Q No. 7409296の続きです.natureに掲載された論文の訳です.今回も大苦戦です.どなたか添削をお願いします.
(1)In addition, this genome and the associated data sets offer the research communities working in ageing, cancer, eusociality and many other areas a rich resource that can be mined in numerous ways to uncover the molecular bases for the extraordinary traits of this most unusual mammal.
(1)加えて,この遺伝子および関連するデータセットは 加齢,癌,真性社会に関して作業している研究共同体および多くの他の研究分野の豊富な情報源が … 示す(提案する)
that can be minedとそれ以降をどう訳したらよいでしょか?
(2)In turn, this information provides unprecedented opportunities for addressing some of the most challenging questions in biology and medicine, such as mechanisms of ageing, the role of genetic makeup in regulating lifespan, adaptations to extreme environments, hypoxia tolerance, thermo genesis, resistance to cancer, circadian rhythms, sexual
development and hormonal regulation.
(2)そして,この情報は “調整生存期間に関する遺伝子構造の役割,老化の機構,極端な環境への適応,低酸素耐性,産熱,癌への抵抗力,概日リズム,性の発生(発達)およびホルモン的調節のような,生物学および医学の最も興味深い(難しい)新しい(前例のない)チャンスを提供する.
(4)The NMR genome was sequenced on the Illumina HiSeq 2000 platform.
(4)NMRの遺伝子は、the Illumina HiSeq 2000 platform(上)でシーケンス(配列)された.
(5)The sequenced individual male NMR was from a captive breeding colony located at the University of Illinois, Chicago.
(6)The genome was assembled using SOAPdenovo.