The fragrance of the trees evokes hometown. I come back hometown once a year.
There are some differences between hometown I used to live in and the city I live
in now, for example, population, air, scene, and so on. There is something the most
different between the two. It is the fragrance.
Fragrance is closely connected with memory. This fact was discovered in the past.
It is called "Involuntary memory". It is a conception of human memory in which cues
encountered in life evoke recollections of the past without conscious effort.
Involuntary memory is a concept made famous by the writer Marcel Proust in his novel
"In Serch of Lost Time", although the idea was also developed in his earlier writings.
In this connection, It is called " Proust effect", too. For example, when you feel
the fragrance of a detergent, you probably remember that you had a good time with your
Even if I live separated from my hometown, when I feel the fragrance of the trees
from my desk or my pencil around me, the fragrance calls up the memory of hometown.
I enjoy my reminiscences of childhood. There are many memories. The impression I got
from that occasion remains vivid. Tears come to my eyes when I think of those days.
I neglected my studies and spends my time having fun. The scent of the trees wafted
itself around the playground every day.
By the way, in the city, is there no scent which recalls past life? Of course, I
can feel much fragrance there. However, the fragrance in the city, for instance,
exhaust gas or concrete, don't make a vivid impression on me. The fragrance in the
country seems to be more deeply impressed on me rather than that in the city.
Furthermore, in my opinion, The fragrance in hometown is the scent which I sniffed
in childhood. In short,that is the first experience. So this scense seemes to be
deeply engraved on my mind for a long time.
Thus, the fragrance of the trees evokes my life in childhood. It is very happy
to remember the memories in hometown. Recently,however, the trees are leveled to
make way for the land development in hometown. So when I came back to hometown before,
the scent of the trees is almost disappeared. And playground changed into a residential
area five years ago. Mountains which I would often climb in summer vacation are likely
to be destroyed to build a golf course. "What fragrance evoke your hometown ?" Maybe
you don't know how to reply when asked something like that out of the blue. I think
it is natural. But someone who is alive 100 years later may answer like this.
"The fragrance of the concrete and plastic"
ありがとうございます。 私の質問がわかりにくいようだったので もう一度、質問し直してみるように してみます。すいませんでした。