Japanese difficult fo' me too,and it's really interesting 'coz doesn't look like other languages ^_^
So study it,i'm sure if you'll want it you'll get it!
Sooo,it's normal in Russia xP
Aand it's so cool,snow in sunny March,Wooahh,now i envy u!Snow so obvious and so boring xD When u see it every day
Noo,i was here in spring\summer one time,it's sucks xD Too much mosquitos %_%
STOP!It's still spring now,so i'm here all spring X_X
Were're u in spring? :)
Maybe next letter with song?Pleeeease -.-
Sea U_U From my town to the sea so fucking much,just Arctic Sea near xD (Or smth cold i'm not strong in water-geography :])
I like pool too,but going not so often,i'm swim in the bath ^_^ lol
Me and my friends makin' rap babe xD Sure i'll send u our track if i'll make it to your next letter ^_^ I'll try <3
What music do You like?
J-Pop?j-Rock? ;P I know some Japenese music stars
I like sushi and tea(green,white and mint much much (=)
Alcohol?Ohh it's biggest Russia problem.Soo in some shops u can buy it if you're from 0 to 99 xD You can buy it everywhere,but our law say-DON'T GIVE DIS SHIT TO THEM IF THEY'RE NOT 18! Smth like that ^_^
I drink it :P Every kind of it X_X
***But i'm not an alcoholic*** xD We're drink it fo' fun
This letter so fucking boring :( Sorry,I PROMISE next will be with video,photos and mp3. =*
I'm live in Internet from one your letter to another <3