Kie wabinu, utsurou hito no, aki no iro ni,
mi wo kogarashi no, mori no shira tsuyu.
(消えわびぬ うつろふ人の 秋の色に 身をこがらしの 杜の白露)
:藤原定家 (新古今集 1205 A.D.)
One may give two almost entirely different translation of these lines.
The first, the more personal interpretation, might be, "Sadly I long for death.
My heart tormented to see how he, the inconstant one, is weary of me, I am weak as the forest dew."
Or, by using other meanings of the sounds,
"See how it melts away, that dew in the wind-swept forest, where the autumn colours are changing!"
【Neither of these translations is a full rendering, because in the poet's mind and words there is a constant shifting of the two sets of images, so that the dew which looks as if it soon must be melted away by the autumnal wind becomes one with the woman who has been abandoned by her bored lover, and who wonders what keeps her still alive.】
Neither of these translations is a full rendering・・・・これらの訳はどちらも十分な翻訳ではない
because in the poet's mind and words there is a constant shifting of the two sets of images,・・・・・
so that the dew which looks as if it soon must be melted away by the autumnal wind becomes one・・・・それはまるですぐに、秋らしい風によって次第に消えさせられるに違いない露は、ものになるように(so that)
with the woman who has been abandoned by her bored lover・・・・・飽き飽きした恋人によって身捨てられてしまった女性と一緒に
,and who wonders what keeps her still alive.
so that以下が難しいのですが、(so thatは目的の副詞節を導いて、"~となるように"という訳でしょうか?)
becomes oneのoneは"もの"ですか?
最後の部分のand who wonders のwhoは関係代名詞だと思うのですが、どこに掛かっているのかがよくわかりません。her bored loverでしょうか?
by her bored lover, who wonders でもいい感じがするのですが。(もしwhoがher bored loverに掛かっているのなら)
kaofuさん、ありがとうございました。きっとこの歌だと思います! この答えが知りたくて、「教えてgoo」デビューしたところです。こんなに早くすっきりできるなんて嬉しい。 ではでは。