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Moreover, the lower risk was seen among men and women whose diabetes risk was already relatively low because of their weight and lifestyle habits -- namely, not smoking, eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise.
Even among study participants with at least three of those protective factors, moderate drinkers were 44 percent less likely than non-drinkers to develop type 2 diabetes.
The findings, reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, do not prove that drinking itself lowers diabetes risk. But they do suggest that the alcohol-diabetes connection is not explained away by other lifestyle factors.
"Our results indicate that this is very unlikely, because moderate drinkers with the most healthy lifestyle behaviors...had a lower chance of developing diabetes compared with subjects with these healthy lifestyle behaviors who did not drink," lead researcher Dr. Michel M. Joosten, of Wageningen University in the Netherlands, noted in an email to Reuters Health.
The findings are based on 35,625 adults who were between the ages of 20 and 70 and free of diabetes, heart disease and cancer at the outset.
Participants had their weight, height and waist and hip circumference measured and completed questionnaires on their health and lifestyle habits.
これらの研究協力者(at least three of those protective factors)の中でさえ, 節度ある愛飲家はおそらく,飲まない人より,よりタイプIIの糖尿病の発症44%が低い。
この発見は“the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition”誌(米国臨床栄養学会誌?)上で報告されたが, 飲むこと自身がより低い糖尿病のリスクを下げることは証明されていない。しかし,アルコールと糖尿病の関係は他のライフスタイルの因子により説明されていないことを彼らは強く示唆した。
“我々の結果は,これはとてもありそうも無いことを示す.とは言うものの,酒を飲まないこれらの健康的なライフスタイル習慣の被験者と比べて,非常に健康的なライフスタイル(の習慣)の節度ある愛飲家が糖尿病を発症する低い機会をもつ”とWageningen 大学(オランダ)の研究主任Michel M. Joosten 博士はe-メールで言及した。
(我々の結果は“とてもあり得そうもないことであるが,酒を飲まない健康的なライフスタイルの被験者と比べて,酒を飲むこと以外健康的なライフスタイルの節度ある愛飲家の方が,糖尿病を発症しにくい”とWageningen 大学(オランダ)の研究主任Michel M. Joosten 博士はe-メイルで言及した。)
(at least three of those protective factors)
not smoking, eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise.
fruchanさん ご回答ありがとうございます.
at least three of those protective factorsをどう訳したらいいか分からなかったので原文のままにしておきました. ありがとうございます.
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