- 打っ手切る(ぶったぎる)について!
「打っ手切る」の『手切る』について質問です。 「打っ」は意味を強める接頭語のようですが 後に続く「手切る」という言葉が謎なのです。 通常なら、「ぶっ倒す」「ぶっ千切る」のように「倒す」「千切る」という既存の動詞が後ろに繋がりますが、「手切る」については調べてもわかりません。 「手切る」の意味、語源、わかる方よろしくお願いします。
- 締切済み
- 日本語・現代文・国語
- norichika17
- 回答数5
- reciprocal
When filling out his new life insurance policy, Gary listed his elderly mother as his beneficiary. She is quite well off and doesn't need the money. I would be willing to share everything I own with him, but I guess it isn't reciprocal. it isn't reciprocalを簡単に訳すとどうなるでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- 以下の動画を英文にして頂ければ幸いです。ishi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z38YSxlc12k 08~36. 自分で聞き取れたのは、This is Juan from German television. May I have one.. two questions. One question, for a foreigner like me is very difficult to understand why Tokyo government wants to buy islands such far away from Tokyo. And second, you said that the Chinese sending fishing,, (?)l fishing boats to the islands (~) half way of a declaration of war. Well, are you afraid that this.. the Chinese see this as provocation and this could end up some kind of maritime war in? お手数をお掛けしますがよろしくお願いします。
- 和訳をお願いします。
Byng had commanded the Canadian Corps who took Vimy Ridge at the Battle of Arras (1917) and the Battle of Cambrai (1917) and Gough had commanded the Reserve Army (renamed the Fifth Army in October 1916), which had taken over part of the Somme battlefront in July 1916. The Fifth Army held the longest front of the BEF, with twelve divisions and three cavalry divisions, 1,650 guns, 119 tanks and 357 aircraft. An average British division in 1918 consisted of 11,800 men, 3,670 horses and mules, 48 artillery pieces, 36 mortars, 64 Vickers heavy machine guns, 144 Lewis light machine-guns, 770 carts and wagons, 360 motorcycles and bicycles, 14 trucks, cars and 21 motorised ambulances. In the Weekly Intelligence Summary of 10 March 1918, British intelligence predicted a German offensive in the Arras–St. Quentin area based on air reconnaissance photographs and the testimony of deserters; the prediction was reiterated in the next summary on 17 March. Allied aircraft had photographed German preparations, new supply roads had been constructed and shell craters had been turned into concealed trench mortar batteries. Heavily laden motorised and horse-drawn transports had been seen heading into St. Quentin from the east, and in the distance German officers were observed studying British lines. The British replied with nightly bombardments of the German front line, rear areas and possible assembly areas. A few days before the attack, two German deserters slipped through No Man's Land and surrendered to the 107th Brigade. They spoke of troops, batteries of artillery and trench mortars massing on the German front. They reported massed trench mortars directly in front of 36th Division lines for wire cutting and an artillery bombardment, lasting several hours, as a preliminary to an infantry assault. The war diary of the 9th (Service) Battalion, Royal Irish Fusiliers describes their activities from 18–20 March as being intensive training during the day, with specialist training in the evening. During the night of 20 March, troops of the 61st (2nd South Midland) Division conducted a raid on German positions and took more prisoners, who told them that the offensive would be launched the following morning.
- 訳をよろしくお願いします
My incredible husband of two years has a 4-year-old daughter with his ex-wife. I have actively helped raise "Christie" since she was barely a year. We haven't communicated with the mother since the time we took her to court for refusing visitation, but my husband and I have always provided for Christie in every way possible, above and beyond the court-ordered child support. We haven't communicated with the mother since the time we took her to court for refusing visitation, but my husband and I have always provided for Christie in every way possible, above and beyond the court-ordered child support.の訳をよろしくお願いします
- 次の英文を訳して下さい。
The main weight of attack was between Arras and a few kilometres south of St. Quentin, where the 18th Army had 27 divisions. Forty-four divisions were allocated to Operation Michael and called mobile divisions, which were brought up to full strength in manpower and equipment. Men over 35 years old were transferred, a machine-gun unit, air support and a communications unit were added to each division and the supply and medical branches were re-equipped but a chronic shortage of horses and fodder could not be remedied. Around the new year the mobile divisions were withdrawn for training according to Der Angriff im Stellungskriege und einige Verfügungen, die in den Erfahrungen über den Angriff ihren Niederschlag finden (The Offensive in Trench Warfare and Some Regulations that reflect Lessons Learned about the Offensive). Training emphasised rapid advance, the silencing of machine-guns and maintaining communication with the artillery, to ensure that infantry and the creeping barrage moved together. Infantry were issued with light machine-guns, mortars and rifle grenades and intensively trained. Thirty divisions were trained in the new tactics but had a lower scale of equipment than the elite divisions and the remainder were stripped of material to supply them, giving up most of their remaining draught animals. In the north, two German armies would attack either side of the Flesquières salient, created during the Battle of Cambrai. The 18th Army, transferred from the Eastern Front, planned its attack either side of St. Quentin, to divide the British and French armies. The two northern armies would then attack the British position around Arras, before advancing north-west to cut off the BEF in Flanders. In the south, it was intended to reach the Somme and then hold the line of the river against any French counter-attacks; the southern advance was extended to include an advance across the Somme. In the north, the Third Army (General Julian Byng), defended the area from Arras south to the Flesquières Salient. To the south, the Fifth Army held the line down to the junction with the French at Barisis.
- 日本語訳をお願い致します。
The Battle Zone was also usually organised in three defensive systems, front, intermediate and rear, connected by communication trenches and switch lines, with the defenders concentrated in centres of resistance rather than in continuous lines. About 36 of the 110 infantry and pioneer battalions of the Fifth Army held the Forward Zone. Artillery, trench mortars and machine-guns were also arranged in depth, in positions chosen to allow counter-battery fire, harassing fire on transport routes, fire on assembly trenches and to be able to fire barrages along the front of the British positions at the first sign of attack. Artillery positions were also chosen to offer cover and concealment, with alternative positions on the flanks and to the rear. About 2⁄3 of the artillery was in the Battle Zone, with a few guns further forward and some batteries were concealed and forbidden to fire before the German offensive began. The Germans chose to attack the sector around St. Quentin taken over by the British from February–April 1917, following the German withdrawal to the Hindenburg Line. Germany had begun construction of the Siegfried Stellung (Hindenburg Line) in September 1916, during the battle of the Somme. It stretched over 500 km (300 mi) from the Channel to the Moselle River and was built by Belgian and Russian prisoners of war. The strongest section was the salient at St. Quentin between Arras and Soissons. The line was 1.5 km (1 mi) deep with barbed wire in zig-zag lines of 15 m (50 ft), protecting three lines of trenches, interconnecting tunnels and strong points. In the rear were deep underground bunkers known as stollen (galleries) and artillery was hidden on reverse slopes. The Germans withdrew to this line in an operation codenamed Alberich over five weeks, during which time German High Command ordered a scorched earth policy. The ground abandoned in the retreat was laid waste, wells were poisoned, booby-traps laid and most towns and villages were destroyed. The attacking armies were spread along a 69-kilometre (43 mi) front between Arras, St. Quentin and La Fère. Ludendorff had assembled a force of 74 divisions, 6,600 guns, 3,500 mortars and 326 fighter aircraft, divided between the 17th Army (Otto von Below), 2nd Army (Georg von der Marwitz) of Heeresgruppe Kronprinz Rupprecht (Army Group Rupprecht of Bavaria) and the 18th Army (General Oskar von Hutier), part of Heeresgruppe Deutscher Kronprinz (Army Group German Crown Prince) and the 7th Army.
- 和訳をお願いします。
There were three phases to the bombardment: a brief fire on command and communications, then a destructive counter-battery bombardment and then bombardment of front-line positions. The deep bombardment aimed to knock out the opponent's ability to respond; it lasted only a few hours to retain surprise, before the infantry attacked behind a creeping barrage. Such artillery tactics had been made possible by the vast numbers of accurate heavy guns and large stocks of ammunition that Germany had deployed on the Western Front by 1918. An officer of the 51st (Highland) Division wrote, "The year 1917 ... closed in an atmosphere of depression. Most divisions on the Western front had been engaged continuously in offensive operations ... all were exhausted ... and weakened." The last German offensive on the Western Front, before the Cambrai Gegenschlag (counter-stroke) of December 1917, had been against the French at Verdun, giving the British commanders little experience in defence. The development of a deep defence system of zones and trench lines by the Germans during 1917, had led the British to adopt a similar system of defence in depth. This reduced the proportion of troops in the front line, which was lightly held by snipers, patrols and machine-gun posts and concentrated reserves and supply dumps to the rear, away from German artillery. British divisions arranged their nine infantry battalions in the forward and battle zones according to local conditions and the views of commanders; about 1⁄3 of the infantry battalions of the Fifth Army and a similar number in the Third Army held the forward zone. The Forward Zone was organised in three lines to a depth depending on the local terrain. The first two lines were not held continuously, particularly in the Fifth Army area, where they were in isolated outpost groups in front of an irregular line of supporting posts. The third line was a series of small redoubts for two or four platoons. Posts and redoubts were sited so that intervening ground could be swept by machine-gun and rifle-fire or from machine-guns adjacent to the redoubts. Defence of the Forward Zone depended on fire-power rather than large numbers of troops but in the Fifth Army area a lack of troops meant that the zone was too weak to be able to repulse a large attack.
- 英文を訳して下さい。
These positions were slowly improved by building the new three-zone system of defence in depth but much of the work was performed by infantry working-parties. Most of the redoubts in the battle zone were complete by March 1918 but the rear zone was still under construction. The BEF had been reorganised due to a lack of infantry replacements; divisions were reduced from twelve to nine battalions, on the model established by the German and French armies earlier in the war. It was laid down that the senior regular and first-line territorial battalions were to be retained, in preference to the higher-numbered second-line territorial and New Army battalions. Second-line territorial and New Army divisions were badly disrupted, having in some cases to disband half of their battalions, to make way for units transferred from regular or first-line territorial divisions. Battalions had an establishment of 1,000 men but some had fewer than 500 men, due to casualties and sickness during the winter. The German army trained using open-warfare tactics which had proved effective on the Eastern Front, particularly at the Battle of Riga in 1917. The Germans had developed Stormtroop (Stoßtruppen) units, elite infantry which used infiltration tactics, operating in small groups that advanced quickly by exploiting gaps and weak defences. Stoßtruppen by-passed heavily defended areas, which follow-up infantry units could deal with once they were isolated, and occupied territory rapidly to disrupt communication by attacking enemy headquarters, artillery units and supply depots in the rear. Each division transferred its best and fittest soldiers into storm units, from which several new divisions were formed. This process gave the German army an initial advantage in the attack but meant that the best troops would suffer disproportionate casualties, while the quality of the men in reserve declined. Developments in artillery tactics were also influential. Ludendorff was able to dispense with slow destructive and wire-cutting bombardments by using the large number of artillery pieces and mortars to fire "hurricane" bombardments concentrated on artillery and machine-gun positions, headquarters, telephone exchanges, railways and communication centres.
- 英語の意味
海外の方とラインをしています。 髪の毛を切りに行くと、つたない英語でラインしたところLet me see、とラインが来ました。 私は、勝手に、見てみたいという意味かな、と写真を送ったのですが返信がありません。 興味がなかったら良いのですが、本当は別の意味があって押し付けがましく写真をわざわざ送ってしまったのか、画像を受信するのにお金がかかってしまったのかとか色々心配です。 Let me seeとはどういう意味なのでしょうか?
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- kikikimaru
- 回答数3
- 「перо」が「ручка」になったのは、いつ頃?
昭和54年に刊行の第36版『ロシヤ語四週間』(和久利誓一:大学書林)では、、 ペンは「перо」と記されています。 最近の参考書等では、ペンは「ручка」という表記に なっているのですが…いつ頃「перо」が消滅して 「ручка」に変わったのでしょうか。 「ロシヤ」が「ロシア」と記されるようになったことも 含めて、お教えください。 ※[『ロシヤ語四週間』(和久利誓一:大学書林)は、 ソヴィエト崩壊後も改版されていないようですので、 『ロシア語四週間』は、まだ幻の存在ということになりますが] 何卒、宜しくお願い申し上げます。
- 英語
英語の質問です 下の文章どちらが正しいですか? 1) people from all walks of life 2) people from every walk of life よろしくお願いします
- 締切済み
- 英語
- aaa0123456789
- 回答数2
- 英語についての質問
Hey, don't they know what it means To live inside the moment Something to believe in With someone just like you これは正しく文をつなげると、 Don't they know what it means, to live inside the moment, something to believe in with someone just like you? という一文でしょうか? 以下、そうだと仮定して話を進めますが、もし違っていたら御指摘下さい 「live inside tha moment」という表現が分からない 今という瞬間に内向的に生きる、という意味でしょうか? それなら、 something to believe in with someone just like you?は? 「貴方達が、信じることのできる何か」と私は解釈しましたが、 意味をつなげると、「今という瞬間に、内向的に生きることの意味を、彼らはわかってないのか。貴方達が信じることのできる何か。」 文がつながらず支離滅裂になってしまいます。
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- noname#231606
- 回答数2
- 添削してください。
特に、2012年の12月にコネチカット州Newtownに住む20人の子供を殺害する事件は銃の規制に関する議論が大きく取り上げられた。 武器の入手を制限するため、オバマ政権による銃砲に関する国民議論が促進された。 多くの人がそれに支持したが、2013年に否決された。 米国は先進国の中で殺人率が最も高い国だ。 In particular, the case of killing 20 children living in Newtown, Connecticut in December 2012 highlighted discussions on gun control. In order to limit the availability of guns, the Obama administration promoted public debate on it. Many people supported it, but it was voted down in 2013. In the United States is the country with highest homicide rate among developed countries. こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。
- 添削してください
米ラスベガスで2017年10月1日、乱射事件があった。ラスベガス警察によると、少なくとも59人死亡。確認された負傷者は527人に増えた。被害者の多さで、近年の米国最悪の乱射事件となった。 米国での規制銃に関する議論は、民間人の武装勢力による殺人事件などによって次第に大きくなっていった。 There were a shooting incident in Las Vegas on October 1. According to Las Vegas police, at least 59 people were killed. The number of injured people is 527 people. Due to the number of victims, it was the worst shooting incident in the United States in recent years. Discussions on guns control in the United States gradually increased due to murder cases by civilian’s armed groups. こちらの上の英文を添削してほしです。 よろしくお願いします。
- 英語に直していただきたいです
SNSで、コメントをくれた外国人の方にお返事をしたいので、以下英語に直していただきたいです(;_;) (ヘアカラーを褒めてくださったのでそのことについてのお返事です) いつもコメントありがとう! このカラーはピンクブラウンといって、ブラウンにピンクを混ぜた色で、日本の女の子に人気の色です。 ほんのりピンクがかった、日本人の髪の毛に合う色です。 あなたはピンクのヘアカラーがすごく似合うだろうな! よろしくお願いいたします。
- ”ル”を漢字でかきたいのですが
上海帰りのリル の”リル”を漢字表現するとどういう字になるでしょう。 ”リル”の”ル”だけの漢字をあげてください。 瑠は画数が多いですから敬遠です。
- ベストアンサー
- 日本語・現代文・国語
- 莽翁寒岩 一笠一蓑一杖
- 回答数7
- throughの意味について
テストの範囲が Mineral through Volcanoes と示されていました。 mineralからvolcanoesまでがテスト範囲という意味だと思うのですが、 ここで使われているthroughは日本語でいうと「~から~まで」的な意味もあるのでしょうか? 例えば、別の英文で「ここからここまでやっといて」みたいなときにもthrough は使えますか?
- 英語についての質問
Naturally occurring (geologic process) • Produced in nature – i.e., geologically • Not from a factory – manufactured materials exits but, by definition, are synthetic (e.g., “synthetic diamonds”) という文章があったのですが、つまりここで言われているのは、 ダイヤモンド自体はmineral(鉱物)だが、合成ダイヤモンドはmineralではない、ということでしょうか?
- 英語での言い方について
今度Examがあるのですが、記述式の問題かどうかを聞きたいです。 で、電子辞書の持ち込みがOKかどうかを聞きたいのですが、 May I use an electric dictionary during the exam? By the way, is the exam descriptive? でいいでしょうか? 記述式かどうか聞いて、違うよと言われてから電子書籍の持ち込みがOKか聞くのはどうかな?と思ったので先に電子辞書から聞いて、その後記述式かどうか聞こうと思っています。 ここでは、Can I よりもMay I の方が適切ですよね? あと、上の英文で正しいかどうか見て欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。