• 締切済み


(1)僕はこの三人だったら必ず上手く行く(と思いました) (2)当時ただの寄せ集めのトリオだと言っていた人たちを 必ず見返せると確信したのです とある芸人さんの言葉なのですが、どなたか英訳してもらえませんか? (1)と(2)、両方じゃなくてももちろん大丈夫です。 よろしくお願いします。


  • speglo
  • ベストアンサー率47% (167/353)

1.この3人だったらをやはり前にだして強調した方がいです。   With us three(または、With three of us, With these three members), I was confident that we would make it.  2. #1さん、ここでの「見返す」revenge ではないですよ。 寄せ集めを強調するため a bunch of を使います。    I was certain then that we would be able to vindicate (またはprove) ourselves to those who claimed that we were nothing more than a bunch of amateurs (またはnovices).

  • ID10T5
  • ベストアンサー率31% (732/2312)

(1) I had no doubt that we would make it with three of us. (2) At that time, there still were people looking down on us because we were just an acting trio but I was quite confident to let them pay due respect to us.

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

(1) I thought I could succeed with these three mates. (2) I just felt sure I could revenge the ones who used to say that we were mess.
