• 締切済み


()に当てはまる言葉はなんですか? 1. A: I see your sale starts on the 18th. () these pants be on sale, too? B: No, we just got those. They will () be on sale. 2. A: () Mary going with you to Berlin? B: She might. But it's a business trip. So I () probably go alone.


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

1. A: I see your sale starts on the 18th. (Do) these pants be on sale, too? B: No, we just got those. They will (not) be on sale. 2. A: (Is) Mary going with you to Berlin? B: She might. But it's a business trip. So I (will) probably go alone.

