- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
R = Reporter W = Theo Walcott R: Theo, what do you think overall on the balance of chances and the game itself? A fair, a right result, the draw? W: Yeah, I think if you look back at you know both of us, it was very fair. Um, you know I think both teams didn't really want to lose a game. That's quite important I think. Um, in previous weeks we might have, you know, gambled a bit more than, um, we normally do. But I think overall it would b a good point come the end of the season yeah. R: It looks as though you were pressing them higher and quicker than normal. Was that a plan? W: Yeah you know, we've, we've, that was theh main target. We can't let the likes of you know Michael Carrick at the ball to their feet, because he has been absolutely fantastic this season, so we need to press from the forward but you know, everyone needs to do it and I thought everyone did especially in the first 60 minutes. We started to drift slightly, um, but overall I think um, you know, we got to be proud of ourselves. That was a good poiint. R: Tell us about your goal. W: Um, well, you know I'd like that sort into, you know, out-in run, um, and yeah I'd just played to the whistle. People telling off-side but it's not my problem, I need to make sure I finish it, um, and then you know go from there really. So urr, I'm happy with the goal, it's been a while now but, you know I wish I had the 3 points. R: As the game went on, could you sense it, it was obviously more tense for Arsenal yet United to relax, because their work is done. W: Yeah, yeah, I think um, you could tell when you know, when they broke from the corner. You know, they shouldn't get the ball like that. I mean we were sort of panicking at times, you know, trying to look for that. ???? We could have been a little more relaxed about it, but you know, urr, it will feel like a loss now but everyone got to keep their heads up because there is still three important games now. R: And in thems of all important top 4 place, just how tense is it and how tight do you think it is? W: Great for you guyes yeah. Not so great for us. You know we just concern ourselves. We can't keep on relying on, you know, teams to beat whoever...as long as we get the 3 points and you know, don't drop any points, that's all we can do and hopefully, you know, come end of the season, you know, we've kept that winning, sort of undefeated games that continues to go on, so um, we need to make sure that we will be there, definitely. R: Theo, well played and thank you. W: No problem, thanks. 【要約】 R: ゲーム全体のバランスと引き分けという結果について満足でしたか? W: あぁ、両チームの内容を振り返ってフェアな結果だと思う。どちらも負けは避けたい試合だった。少し前だったらリスク覚悟でもう少し冒険しただろうけどね。 R: 高い位置から素早くプレスをかけているようだったが、あれは作戦でしたか? W: あぁ、今シーズン絶好調のマイケル・キャリックのような選手を泳がせるわけにはいかないからね。特に最初の60分間は全員がいいプレスをかけていた。. R: あなたのゴールについては? W: 笛が鳴るまでは走るよ。オフサイドという声もあったがそれは僕が判断することじゃない。自分の仕事を最後までやっただけさ。久し振りだからゴールは嬉しいよ。勝ち点3も欲しかったけどね。 R: (これまでの勝ち点から)ユナイテッドに比べ、アーセナルにとって、より緊張した試合だったでは? W: えぇ、我々の側に焦ってしまった部分があったのは確かです。もっとリラックスすべきだった。今日の試合は悔いが残るけどまだ大事な試合を3つ残しているのでくよくよはしていられない。 R: 上位4位に食い込むためには、熾烈な戦いが? W: あなたがたマスメディアにとっては最高でしょう。我々にとっては大変だけど。まぁ、他のチームがどこに勝つか、ではなく、自分のチームがどう戦うかを考えるだけです。我々が勝ち点3を取り続けること、それに尽きます。 R: ウォルコット選手、ナイスプレーでした。ありがとうございます。 W: ありがとうございました。
いつもありがとうございます! ネイティブ英語聞き取れる方! というよりは完全にcbmさんにお願いする形になってしまってておんぶに抱っこですいません>< これからもお力貸してくださると大変助かります!!