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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語表記について:川の名前)
How to Write River Names in English
- When referring to a river name in English, there are a few different ways to write it, depending on the use of articles and capitalization. For example, the name 'Shinano River' can be written as 'the Shinano River', 'the Shinano river', 'the Shinano', 'the River of Shinano', 'Shinano River', 'Shinano river', 'the Shinanogawa River', 'the Shinanogawa river', 'Shinanogawa River', or 'the River of Shinanogawa'. These variations in capitalization and the use of articles can be seen for other river names as well.
- It is important to note that there is no strict rule for the capitalization and use of articles when writing river names in English. Different sources or individuals may have different preferences or conventions. If you are referring to a specific river that is commonly known by a certain name, it is best to use the most commonly accepted form of that name. If you are unsure, it may be helpful to consult reliable sources or style guides for guidance.
- In conclusion, when writing river names in English, there are various options for capitalization and the use of articles. It is best to use the form of the name that is most commonly accepted or widely used. If in doubt, consult reliable sources or style guides for guidance.
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
(1) the Shinano River ◎ アメリカ式 (2) the Shinano river X (3) the Shinano ◎ (4) the River of Shinano (5) Shinano River X (6) Shinano river X (7) the Shinanogawa River △ (8) the Shinanogawa river △ (9) Shinanogawa River X (10) the River of Shinanogawa X 上記にありませんがイギリス式では the River Shinanoです。(例 the River Themes) 大島をOshima Islandと言うとか、金閣寺をKinkakuji Templeみたいに言うのはしつこいですが、一種の親切な表現(日本人には親しみのある Kinkakuji, Oshimaであり、英語しかわからない人にはIsland, Templeで意味がとれる)です。ですから、信濃川という言い回しに親しみがあるとするなら、日本人のために the Shinanogawa Riverという表現もありということになります。しかし、私個人としては信濃川をthe Shinanogawa Riverと表記したくはありません。 以上、御参考になればと思います。
その他の回答 (1)
- princelilac
- ベストアンサー率24% (1626/6647)
(1) the Shinano River です。 10個も選択肢を挙げる間に、辞書で一発解決しますよ。