I am one of the luckiest girls in the world,"Beatrice declared at her graduation party after earning her bachelor's degree from a collage in connecticut,USA.
Indeed and it's approproate that the name of the goat that changed her life was Lack.
Beatrice's story helps addres two of the most commonly asked questions about foreign assistance:"Dose aid work?"and"What can I do?"
The tale begins in the rolling hills of western Uganda, where Beatrice was born and raised.
As a girl, she desperately yearned for an education , but it seemd hopeless.
Her parents were prasants who couldn't afford to send her to shool.
The years passed and Beatrice stayed home to help with the chores.
She was on track to become one more illiterate African woman, another of the continent's wasted human resources.
In the meantime, the children of a community church in Connecticut wanted to donate money for a good cause.
They decided to buy goats for African villagers through an international non-vernmental oranization (NGO)in Arkansas,USA which helps impoverished farming families.
A dariry goat in the NGO's online gift catalog cost $120 ; a flock of chicks or ducklings cost just $20.
One of the goats bought by the church went to Beatrice's parents and soon produced twins.
When the kid goats were wanted , the children of her family drank the goats milk for a nutritional boost and sold the surplus milk for extra money.
The cash from the milk accumulated, and Beatrice's parents decided that they could now afford to send their daughter to shool.
She was much older than the other first graders, but she was so overjoyed that she studied diligently and rose to be the best student in the shool.
An american visiting the shool was impressed and wrote a children's book , Beatrice's Goat, about how the gift of a goat had enabled a bright girl to go to shool.
The book was published in 2000 and became a children's best seller.
Beatrice was such an outstanding student that she won a scholarship, not only to Uganda's best girls' high shool, but also to a prep shool in Massachusetts and then to the college in Connecticut.
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