• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英和翻訳 Unlawful Entry 不法侵入)

Unlawful Entry: Can the Police Enter Someone's Home Without Permission?

  • Can the police enter the entrance of someone's home without permission and refuse to leave after being told to leave without violating the person's right to be secure in their home?
  • This article examines whether the police can enter someone's home without permission and refuse to leave after being told to leave, without violating the person's right to be secure in their home.
  • The question at hand is whether the police can lawfully enter someone's home without permission and refuse to leave, thereby violating the person's right to be secure in their own home.


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

警察は、住居に侵入を受けることのない権利を侵害することなく、「質問 / 取り調べ」のみを行う意思のもと、許可なしに住居の入り口に入ったり、出るように言われた後もなお、出ることを拒否することができるか?



This is a super translation. I found this really hard.. The only thing I'm wondering about is 「質問 / 取り調べ」. I don't think 取り調べ would be correct because that has more of a police station interrogation feel to it. Or at least that's how I understand the word. Now if I delete 取り調べ and leave only 質問 isn't it strange? Don't I need 質問する or 問い合わせ or something like that?

その他の回答 (1)

  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)

日本語として不自然に感じられるところは思い切って意訳してみました。なるべく原文の意味を損ねることのないように配慮したつもりですが、いかがでしょうか。 >Can the police with the intent of making only an “inquiry” enter the entrance of someone's home without permission, or refuse to leave after being told to leave, without violating the person's right to be secure in their home? >「問い合わせ」だけをする意思を持って警察は、ある人の住居に侵入を受けることのない権利を侵害することなく、許可なしに住居の入り口に入り、出られように言われた後出ることを拒否することができるか? ⇒「問い合わせ」だけをする意図で警察がやってきて、許可なく住宅の玄関に入り、出ていくように言われた後もそれを拒否することは、住居の(不法)侵入を免れる権利を侵害することにはならないか? >The person's right to be secure in their home >= 住居に侵入を受けることのない権利 ⇒住居の(不法)侵入を免れる権利



Thanks - I found this translation really hard. I did because I'm trying to force all of the questions to start with the rights. For example: 警察は、◯◯権利を侵害することなく、… Needless to say that I extremely appreciate your reply however I think I'm going to go with cbm51901 reply because the grammar just by chance is what I'm looking for. I wish Japanese was easier :o/ thanks again!
