There's things, times. Well, you don't know what to say. You know?
Mr Owens said, 'Mistress Owens and I spent our lives wishing that we had a child. I do not believe that we could have ever had a better young man than you, Bod.' He looked up at his son with pride.
Bod said, 'Well, yes, thank you, but...' He turned to his mother, certain he could get her to tell him what was happening, but she was no longer there. 'Where did she go?'
'Oh. Yes.' Mr Owens seemed ill at ease. 'Ah, you know Betsy. There's things, times. Well, you don't know what to say. You know?'
'No,' said Bod.
上の文中のThere's things, times. Well, you don't know what to say. You know?を翻訳してください.
Mr Owens: Bodを養子にした幽霊.
Mistress Owens: Mr Owensの妻
Bod: よちよち歩きの赤ん坊の頃にOwens夫妻に拾われた男の子.現在15歳.