- 英語「Made for make you.」か「M
英語「Made for make you.」か「Make for made you.」ってどういう意味ですか? 72時間ホンネテレビのエンディングで石田純一が言っていました。
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- gasshop2017
- 回答数2
- core knowledge languageとは
正確には最後にartsかartがつきます。 これは会社なのか、メソッドなのか説明できる方はおりませんか? 英語の教科書を出してるところみたいなんですが、これで調べてもウィキなど見つからず困ってます。
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- petitcoucou
- 回答数1
- 英和翻訳を訂正してくれますか?
日本語の文章を書き直すことはできますか?よろしくお願いします!! :o) The government consistently fails to implement reforms to meet ICCPR Articles 政府は一貫して、ICCPRの条項を満たすような改革を履行することを失敗している。
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- noname#229141
- 回答数2
- 英語にしてください!
英語にしてください! ・(靴の試着をしていた最中)ある時、椅子を見たら携帯がなくなっていることに気づいた。 ・店員に探してもらったものの見つからなかった。 ・数日後警察署に訪ねたものの(携帯が)届けられていなかった。 ・ずっと見つからないため親から新しい携帯を送ってもらい、今はそれを使用している。 これらの文を現在完了、過去形、過去進行、過去完了を使い文にしたいのですがどのようにすれば良いのでしょうか。ニュアンスが同じであればそれで構いません...教えて下さい!(文の順番は実際に起きた事の成り行き順です)
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- monomi_000
- 回答数1
- 複数の脚注 See also: はどなふう書くの
複数の脚注がある場合、どんなふうに「参照」を書けばいいですか? 例えばもし3つの引用があります。最初の引用を書いて、そして「参照」ですか? 英語では 「See also:」 は一般普通使われています 英語: 1 Quote 1990; See also: Quote 2001, Quote 2012. 日本語: 1 引用1990、または参照:引用2001、引用2012 「See also:」 は日本語の書き方はなんですか?
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- noname#229141
- 回答数4
- 英語にしてください!
英語にしてください! 過去進行形を使って文章を書くのですが 「靴の試着をしていたとき、私のiphoneは椅子の上に置いていました。」という文をwhileを使って書きたいのですがどのようにすればいいのでしょうか...、教えて下さい。
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- monomi_000
- 回答数2
- 英文についての質問です
I've changed things around in Google Sheets this week due to availability issues. At this point please do not sign up for more than one time slot per week unless you talk to me first. I'm limited on time and need to get to as many of you as possible. このようなメールが教授から届きました。 毎週Google Sheetsに空いている時間をサインアップして個人授業をしてもらっているのですが… 今週は時間が限られているから、事前に話をつけていた人以外(約束していた人以外)、一人一回だけ、という認識であっているでしょうか?
- 英和質問
下記の文章について、人権問題の他の言い方がありますか? human rights issues = 人権問題 ですが。。。 issues,は問題かもしれないが、その問題の前の意味もはっています。 「人権に関して」を考えているがそれは正しいかどうか分かりません。 下記の日本語を書き直してくれませんか? Japan believes that the culture, religion, history and traditions of each country must be taken into account when addressing human rights issues ↓ ↓ 「日本では、人権問題について扱う際には、各国の文化、宗教、歴史、伝統が考慮されるべきだと考えられている」
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- noname#229141
- 回答数3
- out going message
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- noname#229056
- 回答数2
- raring to go first thing
NHK実践ビジネス英語2017年12月号Lesson18(1)のSalmansさんの台詞からです。 People are bright, cheerful and raring to go first thing in the morning. raring to しきりに…したがっている この講座では初登場の”raring to do”だと思うのですが、Oxford Dictionaryで見ると1920年代に登場ですから、まあ、新顔の部類ですね。”rare”の現在分詞となっていますが、rareはadjectiveとなっています。 形容詞rareは、普通1.1の「まれな,珍しい,めったにない」として出てきます(除く、rare roast beef)が、raringになると積極的な意味になるのは、やはり、現在分詞をいう性格を表しているのでしょうか。 出典かと思われる文献を読んでいたら、次のような文が見つかりました。 the other raring to go first thing in the morning when you can barely mumble a coherent sentence [質問] パートナーが朝一番から元気を出している時に、多分、ベッドの中でぶつぶつ言っているのでしょうが、”can barely mumble a coherent sentence”の意味がよく分かりません。”can barely mumble”だと「ぶつぶつ文句さえ言えない」ということで、布団を頭から被っているということでしょうか?よく意味が分かりません。 [ご参考まで] Oxford Dictionaryより rare:1(of an event, situation, or condition) not occurring very often. ‘a rare genetic disorder’ with infinitive ‘it's rare to see a house so little altered’ 1.1 (of a thing) not found in large numbers and so of interest or value. ‘one of Britain's rarest birds, the honey buzzard’ 1.2 Unusually good or remarkable. ‘he plays with rare sensitivity’ raring:with infinitive Very enthusiastic and eager to do something. ‘she was raring to get back to her work’ ‘I'll be ready and raring to go’ Origin:1920s: present participle of rare, dialect variant of roar or rear [出典] https://books.google.co.jp/books?isbn=073821504X DIFFERENT SLEEP SCHEDULES. Night owls seem to marry early bird. You may find that you and your partner are on two totally different clocks, with one of you revving up just when the other is ready to head to bed and the other raring to go first thing in the morning when you can barely mumble a coherent sentence before 9:00 in the morning. ※OKWAVEより補足:テーマ「実践ビジネス英語」から投稿された質問です。
- どう訳せば良いでしょうか
I ended up understanding much more Japanese than I could speak, but many Japanese refuse to believe that foreigners can learn their language (even their English textbooks placed a huge emphasis on the uniqueness of Japanese culture), so people always seemed comfortable talking about me in front of me, assuming I couldn’t understand them (even when I would respond to what they were saying). It made for a lot of awkward situations, It made forはどう訳せば良いでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- よろしくお願いします
Tanegashima was far south enough that we had several hours warning, and in the end the wave had lost its force by the time it arrived. In southern Japan, the tsunami wasn’t a big deal at all. https://www.heartmybackpack.com/blog/life-teaching-living-japan/ Tanegashima was far south enough that we had several hours warningの訳をお願いします。あと、なぜwaveとtsunamiにはtheが付くのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- 翻訳をお願い致します。
CNN just floated the theory that Trump has not commented on Moore because he's afraid of getting dragged into a conversation about the 15 women that have accused him - I laughed out loud.
- 翻訳をお願い致します。
News dude just accidentally referred to Roy moore as the Scandidate- I guess that's short for scandalous candidate.
- is of history
Japan is a country that is of history, temples, beautiful scenery, modern skyscrapers, and technology combined with friendly locals, good food, and experiences that you can’t find anywhere else in the world. is of historyの意味と文法的解説をよろしくお願いします
- 英文を訳して下さい。
Soviets also sprang up throughout the area and, in time, organized an influential Regional Center at Tiflis using the loyalty of the Russian Armenians. Hakob Zavriev was instrumental in having Ozakom issue a decree about the administration of the occupied territories. This region was officially identified as "the land of Turkish Armenia" and transferred to a civilian rule under Zavriev, who oversaw districts Trebizon, Erzurum, Bitlis, and Van. Each of the districts under Administration for Western Armenia had their own Armenian governor, with Armenian civil officials. The position of the Caucasian Muslems was different though membership was drown from ethnically representatives of Duma deputies. In November 1917, the first government of the independent Transcaucasia was created in Tbilisi as the "Transcaucasian Commissariat (Sejm)" replaced "Transcaucasian Committee" following the Bolshevik seizure of power in St. Petersburg. It was headed by a Georgian Menshevik Nikolay Chkheidze. On December 5, 1917, this new "Transcaucasian Committee" given the endorsement to Armistice of Erzincan that was signed with the Ottoman command of Third Army. This was followed with what is known as Trabzon peace nogetions. On February 10, 1918, the Sejm gathered and made the decision to establish independence. On February 24, 1918, Sejm proclaimed Transcaucasia independent under Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic. Headed by the Georgian Social Democrat Evgeni Gegechkori, Transcaucasian Commissariat was anti-Bolshevik in its political goals and sought the separation of Transcaucasia from Bolshevik Russia. The committee ignored the Social Democratic hegemony in the region and provoked the Soviet to demand its abolition. The 1917 Canadian federal election (sometimes referred to as the khaki election) was held on December 17, 1917, to elect members of the Canadian House of Commons of the 13th Parliament of Canada. Described by historian Michael Bliss as the "most bitter election in Canadian history", it was fought mainly over the issue of conscription (see Conscription Crisis of 1917). The election resulted in Prime Minister Sir Robert Borden's Unionist government elected with a strong majority and the largest percentage of the popular vote for any party in Canadian history.
- 和訳をお願いします。
The status of the Transcaucasian Commissariat was unclear at the time: the Ottomans regarded it as an independent entity, a legal successor of the Russian Empire, while the Commissariat still considered itself a part of the Russian Republic. The Ottoman Empire was already party to the Brest-Litovsk armistice with Russia (15 December) that covered the Caucasian and Persian Fronts. After receiving a ceasefire proposal from Vehib Pasha, commander of the Ottoman Third Army, the Commissariat authorised the commander of the Russian Caucasus Front, General Przhevalski, to negotiate an armistice with his Ottoman opposite. The result was the Erzincan Armistice, after which the Russian troops began to withdraw, leaving the Transcaucasian Commissariat completely undefended. A supplement to the armistice was signed on the same day, demarcating the line of occupation between the two sides. On 12 February, Ottoman forces began advancing across the line in defiance of the armistice, having rejected the Transcaucasian Commissariat's authority to sign it and accused the Armenians of massacring Muslims behind the Ottoman line on 15–16 January. On 24 February the Brest-Litovsk armistice was broken by Germany and became of no effect. Both armistices were superseded by the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Russia, signed on 3 March 1918, and the Treaty of Batum with the successor states of the Transcaucasian Commissariat, signed 4 June. The Special Transcaucasian Committee (Russian: Особый Закавказский Комитет Osobyi Zakavkazskii Komitet (OZaKom, Ozakom or OZAKOM)) was established on March 9, 1917, with Member of the State Duma V. A. Kharlamov as Chairman, to replace the Imperial Viceroy Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich and with special instruction to establish civil administrations in areas occupied in the course of the war on the Caucasian front by the Russian Provisional Government in the Transcaucasia as the highest organ of civil administrative body. Commissars were appointed for the Terek and Kuban oblasts, and these as well as the Committee were to carry on relations with central government institutions through a Commissar for Caucasian Affairs in Petrograd attached to the Provisional Government.