• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英和翻訳 a little difficult)

Can police or prosecutor refuse to document or release exculpatory evidence without violating suspect's rights?

  • Can the police or prosecutor refuse to document or release exculpatory evidence for a suspect's defense, without violating the suspect's right to present a defense?
  • Can the police or prosecutor refuse to document or release exculpatory evidence without violating the suspect's right to be presumed innocent?
  • Can the police or prosecutor refuse to document or release exculpatory evidence without violating the suspect's right to a fair trial?


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)




This is REALLY good however it doesn't keep the two sentences separate. I have 12 questions like this, so I want to (if possible) keep the grammar the same and hopefully make the two sentences separate... for example see how long this question is... if I don't make two sentences, it will be too long -------------- In a case that is not terrorism or a horrific crime, can the prosecutor request to extend a suspect's detention to do interrogations after the suspect has plead the right to remain silent, without violating the suspect's right not to be tortured? As well as, right to remain silent, right to present a defense, right to be presumed innocent, right to be treated with humanity and with respect, right to be free from false arrest, right to a speedy trial, and, right to a fair trial? Also if such an extension was made in such a case, would a guilty plea be considered voluntary? -------------

その他の回答 (5)

  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10004/12513)

警察(官)や検察官は、以下に示す3つの権利を侵害することなく、被告人が無罪弁明の証拠を文書化したり公開したりするのを拒否できるであろうか?  (1) 被告人の弁護提出権、(2) 被告人が無罪と推定される権利、(3) 被告人が公正な裁判を受ける権利。



Thanks a lot - presently I'm trying to re-write the English because it's too complicated. I think it's okay for this one question however I have 12 to write...

  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

Would it be possible to rephrase the passage given by you as below? -------------- In a case that is not terrorism or a horrific crime, can the prosecutor request to extend a suspect's detention to do interrogations after the suspect has pleaded the following rights, without violating such rights: the right to remain silent, the right not to be tortured, the right to present a defense, the right to be presumed innocent, the right to be treated with humanity and with respect, the right to be free from false arrest, the right to a speedy trial, and, the right to a fair trial? Also if such an extension was made, would a guilty plea be considered voluntary? ------------- If OK, then may be the following would work. 警察や検察官は、被告人に帰属する以下の権利を侵害することなく、被告の無罪弁明の証拠を文書化/書面化または公開/開示することを拒否することができるか?弁護提出権、無罪と推定される権利、および公正な裁判を受ける権利。



I like your comment - I say that because the way you just re-wrote it is how I wrote it originally (in English that is). That's very cool... however I changed it because it's so long that I worry the reader will miss the important question. I think I need to think about this some more... maybe have a cup of coffee..


コメント有り難うございました。 I do love the way you wrote it though! Nice. この一文本当にありがとうございました。 防衛については、質問者様の李里同然に致します。



You seem offended for some reason.... I don't see why you would be. How else is one to explain the meaning is different. I wasn't rude in anyway what so ever.


参考にして下さい。 Can the police or prosecutor refuse to document or release exculpatory evidence for a suspect's defense, without violating the suspect's right to present a defense? As well as, right to be presumed innocent, and, right to a fair trial? 容疑者の防衛を提示する権利を侵害することなく、警察や検察官が被疑者の防衛に関する文書を公表することを拒否することはできますか?同様に、無実と推定される権利、公正な裁判の権利はありますか? ※繋げても可能ですね。



This is really good however the meaning has changed... 防衛 would be as in self-defence and this is not about self defence but instead a legal defence. I do love the way you wrote it though! Nice

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)




This is good however it doesn't keep the two sentences separate. I have 12 questions like this, so I want to keep the grammar the same and hopefully make the two sentence separate... for example see how long this question is... if I don't make two sentences, it will be too long -------------- In a case that is not terrorism or a horrific crime, can the prosecutor request to extend a suspect's detention to do interrogations after the suspect has plead the right to remain silent, without violating the suspect's right not to be tortured? As well as, right to remain silent, right to present a defense, right to be presumed innocent, right to be treated with humanity and with respect, right to be free from false arrest, right to a speedy trial, and, right to a fair trial? Also if such an extension was made in such a case, would a guilty plea be considered voluntary? -------------