
  • 英語分かる人お願いします。

    音楽にはロックとポップがあり、それぞれがまだ細かく分かれている。この文を英文にしたいのですが、Music has rock and pop.Beside,each divided into detail.で合ってますか。

    • sdp32
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  • 至急、英語に翻訳して下さいm(_ _)m

    『あなたって最低ね。私に酷いことを言うならもういいわ。本当にさよなら。』を英語にして下さいm(_ _)m

    • noname#253472
    • 回答数2
  • 英訳

    It should be noticed that, although scholars have long measured the concentration of wealth and income, there is no prior quantitative estimation for control. この一文の中の, long measured the concentration の意味が釈然としません。 どなたか,お分かりの方,いらしたら,宜しく御教示下さい。

    • jubu
    • 回答数1
  • 和訳 a defense

    外国人です。下記の英文を和訳したいですが、「防御」という言葉を使いたいです。添削をお願いいたします。 ※ "presenting a defense"という表現を使っていますが、presenting a defense, having a defense,などという言い方は大切ではないです。変な日本語かもしれないが、「防御を防止すること」「prevent the defense」が要点です。 よろしくお願いします! This means, the purpose of forcing a confession is not to determine guilt [emphasis added], but instead to prevent suspects from presenting a defense at trial. ということは、自白を強制する目的は有罪を決定づけるためではなく「強調」、被疑者が裁判で防御を行うことを防止するためであす。

    • noname#229745
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  • 英訳を探しています。

    はじめまして。 ドイツの詩人、アウグスト・フォン・プラーテンの「トリスタン」という詩の英訳を探していますがネット上で見つけることができません。 Wer die Schönheit angeschaut mit Augen, Ist dem Tode schon anheim gegeben, Wird für keinen Dienst auf Erden taugen, Und doch wird er vor dem Tode beben, Wer die Schönheit angeschaut mit Augen. 上記の英訳は以下のようで間違いはないでしょうか? Who looked at the beauty with eyes, Is already given to death, Will not be good for any service on earth, And yet he will quake before death, Who looked at the beauty with eyes. 詩の訳ですから「正しい」というものはないと思いますが、 英訳として目立った目違いがあればご指摘ください。 http://www.garten-literatur.de/Leselaube/platen_isolde.htm

  • 至急、英語に翻訳して下さいm(>_<)m

    英語が得意な方、英語に翻訳していただけないでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたしますm(_ _)m 『本当にごめんなさい。 こっちで好きな人ができちゃったの。 やっぱり言葉の通じる人のほうがいい。 あなたのことは好きだよ。 でも恋愛の好きじゃない。 友達に戻りたい。友達に戻ろう。』英語にして下さい。

    • noname#253472
    • 回答数2
  • comfortable ~ingにつて

    お世話になっております。 以下についてお教え頂けないでしょうか。 I am very comfortable using this software. 通常形容詞の後には前置詞が来ると思いますが、上記文は動名詞が来ています。 文法上どう考えたらよいのでしょうか。 宜しくお願い申し上げます。

    • cia1078
    • 回答数3
  • 和訳 prior to → after an

    外国人です。和訳はあっているでしょうか。添削をお願いいたします The primary purpose of questioning a suspect prior to arrest is to investigate (determine guilt), and the primary purpose of questioning (interrogating) an suspect after an arrest is to obtain an incriminating statement (a confession). When a suspect chooses not to give a statement prior to arrest, the police investigate further to locate evidence that would determine if the suspect should be arrested. And when a suspect chooses not to give a statement after an arrest, if the prosecutor has enough evidence to charge the suspect, they do. The only time they don't, is when they don't have enough evidence. 逮捕する「前に」被疑者に尋問する主な目的は捜査する(罪を犯したかを決める)ことであり、逮捕する「後に」被疑者に尋問(取調べ)する主な目的は、不利益な供述(自白)を得ることである。被疑者が逮捕する「前に」供述しないことを選択すると、警察は、被疑者を逮捕すべきかどうかを決める証拠を見つけるために、さらに捜査を行う。被疑者が逮捕された「後に」供述しないことを選択した場合、検察が十分な証拠があれば、被疑者を起訴する。起訴しない唯一の時は、十分な証拠がない時である。

    • noname#229745
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  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    Because of the terrain they moved in single file: the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade was strung out from five to eight miles (8.0–13 km), and it was hours before the long column could deploy for the attack. By 06:00 all the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade was in the valley; the Wellington Mounted Rifles Regiment was attacking Hill 306 while the Canterbury and Auckland Mounted Rifles Regiments attacked Hill 288. Shortly after 12:00 a mounted advance by an Auckland squadron took Hill 288, and Hill 306 was captured soon after. They attacked Ottoman positions from Tibq el Quneitra to Jebel el Kahmum astride the Mar Saba–Jericho road. These were both occupied soon after 14:00, forcing the Ottoman defenders to fall back to Nebi Musa. But Nebi Musa was strongly held by entrenched Ottoman soldiers supported by artillery, which made it impossible to move on: the attack was postponed until the next day. Even in daylight I should not have dreamt of riding this track [down the Wadi Qumran to the valley of the Jordan], and yet the whole brigade passed along it without mishap. At 11.00pm we were at the arranged position, and after tethering out the horses rolled ourselves up in our blankets. The night was bitterly cold, and we missed our "bivvies", orders having been given to travel light, so that every man rode with an absolute minimum weight. We are to leave here at 3.30 am to attack Neby Musa. — Frank Hurley, the Official Australian War Photographer, attached to the 1st Light Horse Brigade[38]Meanwhile, at dusk, the 1st Light Horse Brigade began its descent. They moved down the Wadi Qumran to the Jordan Valley, following a goat track which fell 1,300 feet (400 m) in two miles (3.2 km) to get into position to attack Nebi Musa from the rear. This journey was successfully completed by midnight. Under cover of darkness, the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade advanced north along a very rough track and by daylight had reached just east of the Neby Musa position. They made a dismounted attack while British infantry attacked Neby Musa from the rear. The Canterbury Mounted Rifles Regiment occupied Neby Musa at daylight after crossing the gorge on foot to find the Ottoman garrison had withdrawn with their guns.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The three infantry columns advanced: the column in the centre, the 180th Brigade, captured their objective of Talat ed Dumm on the main road from Jerusalem to Jericho. This infantry brigade moved along the Jerusalem to Jericho road towards Talat ed Dumm; they were supported by the 10th Heavy Battery and one 6-inch Howitzer of the 383rd Siege Battery. The village was captured after an hour's bombardment. On the left, the 181st Brigade was slowed in their advance by small rearguards which showed skills in manoeuvre. The brigade was only able to advance 2.5 miles (4.0 km) to be about halfway between Ras et Tawil and Jebel Qruntul (also known as Jebel Kuruntul, the Mount of Temptation and Mount Quarantania) by nightfall, with the 231st Brigade of the 74th (Yeomanry) Division forming a reserve. On the right, the 179th Brigade column marched towards Jebel Ekteif (to the south of Talat ed Dumm); their 2/13th Battalion, London Regiment, however, faced a sheer drop of over twenty feet (6.1 m) and had to proceed across intervening ridges into parallel wadis, arriving too late for the attack. Meanwhile, two companies of the 2/16th Battalion, London Regiment from the 179th Brigade, of the 60th (London) Division were ordered to support an attack on Jebel Ekteif by the 2/15th Battalion, London Regiment. By 08:15 they had captured the advanced trenches, three companies, and fought their way up into the firing line on the summit of the hill. At 10:00 the British infantry were reported to have captured this dominating position on the Jerusalem–Jericho road, but a strong counter-attack drove them off. Jebel Ektief was finally captured at about 12:30 when heavy artillery helped the desperate attackers secure their objective. Meanwhile, the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade (with the Wellington Mounted Rifles Regiment which had returned from the 179th Brigade) led the 1st Light Horse Brigade at 03:30 in their advanced on El Muntar. The advance guard formed by the Wellington Mounted Rifles Regiment moved from Bethlehem along an ancient road down the Wadi en Nar to the valley near El Muntar hill, followed by their brigade and the 1st Light Horse Brigade. They zig-zagged three miles (4.8 km) down to the valley floor while Ottoman soldiers on the height of El Muntar 1,250 feet (380 m) above watched their approach.

  • 英語の質問です。

    英語の質問です。 "7年前の出来事"を英語で言うと"what happened 7 years ago"と言うのが正解だとおもいますが、日本語からの直訳で"a happening of 7 years ago"と言う言い方は可能ですか? 文法的には問題ないと思いますが、英語圏ではこのような言い方はしませんか? よろしくお願いします。

    • fd40160
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  • 英語 シャドーイングの仕組み

    シャドーイングがいいとされる理由がわかりません 聞こえた英語を同じように自分の口で発音したらどうなるのですか? ただ読み上げてるだけな気がするんですが

  • 英語が得意な方教えてください!

    I have to try to get along until my youngest turns 18. Just five more years こちらの意訳を教えてください(^^)

    • noname#258579
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  • どのような意味でしょうか

    In recent months, we purchased a wonderful place with a comfortable setting and great neighbors. Our current place has the grounds and privacy we adore and a homeowners association to help with maintaining it. ここでのgroundsはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

    • corta
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  • 訳をよろしくお願いします

    My dear neighbor "Susie" and I attend the same exercise class twice a week. She wants to alternate who drives to the class, but neither she nor her husband is a good driver. He has vision problems and had an accident, and she is a nervous driver, as well as a nervous passenger, calling out whether it is OK to proceed at an intersection. calling out whether it is OK to proceed at an intersectionの訳をよろしくお願いします

    • corta
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  • work a third shift

    I sometimes work a third shift. とあったのですが、どのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

    • corta
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  • 英文の和訳を添削して下さい

     1956年にアメリカのアイゼンハワー大統領が、第二次中東戦争に介入した英仏を非難した演説です。 The British and French governments delivered a 12 hour ultimatum to Israel and Egypt now followed up by armed attacks against Egypt. The United States was not consulted in any way about any phase of these actions nor were we informed of them in advance, as it is the manifest right of any of these nations to take such decisions and actions it is likewise our right if our judgement so dictates, for we do not accept the use of force as a wise or proper instrument for the settlement of international disputes. 英仏両政府はイスラエルとエジプトに12時間期限の最後通牒を出し、その後エジプトへの軍事攻撃を開始しました。合衆国はこの行動についていかなる協議も事前通告も受けていません。かような決定と行動をとる明白なる権利がこの種の国々にあるのと同様我々にも、その意見が命令的だとしても、国際紛争を解決するための賢明かつ適切な手段として武力を使うことを許さない権利があるのです。 ご指導よろしくお願いします。

  • 露語の『マッチ売りの少女』が見られるサイトを教えて

    ロシア語訳の『マッチ売りの少女』が見られる サイトをお教えください。 何卒よろしく、お願いします。

  • この字は何と読むのでしょうか?

    短歌を見てたらこんな文字が出てきました。辞書にも載ってません。インターネットで調べてもわかりません。何と読むかわかりますか? この文字のあとに” 子 ” があり熟語になってます。どうも植物の名のようですが・・・。

    • perogou
    • 回答数3
  • 和訳をお願いします。

    On 3 January, two Australian aircraft discovered boats carrying corn and hay moving from Ghor el Hadit (behind Point Costigan) and Rujm el Bahr at the northern end of the Dead Sea. These were bombed and sprayed with bullets repeatedly until the boat service stopped. On 10 January, as part of the preparations for the attack on Jericho, six aircraft dropped 48 bombs on Amman and Kissir, a Hedjaz railway station six miles (9.7 km) to the south, resulting in several direct hits on rolling stock, station buildings and troops. Aircraft patrols were then directed to fly over Jericho and Shunet Nimrin on the western and eastern sectors of the Jordan Valley on alternate days. These patrols closely watched and reported tactical details, including the number of tents and camps, the state of supply dumps, the conditions of roads and tracks, and traffic on the railway. The 60th (London) Division advanced with their 180th Brigade in the centre, their 181st Brigade on the left, and their 179th Brigade with the Wellington Mounted Rifle Regiment covering their right flank. At Ras et Tawil, the 2/23rd Battalion, London Regiment (181st Brigade) suffered 50 casualties in attacking some 300 entrenched Ottomans, capturing 25 prisoners and two machine guns; the Ottomans abandoned their position soon after. To the north-east of El Muntar Iraq Ibrahim, during a further advance by the 2/20th Battalion, London Regiment along a narrow ridge on the south bank of the Wadi Fara, they captured the high ground suffering 66 casualties. Meanwhile, on the left flank of the 60th (London) Division, the 160th Brigade of the 53rd (Welsh) Division captured Rammun, where the 2/10th Battalion Middlesex Regiment had some hard fighting, and the heights to the south. The Wellington Mounted Rifles Regiment moved from Bethlehem to the Greek monastery of Mar Saba and onto the El Buqeia plateau, where Ottoman forces were entrenched astride the Mar Saba to Jericho road south of Nebi Musa. The remainder of the 1st Light Horse and New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigades moved from Bethlehem towards El Muntar. Chetwode and Chauvel watched these operations begin from the Mount of Olives more than 2,000 feet (610 m) above sea level; by the time the light horse and mounted rifles brigades reached Jericho on 21 February they were nearly 1,200 feet (370 m) below sea level.