- ベストアンサー
just as clearly as if の解釈
伊藤和夫氏の某参考書の問題です、新潟大学の問題だそうです。 It is often possible to make known what one wants and what he is thinking about by means of gestures, without the use of words, and it may be that men talked by signs before they used spoken language. There are many gestures which are still used to express ideas and which almost everybody understands. When one shakes his head on being asked a question we understand that he means "no," just as well as if he had spoken the word. Similarly if he nods in response to a question we understand that he means "yes." But besides these two simple forms of answering a question we may express a great many other ideas by signs. Putting the forefinger to the lips when someone is talking means "keep quiet" just as clearly as if these words were spoken aloud. Holding up both hands means "I surrender." Shrugging the shoulders and shaking the head often means "I don't know." 上の文の、 When one shakes his head on being asked a question we understand that he means "no," just as well as if he had spoken the word. ですが、参考書の説明では、 as well as は「...はもちろん」ではなく本来の比較で、 When one shakes his head on being asked a question と if he had spoken the word の副詞節を比較していると書いてあります。 ここまでは分かるのですが、 But besides these two simple forms of answering a question we may express a great many other ideas by signs. Putting the forefinger to the lips when someone is talking means "keep quiet" just as clearly as if these words were spoken aloud. についてですが、 参考書の説明では 「just as clearly as if these words were spoken aloud は、上の just as well as if he had spoken the word と同じ形。 『これらの言葉を口に出して言った場合とちょうど同じくらいはっきり』」 とあります。 しかし、そうなると、 as if he had spoken the word のas節の省略を復元したらどのような文章が出来るのかが分かりません。 また、同じ箇所について http://blog.meigaku.ac.jp/yabu/files/2011/01/10a049235dd06ada42fbf0a6ce6a84ec.pdf (http://blog.meigaku.ac.jp/yabu/英文和訳道場/ の 第26回) を読むと、 as if という慣用表現で解釈しております。 参考書の著者の伊藤和夫氏は元駿台の講師で、 as if という解釈をしている人はサイトドメインから察するに元河合塾講師の薮下義人氏で、 どちらの経歴を考えても非常に信頼性が高く、 どちらの解釈で理解すべきか迷っております。
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
as if ~で「まるで~のように」という熟語と扱いますが、 もともと as would be the case if ~「~ならばそうであるだろうように」 の省略表現にすぎません。 as if の as は「~するように」からきていますし、 as as の後の as も同じ「~するように」です。 as 形容詞・副詞 as if ~という表現が可能ですが、 これを as if としてとらえても、as as / if ととらえても同じです。 もともと、as if 自体が as / if なわけですから。 現実には言葉は発せられていないが、 もし言葉が発せられていたら、 そうであったろう、と同じくらい、 ということですので、結局 as if という熟語のもとの as would be the case if ~と復元できます。 だから、なおさらどちらで考えても同じです。
ありがとうございます。 どちらで考えてもよいのですね。