- ベストアンサー
- 知り合った外国の方へのメールの返事(個人的なお礼)を英語で書きたいのですが、英語に不慣れなものでなかなかうまくまとめることができません。
- 私は自分の作品がいつも誰かの真似のような気がして好きになれなかったのですよね。
- 絵を描くとき、デザインをするとき、ほか何か作品をつくとき、常に頭においているコンセプト、それは「ものごとを共有できる相手がいることの幸せ」であったりします。
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
どなたも参加していないようなので、翻訳してみました。出される前にお読みくください。と心どころ変更しましたので、 Hello I am xxxxx. Thank you for coming to the show site the other day when you must be busy. Regarding the package I sent, I am glad it seems you received it. When I drew that painting, I felt I was imitating someone and it was hard to like it. But now I feel differently about it, after all those paintings were my pieces of work. It was interesting to see how my mind has changed. Anyway that painting was the one I drew while I was kind of frustrating about my work. Whenever I draw, design, or make anything, my main theme or things I imagine is that I could share things together with someone. You know whenever we have someone to share with, even a very small thing is going to be special. While I was drawing that painting, I felt that I am at small experience piled up with someone having empathizes which is kept growing and with this thought I have big joy welling up in my heart. For that reason, that painting is one of the best piece I personally think and like now . I drew it when I was a student and it has still a lot of room for improvement. But I wish you could love it, knowing such shortcoming. I have a life a little harder than I call it a normal one, but I have friends and family who express their feeling while we are looking at something. And especially someone like you telling me "Your paintings look nice" So I am really happy now for about the painting and for myself. As you know during last couple of years I had too tight schedule and I was not able to find times to look at my pieces of work. From now on I will take my time and try enjoying to make my new pieces. I will report a new activity in near future since I got some business from various people luckily these days. Time to say good bye, please take care and say hello to your family members.
お礼が遅くなってしまいもうしわけありません。 ご回答ありがとうございました! 手紙もよろこんでもらえました!!!