‘You’re weird,’ he says eventually. I blink. But then he says, ‘I like you, though.’ And my heart skips once, and feels as if it is grinning inside me.
‘I like you too,’ I say.
‘And wouldn’t it be great if you could go anywhere, just in your head – the moon or Mars, or different planets?’
I have never thought about this either. ‘I suppose,’ I say. (前回の終わりの部分です)
‘I’d love that.’ He looks entranced with the possibility. ‘Do you like comics?’
‘I don’t know.’
‘I’ve got some great ones. They’re in English, though,’ he adds, doubtfully.
‘But I speak English,’ I say, surprised. It takes me a moment to remember that Jamie is a foreigner, like me. Astonished, I switch from the way we have been talking – the way I talk with Lena – to the other way I talk, when I’m with my parents. ‘Can you speak like this?’
Jamie looks just as astonished, but he answers the same way. ‘Yes. My father’s English.’
‘Mine too,’ I say. ‘And Mummy,’ I add, remembering.
Suddenly he begins to laugh – a little at first that quickly grows into a great uncontrollable peal that rings against the side of the valley. He points at me, helplessly, and then at himself, and I understand immediately what he means – We’re such idiots! – and the funny side of it strikes me, too. I can’t help it; I join him, laughing harder and harder until my sides hurt and there are tears in my eyes. I can’t think of a time when I’ve laughed harder.
At last we quieten down. Occasionally we look sideways at each other and giggles overwhelm us again; but in the end we are too tired to laugh any more. We sit side by side with big, idiot grins on our faces.
I’ve got some great ones. They’re in English, though,’ he adds, doubtfully.のdoubtfullyとはどういう意味合いなのでしょうか?疑わしげに?自分が持っているいくつかの漫画はすばらしいけれど、英語で書かれている。の後にdoubtfullyが付くのがよくわかりません。
I switch from the way we have been talking – the way I talk with Lena – to the other way I talk, when I’m with my parents.というのは、AlexがJamieと今まで話していた方法を変えた、ということで、Lenaや、両親と話していた英語でJamieに話した、ということですか?
We’re such idiots! とありますが、Alexが、英語が話せるJamieに今までイタリア語で話していたことがおかしいのでしょうか??
I join him, laughing harder and harder until my sides hurt and there are tears in my eyes.とありますが、until my sides hurt and there are tears in my eyes.というのは、Alexのどんな心境を表しているのでしょうか?何に傷ついているのかがわかりません。(あまりにもばかげた事を言ってしまったことですか?・・・英語が話せるの?というような)
とてもわかりやすく回答してくださってありがとうございます! 難しい表現ですが、読み取って解説して頂いてありがとうございました。 イメージがとても掴みやすくなりました。