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Tampering with Evidence: Can Prosecutors Delete Testimony in Criminal Court?
- Can prosecutors and government staff alter a criminal court audio Record of Proceedings without violating article 104 of the criminal code?
- Tampering with evidence: the legality of deleting testimony and dialogue in a court audio record.
- Exploring the question of whether prosecutors can conceal evidence by tampering with a criminal court audio record.
- みんなの回答 (3)
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その他の回答 (2)
- Nakay702
- ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)
>Can a prosecutor and/or other government staff knowingly tamper with a criminal court audio Record of Proceedings which is to be used as evidence in court, by deleting testimony or dialogue to conceal it, without violating article 104 of the criminal code? >検察官および他の政府職員は、刑法第104条に反することなく、証言を隠すために*証言や対話を削除することにより、裁判所の証拠として使用される公判の録音体を意図的に改ざんすることができるか? ⇒検察官および他の政府職員は、刑法第104条に反することなく、証拠を隠すために*証言や対話を削除することにより、裁判所の証拠として使用される公判の録音体を意図的に改ざんすることができるか? *to conceal it のitはtestimony「証言」でなくevidence「証拠」を受けていると思います。ゆえに、お訳の「証言を隠すために」を「証拠を隠すために」に変えました。これ以外は、まったくお訳のままです。
I was going to reply yesterday but spent most of the day 'Christmas shopping' ... and by the time I got back I was too tired. Thanks for the translation. It's good however "it" in this sentence means both the testimony and evidence. It does because the testimony is the evidence to be submitted to court. testimony = the testimony on the recording (CD etc) which is the evidence
- 92128bwsd
- ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)
検察官および他の政府職員は、刑法第104条に反することなく、証言を隠すために証言や対話を削除することにより、裁判所の証拠として使用される公判の録音体を意図的に改ざんすることができるか? ⇒ looks perfect! Only a comment is that "government staff" may be interpreted to "国家公務員” or "公務員” rather than "政府職員".
I should have known this... well I did however it just didn't come to mind when writing the translation. I appreciate your reply - you always help me improve, thanks :o)
This is great, thanks!! I'm going use this however I'm going to change 政府職員 to 公務員