshooters and barbed wire. Marines and German infantrymen were soon engaged in heavy hand-to-hand fighting. The casualties sustained on this day were the highest in Marine Corps history up to that time. Some 31 officers and 1,056 men of the Marine brigade were casualties. However, the Marines now had a foothold in Belleau Wood. The battle was now deadlocked. At midnight on 7–8 June, a German attack was stopped cold and an American counter-attack in the morning of 8 June was similarly defeated. Sibley's battalion—having sustained nearly 400 casualties—was relieved by the 1st Battalion, 6th Marines.
- 日本語訳をお願いします。
After Marines were repeatedly urged to turn back by retreating French forces, Marine Captain Lloyd W. Williams of the 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines uttered the now-famous retort "Retreat? Hell, we just got here". Williams' battalion commander, Major Frederic Wise, later claimed to have said the famous words. On 4 June, Major General Bundy—commanding the 2nd Division—took command of the American sector of the front. Over the next two days, the Marines repelled the continuous German assaults. The 167th French Division arrived, giving Bundy a chance to consolidate his 2,000 yards (1,800 m) of front. Bundy's 3rd Brigade held the southern sector of the line, while the Marine brigade held the north of the line from Triangle Farm. At 03:45 on 6 June, the Allies launched an attack on the German forces, who were preparing their own strike. The French 167th Division attacked to the left of the American line, while the Marines attacked Hill 142 to prevent flanking fire against the French. As part of the second phase, the 2nd Division were to capture the ridge overlooking Torcy and Belleau Wood, as well as occupying Belleau Wood. However, the Marines failed to scout the woods. As a consequence, they missed a regiment of German infantry dug in, with a network of machine gun nests and artillery. At dawn, 1st Battalion, 5th Marines—commanded by Major Julius Turrill—was to attack Hill 142, but only two companies were in position. The Marines advanced in waves with bayonets fixed across an open wheat field that was swept with German machine gun and artillery fire, and many Marines were cut down. Captain Crowther commanding the 67th Company was killed almost immediately. Captain Hamilton and the 49th Company fought from wood to wood, fighting the entrenched Germans and overrunning their objective by 6 yards (5.5 m). At this point, Hamilton had lost all five junior officers, while the 67th had only one commissioned officer alive. Hamilton reorganized the two companies, establishing strong points and a defensive line. In the German counter-attack, then-Gunnery Sergeant Ernest A. Janson—who was serving under the name Charles Hoffman—repelled an advance of 12 German soldiers, killing two with his bayonet before the others fled; for this action he became the first Marine to receive the Medal of Honor in World War I.
- thatの解釈
次の文章の【 】部分がわかりません。thatが2回出てきているのですがどう解釈すればよいでしょうか。訳と解説をお願いします。 参考:Mysticism: A Guide for the Perplexed by Paul Oliver https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=X1QSBwAAQBAJ&pg=PA139&dq=%22+THAT+SOMETIMES+,+IF%22&hl=ja&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjY1u3uyuTaAhXEKpQKHeBFCwo4ChDoAQhUMAY#v=onepage&q=%22%20THAT%20SOMETIMES%20%2C%20IF%22&f=false Just as nature has found mechanisms to maintain a form of equilibrium, human beings are adapted by both their physiology and psychology to maintain a form of equilibrium. The various biochemical feedback mechanisms and control systems ensure that if one element of the body's physiology alters, other processes can often manage to adapt so that the overall condition of the body does not change. In other words, the body reacts to restore the natural equilibrium. Similarly, in the case of psychological difficulties the body is able to adapt. We are able to learn strategies to cope with problems, and not necessarily to overreact to them. 【We learn throughout life, that sometimes if we can manage to live with a difficult situation, and to give the circumstances time to change, that this is exactly what happens.】 Even seemingly very difficult situations will often gradually improve, given time. When we look back on an event which seemed extremely difficult at the time, it is often quite amazing that it has gradually improved, sometimes without any specific intervention. Of course, this does not always happen, but there are many occasions on which it does. In other words, as human beings, our lives and our relationships with other human beings are also in a type of dynamic equilibrium.
- 和訳をお願いします
何となくは分かるのですが、きちんとした意味までは掴めないので詳細教えていただきたいです。 Do you know something? My happiness in life lies in little things. When you found someone. Someone who you were willing to forgive for anything, who could make you laugh and smile all the way home, holding your hand even while driving. Whose face you could spend all day looking at without saying anything and still felt you never had enough of. whom you could run your fingers through his hair until he almost fell asleep. The sight of him first thing you woke up was most memorable. I know this relationship must end someday. It is not supposed to be in the first place. Your charm will kill me someday. Thank you for having come into my life. I wish for us to have more time together. I love to touch your hair. And to steal a glance at your eyes. I know I'll miss you for a long long time. I’m sorry to make you feel so sad. You’re the best thing that ever happended in my life. Thank you again and thank you for everything.
- relaxの使い方について
下記の文章に納得がいかないので、教えてください。 とある本文より⇒Blue is a color that seems to help people to relax. 訳⇒「青は、人々をリラックスさせるのに役立つと思われている色だ。」とあります。 これ、訳通りに行けば、Blue is a color that seems to help people get relaxed. 直訳すると「青は、人々がリラックスするのを助けると思われている色だ。」 となると思うのですが、relaxって「リラックスさせる」動詞で、to relaxならrelaxさせる方向にある と考えて、「人をリラックスさせる」となるのでしょうか? なんか納得がいかないので、教えてください。本が間違っているとも思えないし、自分がどこかに理解が足りないのだと思っています。どこなんだろう???
- この英文はどう訳せばよいのでしょうか?
こんばんは。 マンガ「蟲師」(作者:漆原友紀)の1巻目の「緑の座」で、 「――生来、緑や水、生命を呼ぶ体質とでもいうのか、そういうものを持つ人間が稀にいる」 という文があります。 これが英語版だと、 Nature... Greenery and water. You could call them the things that make up life. The humans who have made it their study... ...are few. となっています。 英文のThe humans who have made it their study are few.の部分が意味が分かりません。 英語から日本語にそのまま訳した場合、どのような意味になるのでしょうか?
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- redoria0111
- 回答数3