• 締切済み


いつもそばには友達がいました。 時には喧嘩もします。 でも喧嘩するたびに、相手のことをもっと知ることができ もっと大好きになりました。 特別何かをするわけではなく、 ただ一緒にいるだけで楽しくて もしかしたら、私の友達は、私以上に私のことを知っているかもしてません いつか恋に終わりがあっても 友達は一生涯続くものだと私は思います このような友達に出会えて本当に幸せです 以上です。 よろしくお願いします。



The friend was always in the side. Occasionally it also quarrels. But whenever it quarreled, he could get to know about the partner more, and it became more favorite. necessarily not carrying out something specially -- free -- it is pleasant only by being together Possibly, my friend is not doing whether he knows about me more than me. I think that a friend is what continues throughout life even if love has the end some day. Fortunately it can meet such a friend really. です。 参考にどうぞ


  There were always friends near. I sometimes quarrel. But I could know a partner more and came to love it more whenever I quarrelled. Do nothing especially, and is only only together, and is fun, and possibly my friend knows me than me; do not arouse it Even if love includes the end sometime I think that the friend follows throughout the life I can meet such a friend and am really happy  
