• ベストアンサー

英和翻訳 No Right to Counsel

正しい日本語に書き直すことをお願いします Can counsel be refused to attend interrogations, or the detention hearings without violating the suspect's right to counsel? 容疑者の弁護人依頼権を侵害することなく、弁護人が取調べおよび法廷聴聞に出席することを拒否することができるか? right to counsel = 弁護人依頼権


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)




I'm going to use your translation however I'm going to switch words... 法廷聴聞 for 勾留審理... I hope that will work thanks a lot

その他の回答 (1)

  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10004/12513)

>Can counsel be refused to attend interrogations, or the detention hearings without violating the suspect's right to counsel? >容疑者の弁護人依頼権を侵害することなく、弁護人が取調べおよび法廷聴聞に出席することを拒否することができるか? ⇒容疑者の弁護人依頼権を侵害することなく、弁護人が取調べや法廷聴聞に出席するのを拒否することができるか?/出席するのを差止められるか?



To be honest I can't tell which is better - I mean your translation and the other one here. This often happens and I feel really horrible because I'm supposed to pick the best answer... being a foreigner I really have NO clue - I simply don't know... and I always feel bad. I think your answers are always the best answers, and I appreciate every single one. In fact even when I don't select your answers I end up using parts of them. This happens all the time because I learn a lot just because of your reply. So understand that when I don't pick your answers - it means absolutely NOTHING... It means I simply don't have the ability to decide. And when that happens, to be fair I split it - one for you, one for someone else etc...