- 締切済み
あなたと出会って9か月。 自分でもビックリするくらいあっという間だった。最初あなたに出会った頃は、今もこうして一緒に居るって正直思ってもなかった。でもあなたと会って少しずつ距離が縮まって、一緒に過ごす時間の中で好きな気持ちも大きくなると同時に不安な気持ちも増えてきた。でもその度に、話を聞いてくれて抱きしめてくれる優しさに安心する。これからも不安になる事、悩む事、いろんな事があると思うけど、私はあなたがとっても好き。その気持ちを大事に私のできるベストを尽くね。いつも、こんな私に向き合ってくれてありがとう。ゆっくりと時間をかけてもっとお互いを知っていい関係でいようね。あなたに出会えて本当に良かった。
- みんなの回答 (3)
- 専門家の回答
- SPS700
- ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)
#2です。訂正です。 第一文の eight は nine に直してください。
- SPS700
- ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)
it is eight months since I met you. The time went by surprisingly fast. When I met you first, I did not expect to be with you as we are now. But the distance between us became gradually shorter. And my feeling for you grew and so did my anxiety. But at every time when I am uncertain you embraced me and your kindness gave me comfort. In the future I may feel more uncertainties and worries but I like you very much. Cherishing such ideas I will do my best. Thank you for squarely facing me. Let us take time to know each other. I feel lucky that I met you.
- 1005murasho
- ベストアンサー率25% (1/4)
9 months after meeting you. I was so surprised at myself. When I first met you, I didn't even think I was still here. But as I met you, the distance gradually shrank, and in the time I spent together, my feelings increased and my anxiety grew. But each time, I am relieved of the kindness that listens and embraces me. I think there will be a lot of anxiety, worries, and many things in the future, but I really like you. I will do my best to take care of that feeling. Thank you for always facing me. Let's spend time slowly and get to know each other better. It was really nice to meet you. Google翻訳を利用すると直ぐですよ\(^o^)/
Googleでの訳ではなく ニュアンスなどが変わるので英語が話せる方にわたしが伝えたい様な感じで文を作っていただけると嬉しいです。