• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:作成した英文に誤りが無いかチェックお願いします。)

Japanese Perspective on Chinese Copyright Infringement

  • Japanese perspective on Chinese copyright infringement
  • Many Japanese feel disgusted at the piracy by Chinese
  • Chinese should rethink about piracy and copyright


  • ベストアンサー

以下は例文です。一応内容には即していると思いますが、ご自分の言葉で書き換えてみてください。 Just so you know, what >30 said was an extreme view and not shared by most Japanese people. However, many Japanese people do feel disgusted with Chinese piracy. I imagine people in many other countries feel the same way. On Nico-Nico Video, which itself is copyrighted, illegal videos are restricted to some extent. On the other hand, on this website or others like Youku, copyright is hardly enforced. For example, a great number of copyrighted animations are uploaded. I think Chinese people should take a good look at themselves and their piracy.



回答有難うございます。 …物凄く綺麗な例文ですね。 自分のが恥ずかしいです^^; これを自分が書き換えても汚くなるだけだと思うので、 ほぼそのまま利用させて頂く事にします。 本当に有難うございました。