end of the world
2014: World War III, resurrected Nostradamus prophecy of a fire in the North for the reference of the end of the age of the fifth sun,[36] believed to be a specific Northern region of a country, current speculation is North Korea, as relative to the resolution of a Pope prediction.[37] Oh, and the Rapture. [38] And a giant asteroid hitting the Caribbean.[39]
between April 2014 and October 2015: A tetrad of lunar eclipses (or blood moons) will signal the start of the end times, according to megachurch pastor John Hagee. [40]
Unspecified time during the reign of Pope Francis, the pope succeeding Benedict XVI. Mediaeval Saint Malachy supposedly predicted Peter the Roman (Petrus Romanus) would be the last pope, Rome would be destroyed and a terrible judge would judge his people, The end.[41] Doomsayers have already started shoehorning the new pope into the prediction.[42]
2016: Tom Wattkins[43]: He had a vision of the Great tribulation claiming to have met the beast of revelation, etc. Turns out the same day is a solar eclipse.[44], though of course he'll mention that.[45]
2017: Various Christians: We'll be chipped, and the Great Tribulation begins.[46]
2018: Hal Lindsey: Second Coming.
2028: Fred Clark: A tongue-in-cheek offer guaranteeing 15 years of Bible-prophecy hucksterism for four easy payments of $39.99.[47]
2030: Approximate date of a mass extinction event predicted by Bob Geldof. Myles Allen, of Oxford University claims "Competing hyperbole" are unhelpful in understanding real climate change. [48]
2035: Asteroid.[49]
2036: More asteroids.[50]
2037: Hal Lindsey: Third Coming.
2038: Deteteoration of the fundamental older technology that still underlies the most crucial systems today.[51]
2040: Even more asteroids.[52]
2039: End of life, the universe and everything. Also known as the Ascension.
ありがとうございます。 end of~は物事の終わりで、end to~は事の終わりという解釈でよろしいんでしょうか。