- 英語の勉強の日本のテレビ番組
英語と日本語を勉強中の中国人です。英語勉強に役立つ日本のテレビ番組を教えていただけませんか。 また、質問文に不自然な日本語の表現がありましたら、それも教えていただければ幸いです。よろしくお願いいたします。
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- awayuki_china
- 回答数1
- お手数ですが、次の英文を訳して下さい。
Another counter-attack a quarter of an hour later by two companies of between 200 and 300 Ottoman soldiers armed with hand grenades was launched against the Auckland Regiment. They charged with fixed bayonets approaching in places to within fifteen yards (14 m) throwing their hand grenades or bombs, in a determined effort to turn the New Zealanders' left flank. A group of Ottoman soldiers reoccupied a small hill on which all New Zealanders had been killed or wounded, firing obliquely on the Auckland Regiment's main position. The fierce intensity of the fight continued at close quarters for some time with well-sited Ottoman machine-guns handled with skill and boldness enfilading the New Zealanders. The machine-gun on Red Knoll continued to cause very heavy losses until it was captured by a troop of 2nd Squadron, Wellington Regiment, commanded by Captain Herrick (killed in the engagement), which made a mounted charge at the gallop to the foot of the knoll where they dismounted and charged up to engage the defenders in hand-to-hand fighting. With the capture of the knoll two remaining troops of Herrick's squadron came up and brought to bear heavy fire on the Ottoman soldiers in front of the Auckland Regiment.By 16:15 fighting had been going on for two and three quarter hours when a squadron of the Wellington Regiment carried out a bayonet charge against a close Ottoman position. It was too much for the Ottoman units whose fighting strength gave way. They fell back beyond Ayun Kara pursued by rifle and machine-gun fire as neither regiment was in a fit state to follow. The Ottoman 3rd Division left behind some 400 dead in front of the Auckland's position alone; although others have quoted totals of between 150 and 162 Ottoman dead. The New Zealanders captured great numbers of machine-guns (some with prismatic sights) including two Lewis guns. Their casualties numbered 175; three officers and twenty-nine other ranks killed, eleven officers and 132 other ranks wounded with the Auckland Regiment suffering eighty-nine of those casualties. Second Battle of Heligoland Bight 第二次ヘルゴランド・バイトの戦い The Second Battle of Heligoland Bight, also called the Action in the Helgoland Bight was an inconclusive naval engagement fought between British and German squadrons on 17 November 1917 during the First World War.
- 英文を訳して下さい。
By 13:30 the Wellington Mounted Rifles had gained a footing on the ridge by rapidly capturing small tactical positions at the gallop. They achieved their objective by successive rushes driving the Ottoman defenders back from their main position. Major Wilder's 9th Squadron supported by the 2nd Squadron had rushed the first Ottoman position with the bayonet; one machine-gun and one Lewis gun were captured. These guns were used against the second position which was captured by another bayonet charge; two more machine-guns being captured. The third Ottoman position situated well along the long side of the ridge was then attacked. But Red Knoll, located close to the junction with the short leg and practically in front of the dividing line between the two regiments, poured fire directly on them all. This central position was covered by an Ottoman artillery battery which was run forward under cover of trees and opened fire at a range of 1,200 yards (1,100 m) delaying the New Zealanders' attack. Shortly after 14:00 while the Aucklands was pushing small groups up along the sand dunes, Ottoman soldiers were discovered gathering in a basin in front of the Auckland and Wellington regiments but just over and behind the short leg of the "L" and completely out of sight of both regiments. Ottoman reinforcements were also seen by the ANZAC Mounted Division headquarters at Neby Kunda and reported to the attacking regiments. But there was no reserve or reinforcements available to the New Zealanders as 2nd Light Horse Brigade had been attached to the Australian Mounted Division during the attack on Junction Station the day before. Every available man including signallers, gallopers, batmen, grooms and messengers were formed into a troop in case they were needed. The 3rd Squadron, led by Major Twistleton, galloped forward to within a few yards of the heavily attacked line; he was mortally wounded in the charge. About this time Ottoman defenders were driven back from the third position and the New Zealanders gained practically the whole of the long ridge south of the orange groves of Rishon le Ziyon. At 14:30 a counter-attack was launched against the Wellington Regiment and beaten off by enfilading cross fire from both the Wellington and Auckland regiments' machine-guns.
- benefits
5 p.m. — Head to a store that has my hard-to-find soap and chocolate. Buy that, plus toiletries, and wine. After that, I grab a cauliflower curry bowl from a fast-casual place I love ($10.10). They don't have an app, which is annoying, because I like earning points and free food. I almost never visit fast-casual places that don't offer that, but I don't go to this one often and it's nearby. I take the bus home to eat dinner and drink wine before my friend with benefits arrives. I haven't seen him in a while. It's a really great set-up because I'm not interested in dating, and neither is he, and we are truly good friends. my friend with benefitsとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- 母国語と公用語の違いのQ&Aがよくわからない
両者の違いについて、 母国語は、第一言語などで一番得意な自分の中での言葉です。 公用語は、国や州など大きな集団単位で使うことが認められている言語です。 という回答を2つほど見かけたのですが、いまいちピンときません。 日本で例えるなら方言が母国語で標準語が公用語という感じになるのでしょうか(あくまで例え)。
- 意味を教えてください
I liked my busy life, even when I was juggling five jobs at a time. I had my big priorities and I try to avoid little indulgences that can up quickly. http://www.refinery29.com/single-woman-home-owner-personal-essay ここでのcan upの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします
- location independent
(度に出ながら仕事をすることについて)“One thing I learned pretty early on is that it’s really hard to travel and be productive,” notes Erica Blair, a 30-year-old marketing consultant who currently calls Chiang Mai, Thailand, home and has been location independent for the last eight years. “I need to stay somewhere at least three months and set up a routine. Otherwise, with traveling, it’s just too hard to both enjoy a trip and grow my business.” I became location independent last year, when I traveled through Europe for seven months. I brought my laptop, and I was constantly on calls or doing work. location independent とは簡単に言うとどういう意味でしょうか?調べてもよくわかりませんでした。よろしくお願いします
- 英文法について質問です。
英文解釈の参考書に Soon everyone knew where I lived in England, how much I had paid for my ticket, and, and where I was going in Spain. It was a pure and inoffensive curiosity. (すぐ、イギリスで私はどこに住んでいるのか、切符にいくら払ったか、スペインではどこへ行こうとしているのかが、すべての人に知れわたった。悪気のない好奇心だけから出たことだった。) という英文がありました。なぜ、訳の中に「だけから」が入っているのでしょうか?
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- sonofajisai
- 回答数2
- If 節について
お世話になっております。 以下についてお教え頂けないでしょうか。 この系統については以前もお教え頂いたのでが、どうもしっかり理解が出来ず再度質問させて頂きました。 It would be helpful next time if I could get more information about the repair. (1)この文章は、空想ではなく現実的なことなのにどうしてIt would、if I could になるのでしょうか? (2)仮定法過去は現実性が低い時に使うと理解していますが間違いでしょうか? (3)It is helpful next time if I get more information about the repair. と上記文章は意味が異なるのでしょうか? どうぞ宜しくお願い致します。
- ドイツ語に翻訳してください。
翻訳機能では完璧に翻訳できないので、下記の文章をドイツ語に翻訳してください。 「人が旅をする目的は、到着ではない。旅をすることそのものが旅なのだ。」
- ベストアンサー
- ドイツ語
- noname#229270
- 回答数1
- 英語に翻訳してくださいm(_ _)m
『矛盾してて気になるんだけど、 あなたはexと話してないって言ってたけど その女(ex)と話してなかったら あなたを介してのその女から私への伝言はなんなの?それってやっぱりその女と話してるよね?』
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- noname#253472
- 回答数1
- 英語が合っているか見てほしいです(>_<)
あなた、いつも結婚っていうけど 結婚したいって言ったことがあるのは本当に私にだけ? あなたに怒らないし、別れるって言わないから嘘つかないで本当のこといって。 You say always get married, Is it really only to me that you have said "I want to marry you" in your whole life? I really don't get mad at you, I will not tell you to break up with you, so tell me the truth.
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- noname#253472
- 回答数1
- to youについて
お世話になっております。 以下についてお教え頂けないでしょうか。 Please tell us how important each of the following factors is to you when you choose a business for automotive repair. to youを文法的にどのように考えたらよいのでしょうか? how imporatntとなるとこのような語順になるのでしょうか? 宜しくお願い申し上げます。
- 女性語
「でも結局そうじゃない(そうじゃないかというニュアンス)」、「俺も同じ意見だわ」 上記のような「~じゃない」「だわ」って女性語なんでしょうか?
- 締切済み
- 日本語・現代文・国語
- noname#229442
- 回答数2
- どのような意味でしょうか
I went to London, where I’d originally dreamed of riding a big red bus, catching a glimpse of Will and Kate, and cheersing full pints at the local pub. Instead, I found myself wandering down a trash-filled street, desperately trying to match up the address on my iPhone with the myriad gray buildings in front of me. I’d decided to explore a new profession while I was traveling. So, I was headed to a free (borderline-cheesy-looking) personal development seminar that Saturday morning. The rest of the people in the room were impressive, super-smart, and overly kind. Even more surprisingly, every single one of them were locals. 60 Londoners, and one traveling American—me. That’s when it dawned on me, while we all sacrificed our Saturday, to sit in a room full of strangers and “check out” a new potential passion— they were doing this in their hometown, without quitting their day jobs. Somehow, I missed the memo. 最後のmissed the memoはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- practice corporate law
When he practiced corporate law for a living, he’d often spend his off-the-clock hours letting out his creative steam. practiced corporate lawとはどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- diversify my portfolio
I would like to start investing, diversifying my portfolio in the stock market, diversifying my portfolioという表現をたまに見かけるのですが、訳は「有価証券一覧表を多様化する」でいいのでしょうか?簡単に言うとどういうことでしょうか?(経済の質問みたいになっていしまいましたが。。)よろしくお願いします
- 急いでます。英語にしてくださいm(__)m
『そんなことより、exのことブロックして全ての連絡先を消去したの?もう二度とあなたからもその女からも連絡とれないように。 それもしてないでこんな画像達を見せられても話にならない。』
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- noname#253472
- 回答数1
- orchestrated my career
(TVレポーターの話)When I was on the news in Indianapolis, I got a call from an agent at one of the most reputable firms in New York, and he told me—if fashion, arts, or entertainment is what you want to do, those jobs exist, they just don’t exist in Indiana. So we kind of orchestrated my career to get me out to the West Coast. orchestrated my careerとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします