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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文を訳して下さい。)

Defense System and Reorganization of the BEF in World War I

  • The new three-zone system of defence in depth improved the positions in World War I, with the help of infantry working-parties.
  • The British Expeditionary Force (BEF) reorganized its divisions due to a lack of infantry replacements, following the example of the German and French armies.
  • The German army employed Stormtroop units and open-warfare tactics, which proved effective in disrupting communication and exploiting weak defences.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>These positions were slowly improved by building the new three-zone system of defence in depth but much of the work was performed by infantry working-parties. Most of the redoubts in the battle zone were complete by March 1918 but the rear zone was still under construction. ⇒これらの陣地は、新しい3地帯防御システムを深奥に構築することによって徐々に改善されたが、多くの作業は歩兵作業班によって行われた。1918年3月までに戦闘地域の砦の大部分は完了したが、後衛部地帯はまだ建設中であった。 >The BEF had been reorganised due to a lack of infantry replacements; divisions were reduced from twelve to nine battalions, on the model established by the German and French armies earlier in the war. It was laid down that the senior regular and first-line territorial battalions were to be retained, in preference to the higher-numbered second-line territorial and New Army battalions. Second-line territorial and New Army divisions were badly disrupted, having in some cases to disband half of their battalions, to make way for units transferred from regular or first-line territorial divisions. ⇒BEFは、歩兵の交代不足のために再編成された。戦争初期にドイツ軍とフランス方面軍によって確立されたモデルでは、12個大隊から9個大隊に減らされた。高次数の第2戦線の領土および新しい方面軍の大隊に優先して、老練の正規軍や第1戦線領土大隊が維持されるべきであることが明示された。第2戦線の領土および新しい方面軍の大隊は、場合によっては大隊の半分を解散し、正規軍や第1戦線領土大隊から移籍する部隊のための道を拓くために分裂し、混乱した。 >Battalions had an establishment of 1,000 men but some had fewer than 500 men, due to casualties and sickness during the winter. The German army trained using open-warfare tactics which had proved effective on the Eastern Front, particularly at the Battle of Riga in 1917. The Germans had developed Stormtroop (Stoßtruppen) units, elite infantry which used infiltration tactics, operating in small groups that advanced quickly by exploiting gaps and weak defences. ⇒各大隊は1,000人の兵士を擁していたが、冬の間に死傷者や病気があったため、500人未満の隊もあった。ドイツ方面軍は、戦前の戦術、特に1917年の「リガの戦い」で有効だった戦闘戦術を使って訓練した。ドイツ軍は、侵攻戦術を駆使するエリート歩兵隊の突撃部隊を開発した。 >Stoßtruppen by-passed heavily defended areas, which follow-up infantry units could deal with once they were isolated, and occupied territory rapidly to disrupt communication by attacking enemy headquarters, artillery units and supply depots in the rear. Each division transferred its best and fittest soldiers into storm units, from which several new divisions were formed. This process gave the German army an initial advantage in the attack but meant that the best troops would suffer disproportionate casualties, while the quality of the men in reserve declined. ⇒厳重に防護された地域に迂回配備された突撃部隊は、歩兵部隊が後続随伴したので、たとえ孤立し、急遽領土を占拠された後でも、敵の本部、砲兵部隊、後方の補給拠点を攻撃して連絡を混乱させることができた。各師団は、最高特務班の兵士を突撃部隊に移したので、新しい師団が幾つか編成された。この処理法によってドイツ軍は攻撃初期の利点を得たが、予備軍の質は低下する一方、最良の軍隊が不当な死傷者を被ることを意味した。 >Developments in artillery tactics were also influential. Ludendorff was able to dispense with slow destructive and wire-cutting bombardments by using the large number of artillery pieces and mortars to fire "hurricane" bombardments concentrated on artillery and machine-gun positions, headquarters, telephone exchanges, railways and communication centres. ⇒砲兵戦術の発展も影響を与えた。ルーデンドルフは、大量の大砲や迫撃砲を使用して、砲兵隊、機関銃の陣置、本部、電話交換所、鉄道、通信センターに集中する「嵐の」砲撃を発射することにより、遅れて来る破壊的な鉄条網(通信線?)切断の爆撃を免れることができた。




