
  • 「雪女」の西語訳が読めるサイトを教えてください

    小泉八雲(=ラフカディオハーン・)の「雪女」の スペイン語訳が読めるサイトを教えてください。 [以前、私がゲットした「怪談」のスペイン語訳版には、 有ろうことか「雪女」の掲載がなく、通販で 買ったことをか後悔したのですが…「怪談」の スペイン語訳版で「雪女」の掲載がある本の販売が為されて いれば、こちらの出版社やタイトル等も、 お教えくださいませんでしょうか] 何卒、宜しくお願い申し上げます。

  • よろしくお願いします

    While out of town with my boyfriend, we went to the breakfast buffet at our hotel. We were the only ones in the room of the help-yourself-style breakfast. They were out of cream cheese at the time and I found myself disappointed. Trying to be helpful, my boyfriend went into fixer mode and helped me look around the room to see if I’d missed it or if we could find a stash to replenish the supply, which included him quickly checking in what I’d assumed to be an unlocked closet/storage area. went into fixer modeはどのような意味でしょうか?あと、if we could find a stash to replenish the supply, which included him quickly checking in what I’d assumed to be an unlocked closet/storage area.の和訳もお願いします。よろしくお願いします

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  • 和訳 First Choice

    第一希望:訴訟を続けて、裁判所で証言する。 First Choice: Continue with the lawsuit, and testify at court. I filed a lawsuit on March 2 , 2018 against the Ministry of Justice. The Judge could have rejected the claims at the most recent court date in May but didn’t. The Judge instead determined that the claims were important enough to order the Ministry’s representative to reply to all 12 claims. Great importance should be placed on the Judge’s order, and a visa should be granted to attend court to testify. 私は法務省に対して2018年3月2日に訴訟を起こした。裁判官は、5月の直近の裁判日で請求の原因を却下することはできるが、そうしなかった。裁判官は、代わりに、その請求の原因が、12のすべての請求の原因に回答するように法務省の代理人に命じるのに十分重要であると判断した。裁判官の命令に重大な重要性を置くべきであり、裁判所に出席して証言するためのビザが与えられるべきである。

  • deserve the name

    (男性と付き合っているとことを見られるとからかわれる、という投稿に対して回答者が)I’m so sorry that you’re this used to being harassed in public, and that the kinds of men you’ve been able to establish meaningful friendships with have proved to be superficial cowards once they’ve gotten a small taste of what you experience on a daily basis. I understand that your last suggestion was made mostly in jest, but it’s absolutely heartbreaking that you feel on some level an implicit responsibility to tell strangers “Don’t worry, I know my place.” A good friend would rise immediately, publicly, loudly, and enthusiastically to your defense if someone tried to tell them they should be embarrassed for going out in public with you. Any friend whose response is to clam up and stop returning your calls doesn’t deserve the name. https://slate.com/life/2018/01/dear-prudence-will-foster-parenting-make-it-harder-for-me-to-find-a-husband.html doesn’t deserve the nameはどのように訳したら良いでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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  • plyの意味

    My 20-year-old brother came out as gay last year; it wasn’t the biggest surprise and it didn’t bother anyone. His current relationship does. My brother is currently dating a man who is five years older than our own mother. He showers my brother with extremely expensive gifts, plies him with alcohol, and has taken him on spur-of-the-moment trips to Las Vegas. plies him with alcoholはどのような意味でしょうか?pliesはplyの複数形(?)ですよね。それらしい意味が辞書にはありませんでした。よろしくお願いします

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  • よろしくお願いします

    Q: Foster parenting a dating dud?: I’m a 30-year-old single female. It’s always been an aspiration of mine to become a foster parent. There is a tremendous need for it in my county, and I want to help kids and their families. Another desire of mine is to get married and build a family with said husband. Most of my friends and family have been overwhelmingly supportive as I’ve been going through the necessary trainings and background checks to be a foster parent, and I anticipate having my first placement within six months. However, one friend suggested that I’m setting myself up for old maid status by putting a “barrier between myself and a man who’s interested in me.” My initial response was “good, it’ll help weed out the men not cut out for me,” but upon further thought, perhaps I’m being cavalier? Anyone dating in 2018 knows it isn’t easy. I want love with a life partner, and I want to share love with kids in need—must it be mutually exclusive? 前に夫の記述がないのになぜsaid husbandとなっているのでしょうか? having my first placementとはどういうことでしょうか? I’m setting myself up for old maid statusの意味を教えてください。 mutually exclusiveとは簡単に言うとどういうことでしょうか? 以上、よろしくお願いします

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  • 和訳 Second Choice

    和訳はあっているでしょうか?添削をお願いいたします。 My second choice is to withdraw the lawsuit and leave the country. I have been in Japan for many years and asking me to leave instantly without my money and belongings is very harmful to my wellbeing. I ask only for a visa for 1 week to pack my belongings, settle with my landlord, close my bank accounts (which only I can do) and leave. 第二希望は訴訟を取り下げて出国する。私は長年も日本に滞在していて、お金や所持品がなくてもすぐに去るように頼んだり、私の幸福にかなり有害になる。私の所持品を詰めるために、家主と和解し、銀行や投資口座のお金を下ろして(本人のみができること)と出国すること、一週間だけのビザを求める。

  • 英文の邦訳

    Precisely because the activist’s campaign typically is not to elect a board majority, the activist cannot anticipate that a post-proxy fightfriendly board would elect to reimburse its expenses. 上記英文の特に後半部分の意味が分かりません。お分かりになる方,宜しくお願いします。

    • jubu
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  • 一番未来を指す単語

    最長、最遠、最高、と最がつく単語で一番未来を指す単語はなんでしょう? 一番未来の予約を取り消す を最○を使って言いたいです。

  • not a moment sooner

    I’ve been in a long-distance relationship for a few years now. We met when I lived in his country for work. We see each other about six times a year for a few weeks at a time. While I love him dearly, I’m starting to crumble without having an endgame in sight. I’ve talked to him about this and he’s adamant that he’ll propose when he’s ready and not a moment sooner, that he wants it to be a surprise, et cetera. not a moment soonerはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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  • どのような意味でしょうか

    My boyfriend of nine years landed a great job about a month and half ago following a several-year struggle with switching careers. This should have been a good turning point for both of us, but along with the new job came the realization that he would no longer be working with a woman he’d grown rather close to in his old role. ここでのin his old roleはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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  • よろしくお願いします

    My husband and I have been married for five years. We have no children because I have been unable to get pregnant, even with the help of fertility treatments. We are set up with an agency to adopt, but that has also been a lengthy and emotional process, which has included a match with a birth mother who ultimately broke the match because her mother didn’t like us. We are set up with an agencyはどのような意味でしょうか?あと、which has included a match with a birth mother who ultimately broke the match because her mother didn’t like us.の訳も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

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  • 文末の「ー」というマークの意味

    日本語を勉強中の中国人です。文末の「ー」というマークはどういうようなニュアンスでしょうか。たとえば、「はいー」、「大丈夫ですー」、「了解ですー」、「ありがとうー」など。もう何回も見ましたので、教えていただけませんか。 また、質問文に不自然な日本語の表現がありましたら、それもご教示いただければ幸いです。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • ホステルとホテルは何が違う?


    • noname#248380
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  • 英語の文法

    Use your might to AIs(エイアイズ?) to do justise to them all <全力で正義をぶつけてやるんだ。> ゲームの音楽の歌詞なのですが、文法的な解説をして頂けないでしょうか。 よろしくおねがいします。ペルソナ4

    • noname#239327
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  • ()に当てはまる言葉はなんですか?

    ()に当てはまる言葉はなんですか? 1. A: I see your sale starts on the 18th. () these pants be on sale, too? B: No, we just got those. They will () be on sale. 2. A: () Mary going with you to Berlin? B: She might. But it's a business trip. So I () probably go alone.

  • 疑問文を作ってください!

    疑問文を作ってください! ()内の言葉を使って疑問文を作ってください!お願い致しますm(*_ _)m We don't have very much rice. (how much, have)

  • 【大至急】ビジネス英文メールのご添削

    取引先(派遣先)へ連絡したく英文で作成しましたが、ビジネス的に自信がありません(;_;) ご添削の程、宜しくお願い申し上げます。 文の背景:派遣先から就業者を弊社に紹介頂き、これから弊社の派遣スタッフとして就業予定の田中(仮名)についてです。 (日本語) スタッフ田中について見積もりを作成中ですが、確認です。添付の見積もりように、田中の前任の河合はこれまでtransportation & Mobile costを請求しておりましたが、今回の田中も同様に請求可能でしょうか。 また契約書についてはあなたの言う通り、田中に送る前にあなたにお送りします。 (英語) It is confirmation about the estimate of the staff Tanaka. Like Tanaka's predecessor Kawai, I have requested you to transportation & mobile cost as in the attached estimate, but is Tanaka of this time claimable as well? As you say about the contract, I'll send it to you before you send it to Tanaka.

  • of which = whoseについて

    of whichはwhoseに書き換えられると習いましたが、そうじゃない場合もありますか? 例えば「The Tokyo Bay Aqua- Line is an approximately 15.1-km toll highway crossing the middle of Tokyo Bay, along the coast of which are situated several cities.」 の場合だとof whichをwhoseに書き換えても意味が通じないし、そもそもof whichの後がareのbe動詞なのでof whichやwhoseは該当しないような気がするのですが、 of whichは主格としても使えるのでしょうか?

    • jarron
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  • 見解

    見解とは、どういうときに使う言葉ですか? 間違ってるかもしれませんが、「この疾患は××であった、しばらくは様子見との先生の診断結果」を言い換えると「検査結果は○○の数値は高いが先生は様子見との見解」 どういったときに「見解」という言葉を使えばいいですか?