文と文の関係を考える 置き換え、具体化 対比
Ivy League Versus State Universities
[1] State-run puclic universities in the United States have tradionally had one powerful weapon in the battle to attract talented students : thier relative cheapness. Over the last decade, this has become less signnificant.Ivy League schools ----the elite private universities on the East Coast--- have been competing to entice more students from middel-and low-income backgrounds. A dramatic point in this struggle was reached in December 2007, when Harvard university announced that all admitted students from families with incomes up to $180.000 per year would be charged at most just one0tenth of that income, rather than the universtity's normal fees. The result was that for some students, it became much cheapers to attend Harvard than thier locals state university.
[2]Many analysts claim the changes have been motivated by( growing political pressure). Ivy League schools have been desperrate to shake off the perception they are more interested in their bank blanaces than the academis recoreds of applicants. For some time, some members of Congress have been grumbling about Ivy League schools' regurar increases in fees, despite thier vast endowments----funds donated to them by alumni and others. Utilizing these funds to create tuition assistace programs for the benefit of students from middle-and low-income families may well be the best way to fend off increasing critism.
[3] Whatever the motive, surely these efforts to help students with less money are a good thing? Not necessarily.
質問ですが、なぜ第2段落に、growing political pressure という言葉で文意が通るのでしょうか?the need to pretect investimentsでは、なぜ文意が通らないのでしょうか?根拠は、「議会の何人かは、ivy League school の普通の授業料増加にについてギャンブルをしてきている」「多くの寄付がされてるのに」 「こういった基金を利用するにも、これからは、学生のために(低所得者の学生のために) 増えている批判をfend off しようとする最善の方法をとるだろう」といっているからです。だったら、「investimentを守る必要性」があるから」と考えると、筋が通ると思ったのですが。なぜ、間違いなのですか?
迅速に回答して頂き、ありがとうございました。 非常によく分かりました。また、機会がありましたら よろしくお願いします。