
  • Americaはアメリカ、それともエイメリカと発音

    一般にはAmericaはアメリカとカタカナ表記されるけれど、アメリカっぽい発音だとどうなるのでしょうか?  どうも日本人はローマ字から自由になれず、Aはア、iはイと発音しがちですけど、 アメリカ人は単語中でも、Aをエイ、iをアイと発音することをありますよね。 そうすると、Americaをエイメリカと発音するのもありかと思いまして。 業種がばれますが、半導体Semiconductorセミコンダクターを セマイコンダクターと発音するアメリカ人が多くて驚きました。 Semiセミのiをアイと発音して、Semiセマイとなるわけです。 Americaもひょっとして、と思いまして。

  • よろしくお願いします

    Matilda made a scene when the salesperson wouldn't serve her. : マチルダは店員のサービスが悪いので、大声で文句を言った。 wouldn'tはどのような役割でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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  • 会話に使える思考のひな型かんたんオススメは??

    (2))思考の「ひな型」をつくる どんなひな型にするかは自由で、自分に合った型を選びます。 例えば、「まずは現状分析、それから問題提起、自分の意見、その根拠」といったかたちがあります。 このひな型を意識できれば、自分に合った思考パターンでにできるので考えをまとめやすくなります。 http://www.kyumamorita.com/entry/kangaetutaeru 出来るだけ簡単でオススメの思考のひな型といえばどのようなものですか? 教えてくださいよろしくお願いします。

  • 日本である場所ヘ行くのに行き方や所要時間の調べ

    日本語を勉強中の中国人です。日本である場所へいくのにの行き方、所要時間など皆さんは普通どのように調べておられますか。特に町で道に迷うときに、googleマップとyahooマップでしょうか。 また、質問文に不自然な日本語の表現がありましたら、それも教えていただければ幸いです。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • Flugzeug:über fliegen

    ドイツへ向かう飛行機の話です。 Bei der Landung hat es ein kleines Problem gegeben und der Pilot ist zweimal über (ドイツの都市名) geflogen. ドイツの空港への着陸に二度失敗したということでしょうか。 それが、über fliegenで表現されているのでしょうか。 自信がありません。 よろしければ、ご助言お願いいたします。

    • noname#239538
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  • よろしくお願いします

    I used to work at a restaurant. I loved it but left when my dream job opened up. I used to visit there frequently to eat. I told an old co-worker, Mike, that I was selling my house, and he put in an offer, which I accepted. It seemed perfect, but things soured quickly. Mike called and texted me constantly about issues with the sale rather than talking to my realtor. Negotiations got heated and personal, and I told Mike not to contact me again. He turned icy. While I’m glad I stuck up for myself, I feel anxious about ever going back to the restaurant. It’s a small place with a small staff, so the odds of seeing Mike are high. I wish I was the kind of person who could flounce in and relish watching him serve me after being a jerk, but I’m leaning more toward investing in a good disguise. What else can I do that doesn’t involve spirit gum prosthetics? 1 stuck up for myselfはどう訳したら良いでしょうか? 2 I wish I was the kind of person who could flounce in and relish watching him serve me after being a jerk, but I’m leaning more toward investing in a good disguise. What else can I do that doesn’t involve spirit gum prosthetics?の和訳をよろしくお願いします よろしくお願いします

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  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    A third offensive launched in May against the French between Soissons and Reims, known as the Third Battle of the Aisne, saw the Germans reach the north bank of the Marne River at Château-Thierry, 95 kilometres (59 mi) from Paris, on 27 May. On 31 May, the 3rd Division held the German advance at Château-Thierry and the German advance turned right towards Vaux and Belleau Wood. On 1 June, Château-Thierry and Vaux fell, and German troops moved into Belleau Wood. The U.S. 2nd Division—which included a brigade of U.S. Marines—was brought up along the Paris-Metz highway. The 9th Infantry Regiment was placed between the highway and the Marne, while the 6th Marine Regiment was deployed to their left. The 5th Marine and 23rd Infantry regiments were placed in reserve. On the evening of 1 June, German forces punched a hole in the French lines to the left of the Marines' position. In response, the U.S. reserve—consisting of the 23rd Infantry Regiment, the 1st Battalion, 5th Marines, and an element of the 6th Machine Gun Battalion—conducted a forced march over 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) to plug the gap in the line, which they achieved by dawn. By the night of 2 June, the U.S. forces held a 20 kilometres (12 mi) front line north of the Paris-Metz Highway running through grain fields and scattered woods, from Triangle Farm west to Lucy and then north to Hill 142. The German line opposite ran from Vaux to Bouresches to Belleau. German commanders ordered an advance on Marigny and Lucy through Belleau Wood as part of a major offensive, in which other German troops would cross the Marne River. The commander of the Marine Brigade, Army General James Harbord, countermanding a French order to dig trenches further to the rear, ordered the Marines to "hold where they stand". With bayonets, the Marines dug shallow fighting positions from which they could fight from the prone position. In the afternoon of 3 June, German infantry attacked the Marine positions through the grain fields with bayonets fixed. The Marines waited until the Germans were within 100 yd (91 m) before opening deadly rifle fire which mowed down waves of German infantry and forced the survivors to retreat into the woods. Having suffered heavy casualties, the Germans dug in along a defensive line from Hill 204, just east of Vaux, to Le Thiolet on the Paris-Metz Highway and northward through Belleau Wood to Torcy.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    The Battle of Skra di Legen (Skora di Legen) was a two-day battle which took place at the Skra fortified position, located northeast of Mount Paiko, which is north-west of Thessaloniki, on May 29–30, 1918, on the Macedonian front of World War I. The battle was the first large-scale employment of Greek troops of the newly established Army of National Defence on the front, and resulted in the capture of the heavily fortified Bulgarian position. The Allied force comprised three Greek divisions of the National Defence Army Corps under Lieutenant General Emmanouil Zymvrakakis, plus one French brigade. The three Greek divisions included the Archipelago Division under Major General Dimitrios Ioannou, the Crete Division under Major General Panagiotis Spiliadis, and the Serres Division under Lieutenant Colonel Epameinondas Zymvrakakis. The 5th and 6th Regiments from the Archipelago Division were in the center, the 7th and 8th Regiments from the Crete Division were on the right flank and the 1st Regiment of the Serres Division was on the left flank.In the early morning of 29 May 1918, Greek artillery fired on Bulgarian positions in preparation for the next morning's assault. On 06.30, 30 May 1918, Allied forces captured Skra from the heavily outnumbered Bulgarians. Starting from the evening of the same day until May 31, the Bulgarian army launched several counterattacks on positions held by the Crete Division. All attacks were repelled, cementing the Allied victory. In the battle, 441 Allied soldiers were killed, 2,227 wounded and 164 missing in action. Bulgaria suffered 600 soldiers killed and 2045 taken prisoner. 32 machine guns and 12 artillery pieces were also captured. Skra di Legen スコラーデーリーゲン? ギリシャ語で読み不明です。 The Battle of Belleau Wood (1–26 June 1918) occurred during the German Spring Offensive in World War I, near the Marne River in France. The battle was fought between the U.S. 2nd (under the command of Major General Omar Bundy) and 3rd Divisions along with French and British forces against an assortment of German units including elements from the 237th, 10th, 197th, 87th, and 28th Divisions. The battle has become a key component of the lore of the United States Marine Corps.In March 1918, with nearly 50 additional divisions freed by the Russian surrender on the Eastern Front, the German Army launched a series of attacks on the Western Front, hoping to defeat the Allies before U.S. forces could be fully deployed. The Battle of Belleau Wood ベロー・ウッドの戦い

  • ベルリッツの英語マンツーマンの教材費

    今、英語会話教室の受講を検討しております マンツーマンに絞って色々調べているのですが、一つ ベルリッツの費用の中で、教材費について気になっています 勿論ベルリッツに直接問い合わせしますが、この部分は 人によって変わってくるのかな?とも思っています もし、皆さまの中で ベルリッツのマンツーマンのご経験のある方がいらっしゃれば その時の教材費とカリキュラムについておおまかな情報頂けると助かります

  • the week prior

    We flew Westjet Flight #1221 from Fort Lauderdale at 9:30pm (arriving in Toronto past midnight yesterday) with a toddler whose only flight experience was the week prior. the week priorはa week agoと同意でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    We are still wrapping our minds around what the future holds— https://faithit.com/toddler-gets-fedexed-500-miles-across-country-parents-cant-afford-private-plane/ 和訳をよろしくお願いします

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  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    In 1923, The American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) erected 25 battle monuments, including one in the village of Cantigny that was dedicated on August 9, 1937. At the unveiling of this monument, a speech was given (at the invitation of General John J. Pershing) by Col. Robert R. McCormick, who had commanded the 1st Battalion of the 5th Field Artillery Regiment at the battle. On one side of the memorial appears the inscription: ERECTED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO COMMEMORATE THE FIRST ATTACK BY AN AMERICAN DIVISION IN THE WORLD WAR. On another side of the memorial appears the inscription: THE FIRST DIVISION UNITED STATES ARMY OPERATING UNDER THE X FRENCH CORPS CAPTURED THE TOWN OF CANTIGNY ON MAY 28 1918 AND HELD IT AGAINST NUMEROUS COUNTERATTACKS. French translations of these inscriptions appear on the opposite sides of the monument. First Division A First Division Monument located along the road ½ mile southeast of Cantigny is one of five erected by the First Division itself in 1919. The names of the dead in the vicinity of Cantigny are engraved on the bronze plates. The monument is like a small concrete shaft, surmounted by a carved eagle of stone. McCormick In the center of Cantigny, a small monument was dedicated in 2005 by the McCormick Foundation to commemorate the participation of Colonel Robert R. McCormick in the historic 1st Battalion, 5th Field Artillery, the oldest American military unit on continuous active duty (dating back to the American Revolutionary War), then part of the First Division. In 1960, the McCormick Foundation opened the Cantigny War Memorial of the First Division, where materials from Chicago veterans were then collected. Black Lions On May 28, 2008, the 90th anniversary of the Battle of Cantigny, the McCormick Foundation and the Association of the 28th Infantry Regiment dedicated the statue "The Lion of Cantigny," an original bronze work by Stephen Spears depicting a doughboy of the regiment advancing through the village. The 28th Infantry was the assault regiment in the First Division's attack, the first major US battle of World War I. The regimental coat of arms is based on the lions in the heraldic arms of Picardy, where Cantigny is; the regiment's nickname is Black Lions.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    At 06:45 [H Hour], 28 May 1918, American Soldiers of the 28th Infantry Regiment left their jump-off trenches following an hour-long artillery preparation. Part of the preparation was counter-battery fire directed at German artillery positions. A rolling barrage, advancing 100 meters every two minutes, was calculated to give the attacking troops time to keep up with it. The 28th Infantry Regiment (Colonel Hansen Ely, commanding) plus two companies of the 18th Infantry, three machine-gun companies and a company of engineers (3,564 men), captured Cantigny from the German Eighteenth Army. The village was situated on high ground surrounded by woods, making it an ideal observation post for German artillery. Because the Americans did not have them in sufficient quantity, the French provided air cover, 368 heavy artillery pieces, trench mortars, tanks, and flamethrowers. The French Schneider tanks were from the French 5th Tank Battalion. Their primary purpose was to eliminate German machine gun positions. With this massive support, and advancing on schedule behind the creeping artillery barrage, the 28th Infantry took the village in 30 minutes. It then continued on to its final objective roughly a half kilometer beyond the village. The first German counterattack, a small attack at 08:30 against the extreme right of the new American position, was easily repulsed, but German artillery bombarded the 28th Infantry for most of the day. At 17:10 the first large-scale counterattack took place, and a company of the 1st Battalion of the 26th Infantry commanded by Major Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. was used to reinforce a weak spot in the American line. Another German counterattack at 18:40 was also repulsed by a combination of artillery and Infantry defensive fire. A series of counterattacks over the next two days were also defeated by both American regiments, and the position held. The Americans reduced the salient and expanded their front by approximately a mile. A minor success, its significance was overshadowed by the battle underway along the Aisne. The U.S. forces held their position with the loss of 1,603 casualties including 199 killed in action ; they captured 250 German prisoners. Matthew B. Juan, a Native American war hero, was killed during this battle. The American success at Cantigny assured the French that American divisions could be entrusted in the line against the German offensive to take Paris. The victory at Cantigny was followed by attacks at Château-Thierry and Belleau Wood in the first half of June.

  • かたわ、くるわ、みぎわ

    かたわ、くるわ、みぎわ の意味をそれぞれ教えてください。

  • 岩波書店に無視されました。

    以下の内容で広辞苑のお問い合わせ先に以下の二文を送信しましたが相手にされませんでした。 どうしたというのでしょうか? (その前、「輩出する」の語釈について意見していて、そちらはちゃんと返事が返ってきました。) 〈書く道具としての側面を意識するべきでしょう。たとえば「自身」を引けば「自分」という意味が出ます。今まで「自身」という言葉を知らかった全ての人にとってこれは「ああ、あの文章にあった自身とは自分という意味だったのだな」と、「読解する」分には有益な情報だと思います。しかしこのような語釈は「書く」上で「自身達」という表現の不正を許します。 同様の例として「時限」を「時間」と説明することによる「時限割」 「おかげ」や「おかげ様」を「恩恵」と説明することによる 「おかげ様により」など。 (ちなみに、恩恵により、は神学の訳文に普通に出てきます。) 単純に意味を解説する傾向は日本語を母語としない人がその意味からの類推で、こうした、意味的に正しく、語用上では不適切という表現を助長する可能性も0ではありません。 辞書は読解のための道具でありますが、表現のための資料の側面も事実上として存在します。 内省が効かない人にとっても安心して参考にすることが出来るような辞書であるべきではないでしょうか。〉 〈提示されている語義について 誤りと謳う表現を別の語釈や用例などの文章に用いてしまっている等の食い違いが見受けられますから、 語釈を直すなり、用例を吟味するなりということを、担当間の情報の連携をとることでこれを解決していくべきだと思います。 電子版の普及で辞書における検索機能が向上した分、そうした編集の粗が目立つようになりましたから、 編集側も同様に、すでに電子化されたデータとDBMSの技術を活用して 計数的に、効率的にデータ内の一貫性を精査、訂正し、その成果を従来の紙版の辞書に反映させればよいかと思います。〉

    • dorawii
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  • 漢字 胸の字を左右に分けて、下が月になる字は


  • 「~たいです」「~んです」の品詞について

    2件、品詞について質問させてください。 日本語の丁寧形の文尾には「です・ます」があり 「です」の多くは名詞文と形容詞(形容動詞)文の後に続くと思います。 また「ます」は動詞文に続くかと思います。 では「行きたいです」「したいです」など(「行く・する」は例です) 希望をのべる際の「~たい」は 品詞でいうと、どのような説明になるのでしょうか。 また「行くん(の)です」「するん(の)です」のように「行く・する」などの動詞に「ん(の)」を加えることで「です」を続けるこの形も、 品詞を用いて説明するとすれば、どのようになりますでしょうか。 ご存知のこ方がいらっしゃいましたら、 平易にご教授いただけますと大変助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

    • Rozsy
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  • 適切な言葉が見つかりません。

    いま ある事案について、弁護士に相談中なのですが、それを相手に伝えるのに、適切な言葉が見つかりません。  事案について、現在、弁護士と・・・? 事案について、策を練っていることをなんといえば良いのでしょう

  • Aber auch im Urlaub wolle

    電車が遅れている状況で、「休暇中だ。時間はあるよ」の後、 Aber auch im Urlaub wollen wir nicht unseren Anschlusszug verpassen. ここでnichtは何を否定しているのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。

    • noname#239538
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  • 英語で奥と後ろが同じbackというのは違和感があり

    英語で奥と後ろが同じbackというのは違和感があります。本当に両方ともbackでいいんですか? 奥の方にある鞄:a bag in the back です。 後ろの鞄:a bag in the bag です。??おかしくないですか? 自分が向いている方角の隠れたところにあるものをもっと奥といいます。もっと進んだ先の事を奥とも言いますよね? 一方、後ろにあるのはbackでいいでしょう。自分が向いている方角の真後ろなんだから。 でも自分から見て前にある奥という言葉をbackておかしくありませんか? 奥を英語変換すると単純にbackになります。 これは私の日本語の使い方なのか、 もっと進んだ先のところ とか英語でなんて言うんですか?そのまま英訳すれはよい? where it proceeds more とかですか?