• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:至急翻訳お願いします(>_<))


  • 学校の課題で偉人の名言や言動のレポートを書いていたが、英語に直すことができず断念した。
  • 私は彼を世界で一番愛しているけれど、気持ちが上手く伝わらない。彼は私の愛を受け止めてくれなかった。
  • 私は初めて自分のことを彼に話し、彼は最後まで聞いてくれた。でも彼はどんどん離れていく気がする。私は彼にとって大事な人になれるのか、これからも彼を愛していいのか悩んでいる。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

骨折こそしていませんが、No.1さんの言うようにほとんど入院患者のように暇ですので、以下のとおりお答えします。 なお、 “二回目のデートで、あなたは私に「君は変わった」と言った。 そして、会うたびにあなたは遠ざかって行く。” の部分は、 “二回目のデートで、彼は私に「君は変わった」と言った。 そして、会うたびに彼は遠ざかって行く。” と解釈して訳しました。 (全訳文) I'm loving him most in the world. However, I can't tell him my feeling well. Also I can't contact well and I'm afraid of expressing the truth of myself. Though being excuse, but previously he didn't receive my love. Even if I loved him very much. I'm afraid, and I can't be obedient. But because of that my partner is getting away. It's for me not to trust him but to be afraid. I understand me to be bad. He said to me "You've changed." in the second time of date. And every time he meets me, he goes away from me. It was written on the message "You have something I don't like". Certainly we can't say each other that I like everything. But, so it was really regretful though I don't know why. If I should express myself more from the beginning. I prefer to redo from the beginning, from when we met if possible. Once I spoke to him about everything about myself for the first time. And then he heared me speaking until the end neatly. And still he said that he was loving me. My feeling at that time, it was so great joy that I couldn't express in a word. I don't ask him to understand anything about me. Because I think only I could do understand all of myself. To tell the truth, I'd like to reveal myself and love him. I think he's getting away from me. But I don't know how to do. Could I be an important person for him? May I also love him now on? I like and love him very much. 以上、ご回答まで。


その他の回答 (1)

  • qazaq
  • ベストアンサー率33% (107/322)

 質問長すぎますね~ おそらく回答はつきません 付いたとするなら、骨折して入院中の大学教授か翻訳家でしょう  地道に辞書と首っ引きで調べましょう‥

