
  • 「はたらく」に関連した語源の単語はありますか


  • geht am シュトラン spazieren

    ドイツ語の音声聞き取りです。 参考画像は、女性が海岸のような場所を歩いている写真です。 Eine Frau geht am シュトラン spazieren と聞こえます。 正しい文章の推測がつく方がいらっしゃいましたら、ご助言いただけないでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。

    • noname#239538
    • 回答数1
  • なんとゆう漢字でしょうか。

    才封(てへんに「封」です) の読み方を教えてください。

    • noname#232779
    • 回答数3
  • 「改めて」と「あがる」

    日本語を勉強中の中国人です。「改めて」という日本語はビジネスメールでよく見かけますが、自分ではまだ使いこなせません。普通「また」の改まった表現として使われるのでしょうか。よく「また」にくっついて使うでしょうか。 「後日改めてご挨拶にあがります」の「あがる」は敬語表現でしょうか。もしそうでしたら、どの表現の敬語表現なのか、教えていただけないでしょうか。 また、質問文に不自然な日本語の表現がありましたら、それも教えていただければ幸いです。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • よろしくお願いします

    My brother-in-law asked that we all come around when possible on lunch hours, nights, and weekends to help keep her company. Our aunt made a schedule for people to stop by complete with bringing meals. stop by complete with bringing mealsの解説をよろしくお願いします

    • corta
    • 回答数3
  • 自然な書き言葉に直していただけませんか

    日本語を勉強中の中国人です。2ヶ月後のある東京での会議の航空券の件について、参加者全員に事前連絡しております。まとめて全員の航空券をとる予定です。6/27-7/1という会議時間は全員了解済みです。下記の文章を自然な書き言葉に直していただけませんか。 「航空券の予約についてですが、 行きは6/27(水)15:00まで東京着の便、 一部ゴルフご参加の方は7/1(日)18:00以降の帰りの便が望ましいとAさんに勧められました。 また日が近くなりましたら、皆さんの航空券予約についてのご希望を伺います。」 特に下記の3点についてお伺いします。 1、「行き」、「帰り」は一般的な言い方でしょうか。それとも「往路」、「復路」でしょうか。 2、「日が近くなりましたら」という言い方はあるでしょうか。 3、「Aさんに勧められました」という受け身をAさんに敬意を示す尊敬語の言い方にしたいのですが、どのように表現するのでしょうか。「Aさんにお勧めになられました」でしょうか。何だか変です。 また、質問文に不自然な日本語の表現がありましたら、それも教えていただければ幸いです。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • おいしい・まずい、これは〇〇だとか言えない。。。

    料理がおいしいとかマズイとか これは〇〇だとか全く感想が述べられません。 本やテレビや何か物事に関する出来事に関しても感想・反応が鈍いです どうすればよい感想を言えるようになりますかね?

  • 英語の質問です。

    the artist has succeeded in breaking you out of your usual routine. he has led you to interact with the world on a deeper leyel. ※ 訳が日本語にならないです。教えてください。

  • 英語の質問です。

    the next moment you are intenscly alert . your senses focused on what is right in front of your eyes . you might be thinking, what is a polar bear doing sitting here on the street? ※うまく訳せません教えてください。

  • 英語の質問です。

    this is what the artist is hoping for to bring art unexpectedly into your life in such a way as to attract your attention and change your behavior. の訳が上手くできません。 教えてください。

  • 私あてのトランプ大統領のメルマガ翻訳を希望します

    私あての、トランプ大統領のメルマガですが、文章が何を伝えているか教えてください。出来れば日本語に訳してください。 Don’t worry -- we’ll take care of getting you and a friend to Palm Beach and reserving your room... ...You just have to decide who to bring for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You are receiving this email at com Trump Make America Great Again Committee, 138 Conant Street, 2nd Floor, Beverly, MA 01915 We believe this is an important way to reach our grassroots supporters with the most up-to-date information regarding the efforts of the Trump Make America Great Again Committee and President Trump, and we’re glad you’re on our team. It’s because of grassroots supporters like you that we will Make America Great Again, and we appreciate your support. Thank you for all that you do!

    • nonmoon
    • 回答数2
  • 英語の訳し方の質問です。


  • 和訳の質問です。

    ピンクの部分が訳せません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • Yom HaShoah の日の終わり

    wikipedia ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yom_HaShoah )には、例えば 2018 date sunset, April 11 – nightfall, April 12 となっています。 sunset と nightfall にもそれぞれリンクがついています。 nightfall のリンク先は dusk です。 そこで確認ですが、Yom HaShoah の日の終わりは、特に厳密に時間は決まっておらず、大体 civil dusk 位までと考えればよいでしょうか?

  • 和訳 ruling on this motion

    和訳はあっているでしょうか?添削をお願いいたします(外国人です) A ruling on this motion is needed before the actual trial begins. 実際の裁判が始まる前にこの申立書を裁定する必要がある。

  • 英文を和訳して下さい。

    As the German offensive ended on the Marne in early July, more fighting took place around Villers-Bretonneux, as part of diversionary moves by the Australians in support of the Battle of Hamel. Corporal Walter Brown, of the 20th Australian Battalion, received the Victoria Cross for his actions. Later in the month, the 25th Battalion and 26th Battalion of the 7th Australian Brigade attacked around Monument Wood; for his actions during the assault and German counter-attack, Lieutenant Albert Borella of the 26th Battalion received the Victoria Cross. After the Anzac Day counter-attack, British and French commanders lavished praise upon the Australians. Brigadier-General George Grogan, a witness, later wrote that it was "perhaps the greatest individual feat of the war" for troops to attack at night, across unfamiliar ground, at short notice and with no artillery preparation. These factors had proved essential to the Australian success. Foch spoke of their "astonishing valiance [sic]..." and General Sir Henry Rawlinson attributed the safety of Amiens to the "...determination, tenacity and valour of the Australian Corps". After the battle, the worst examples of looting by AIF soldiers of the war occurred. In 2011, King wrote that one culprit was Barney Hines, the "Souvenir King" of the AIF, who was something of a celebrity. According to King, Hines raided a number of houses, looting alcohol and expensive clothes, with which he threw a party for his friends that ended abruptly when the Germans shelled the house, wounding Hines and several others. King wrote that the Australians shared rations with French civilians in the town. Due to the coincidence of the day in which the counter-attack occurred, the battle holds a significant place in Australian military history, nevertheless it was a combined Allied effort. The fighting around Villers-Bretonneux in April resulted in the following Allied casualties: the Australian brigades had taken 2,473 casualties, British casualties were 9,529 and French losses were c. 3,500. German losses were 8,000–10,400 men. In the 1930s an impressively towering memorial was established at the top of the Villers-Bretonneux Military Cemetery to honour the Australian soldiers who fell in France in the Great War. The cemetery is located between Villers-Bretonneux and Fouilloy on the hill (belonging to the latter but overlooking the former) from which the famous night attack was launched.

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    Artillery support was available but since German positions were unknown and to avoid alerting the Germans, there was no preparatory barrage to soften up the German positions. Instead the artillery would bombard the town for the hour once the attack began and then move its line of fire back beyond the line held by the Allies before the German attack. The attack took place on the night of 24/25 April, after a postponement from 8:00 p.m. Glasgow argued that it would still be light, with terrible consequences for his men and that the operation should start at 10:00 p.m. and "zero hour" was eventually set for 10:00 p.m. The operation began with German machine gun crews causing many Australian casualties. A number of charges against machine-gun posts helped the Australian advance; in particular, Lieutenant Clifford Sadlier of the 51st Battalion, was awarded the Victoria Cross, after attacking with hand-grenades. The two brigades swept around Villers-Bretonneux and the Germans retreated, for a while escaping the pocket along a railway cutting. The Australians eventually captured the German positions and pushed the German line back, leaving the German troops in Villers-Bretonneux surrounded. The British units attacked frontally and suffered many casualties. By 25 April, the town had been recaptured and handed back to the villagers. The battle was a great success for the Australian troops, who had defeated the German attempt to capture Amiens and recaptured Villers-Bretonneux while outnumbered; the village remained in Allied hands to the end of the war. Fighting continued in Villers-Bretonneux and the vicinity for months after the counter-attack. The Australians spent Anzac Day in hand-to-hand fighting and the town was not secured until 27 April. On 26 April a French Moroccan Division attack on Hangard Wood, south of the village, was a costly failure and on 3 May an attack by the Australian 12th Brigade towards Monument Wood south-east of Villers-Bretonneux failed, with the 48th Australian Battalion, losing over 150 men to the Jäger. The German offensive in the Australian sector ended in late April. As the Germans turned their attention to the French sectors in May and June, a lull occurred on the Somme, during which the Australians exploited their success at Villers-Bretonneux by conducting "peaceful penetration" operations, that slowly advanced the front eastwards.

  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    The British tank was next faced by two more A7Vs, supported by infantry; Mitchell's tank fired several ranging shots at the German tanks and they retreated. Mitchell's tank continued to attack the German infantry, firing case-shot. Seven of the new British Whippet medium tanks arrived, attacked the Germans, encountered some battalions "forming up in the open" and killed many infantry with their machine-guns and by running them down. Mitchell later remarked that when they returned their tracks were covered with blood. Only four of the seven Whippets came back, the rest were destroyed by artillery and five crew were killed. Being the last tank on the field and slow moving, the Mark IV became a target for German artillery and Mitchell ordered the tank back, manoeuvring to try to avoid the shells but a mortar round disabled the tracks. The crew left the tank, escaping to a British-held trench, much to the surprise of the troops in it. Leutnant Biltz and his crew boarded "Nixe" and withdrew. The tank was eventually broken up for spares in June 1918. Earlier in the day, another tank in the same group as Biltz, A7V No 506 "Mephisto", had fallen onto its side and been abandoned. The tank was recovered by Australian and British troops some three months later. Fourth Army counter-attack About noon the 1st Battalion of the Sherwood Foresters had attempted a counter-attack. The British 25th Brigade was considered for an attack but this was cancelled. A tank with troops from the 2nd Royal Berkshire made a spontaneous attack from the north, pushing the German line back about 150 yards (140 m). General Henry Rawlinson had responded even before he received orders from Marshal Ferdinand Foch to recapture the town. At 9:30 a.m. he ordered an immediate counter-attack by the Australian 13th Brigade under General Thomas William Glasgow and the 15th Brigade under General H. E. "Pompey" Elliott, both in reserve, though the 13th Brigade had suffered many casualties at Dernancourt nearby. Rawlinson intended an enveloping attack, the 15th Brigade attacking north of the town and the 13th Brigade attacking to the south. British troops would support and the 2nd Battalion, Northamptonshire Regiment and the 22nd Durham Light Infantry would follow through in the gap between the Australians and "mop up" the town, once it was isolated.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    German 2nd Army attack On 17/18 April, the Germans bombarded the area behind Villers-Bretonneux with mustard gas, causing 1,000 Australian casualties. On the evening of 23/24 April, an artillery barrage was fired, using mustard gas and high explosive rounds. Next morning, the Germans attacked the village with four divisions. The German infantry, with fourteen supporting tanks (one was unserviceable), broke through the 8th Division, making a 3-mile (4.8 km) wide gap in the Allied line. Villers-Bretonneux fell to the Germans and the railway junction of Amiens became vulnerable to capture. After the Germans took Villers-Bretonneux, the first engagement between opposing tanks took place. Three British Mark IV tanks from No. 1 Section, A Company, 1st Battalion, Tank Corps had been dispatched to the Cachy switch line, at the first reports of German advance and were to hold it against the Germans. One was a "male" (the No. 1 Tank of the section) armed with two 6-pounder guns and machine guns, under the command of Lieutenant Frank Mitchell. It was crewed by only four of the normal crew of eight, as the others had been gassed. The other tanks were "females" armed with 0.303 in (7.7 mm) machine-guns, for use against infantry. All were advancing when they encountered a German A7V, "Nixe" of Abteilung III Imperial German Tank Force, commanded by 2nd Lieutenant Wilhelm Biltz. Nixe fired on the two "females", damaging them to the extent that it left holes in the hull leaving the crew exposed. Both retreated; their machine guns were unable to penetrate the armour on the German tank. Mitchell's "male" Mark IV continued to fire at the A7V, while on the move to avoid German artillery fire and the gun of the German tank. The movement meant Mitchell's gunner had difficulty in aiming the 6-pounders. The tanks fired at each other on the move, until the Mark IV stopped to allow the gunner a clear shot and the gunner scored three hits (a total of six shell hits). Nixe heeled over on its side, possible as a result of crossing an incline at the wrong angle. The surviving German crew (out of 18 men), including Biltz, alighted from the vehicle and the British fired at them as they fled on foot, killing nine.

  • メッセージについて

    ある宿題のペーパーを友達に確認してもらおうと、チャットで約束しました。 で「今日時間ある?」と聞いたところ「7時でどう?」と返信がきました。 しかし、その友達も私に日本語のペーパーをチェックしてほしいと以前言っていました。なので 「今日って言ったけど、あなたが日本語のプレゼンのペーパーを書き終えたときでもいいよ。」と返信したいのですが。。。(7時でどうに対する返事も一緒に返します) I wrote today, but I'm fine when you finish to write your Japanese presentation paper. でいいでしょうか?