I didn't know that people in England hate Camilla so badly. Why do they hate her?
I didn't know that Prince Charles had been in love with Camilla for so long either. I truly hope they will be happy.
I want to see their wedding soon. Where will the wedding ceremony be held? At Westminster Abbey?
I didn't know that people in England hate Camilla so badly. Why do they hate her? I didn't know that Prince Charles had been in love with Camilla for so long either. I truly hope they will be happy. I want to see their wedding soon. Where will the wedding ceremony be held? At Westminster Abbey?
「Camillaさんが英国でそんなに嫌われてるなんて知りませんでした。なぜ彼女はそんなに嫌われてるのですか? Prince Charlesがそんなに昔からCamillaさんの事を愛してた事も私は知りませんでした。彼らには本当に幸せになってもらいたいです。彼らの結婚式を早く見たいです。結婚式はどこでやるのですか? Westminster Abbey?」
どうかお願いいたします m(_ _)m
I've never imagined that people in England hate Camilla so badly. I wonder why? I didn't know that Prince Charles had been in love with Camilla for so long, either. I wish their happiness and would like to see their wedding ceremony.Where will the wedding ceremony be held? At Westminster Abbey?
素敵な訳ですね、ぜひ参考にさせていただきます、どうもありがとうございました! (^^)