- ベストアンサー
How to Correct English Sentences and Write Emails?
- When writing in English, it's important to create correct and understandable sentences. If you're looking for tips on how to improve your sentence structure and clarity, especially in emails, this is the answer for you.
- They are heavily criticized in the US for their music and dance. The sound closely resembles '123' and their dance is always random. However, they seem to be enjoying it despite the criticism. The composer 'ACB' also seems to intentionally create their music to entertain the audience, similar to a guessing game.
- There is a day once a year where everyone gathers and each person chooses a theme. On this day, they wear the most unique and crazy outfit from their wardrobe. They even participate in interviews dressed in their chosen outfit.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
はじめまして。 わかる範囲で直してみましたので、よろしければ参考になさってください。 1.音が『123』に似ている The sound resembles "123" closely. →It sounds like "123". 2.ダンスはいつも適当 The dance is always about. →Their dance is always strange. しかし、彼女たちはそれを承知で楽しんでやってるようです。 However, they seem to be enjoying it by the agreement. →However,they seem to enjoy it though they know that. 作曲者「ACB」も曲当てクイズのように、ウケを狙って つくっているようです。 It seems to make it like the quiz to which those "ACB" who compose also apply the tune aiming at receiving. →The composer,"ACB" sesms to make it to amuse everyone like a quiz to guess the tunes. 1年に1度みんなで集まる日 Day when it gathers once a year all →The day when they all meet once a year 各々がテーマを決めて「自分の持ってる服の中で、一番オカシな服を着て来る」日だそうです。 Of each decides the theme. The day of putting on the strangest clothes in clothes that I have. →It's the day when each of them comes in the strangest clothes of all clothes they have along their own theme. そのままの格好でインタビューを受ける。 The interview is received in the shape. →They are interviewed in it. 男の子ぽい。本当はとても内気。 アメリカで言うとLAのコンプトン出身のような人。 コンサートでは盛り上げ役。 Boy dumping. It is very shy in reality. It's compton coming from of L.A. when saying in the USA. It's a piling post in the concert. →She is boyish,but she is very shy in fact. She is like a people said to have came from Compton in L.A.in the U.S.A. She supports everyone at the concerts. ユニークでお嬢様育ち。温厚。 頭がいい。 It was unique and Signorina. Gentleness. It's smart. →She is unique , well-bred and gentle. She is smart. 元の日本語の文があいまいな部分は、こちらで勝手に解釈していますので、元の文を書いた方の意図からズレているかもいれません。 ナチュラルな文かどうかはわかりませんが、少なくともこれでだいたいの意味は通じると思います。
わたくしの意味不明な文を見て下さいまして ありがとうございます。 いやぁ,,,,お恥ずかしいぐらい自分の書いた 文治してもらうと随分スマートになってるのが わかりました。She is boyish,ほんとう、これで、 通じますもんね。 でも書かれてはっと気がついちゃうんですよね。 なんか自分が訳してるのが お恥ずかしくなってしまいました。 とても勉強になりました。 ありがとうございます。
It sounds like "XXX". 似てると言うのはsoundsが前に来るとlikeも似てると言う 表現になるのですか? そういえば、likeが似てるに使われるの見たような...