In the 1970s ramen packaged in Styrofoam cups joined the instant ramen products. Until then, Styrofoam had been used mostly for storing and carrying fish. The new techniques for making Styrofoam into thin sheets made it possible to sell instant ramen in Styrofoam cups.
Ando first came up with this idea of cup-style noodles while he was staying in the US. He was visiting the country in the hope of expanding his instant ramen business overseas. He was inspired when he saw an American eat hit instant noodles. The man broke the noodles into pieces, put them in a paper cup, and poured hot water over them, then ate them using a fork. Ando went back to his hotel room and tried making his instant ramen in the same way, but the cup became too hot to hold. And he didn’t like the smell of the paper. IN1971 Ando’s company succeeded in developing the first cup-style boodles, which became very popular both in Japan and overseas because they were so delicious and easy to prepare.
2. The new techniques for making Styrofoam into thin sheets made it possible to sell instant ramen in Styrofoam cups.について
S:( ) V:( ) O(形式目的語):( ) O(真の目的語):( ) C:( )
The new machine made it possible to do the work faster.
3He was visiting the country in the hope of expanding his instant ramen business overseas. について
(1)in the hope ofの意味を答えなさい。(2)overseasの意味と品詞を答えなさい。(3)この文を日本語に直しなさい。
4.The man broke the noodles into pieces, put them in a paper cup, and poured hot water over them, then ate them using a fork. について この文を日本語に直しなさい。
自分も、bakansky さんの回答を参考に、makeのコアなイメージを、辞書で読み返して、ようやく理解できました! 単純な基本動詞ですが侮れないですね。 hitはHim-hymn さんの回答でも指摘されたとうり、名詞で解釈した方がよさそうですね。 ありがとうございました。