- 以下の英文の意味合いを教えて下さい
Take a look at these and think about which word is the odd one out for each number. 1. a consultant a surgeon a doctor 2. to wound to damage to injure 3. a waiting list an appointment a consultation 4. to cure to treat to heal 5. to admit to discharge to transfer
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- 英語
- takenokotai
- 回答数1
- 拳銃のGLOCKグロックという名器は日本製の銃器製
拳銃のGLOCKグロックという名器は日本製の銃器製造機械を使って作られているそうです。 その日本メーカーってどこですか?
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- 英語
- america2028
- 回答数4
- 次の英文を訳して下さい。
Although Below made more progress south of Arras, his troops posed less of a threat to the stronger Third Army than the Fifth Army, because the British defences to the north were superior and because of the obstacle of the old Somme battlefield. Ludendorff expected that his troops would advance 8 km (5 mi) on the first day and capture the Allied field artillery, "We chop a hole. The rest follows." Ludendorff's dilemma was that the parts of the Allied line that he needed to break most, were also the best defended. Much of the German advance was achieved quickly but in the wrong direction, on the southern flank where the Fifth Army defences were weakest. Operation Mars was hastily prepared, to try to widen the breach in the Third Army lines but was repulsed, achieving little but German casualties. The Herts war diary reads, The position gained was held stubbornly against all enemy attempts to retake it. On the morning of the 28th orders were received for a speedy evacuation of this line. The enemy at this point was well in our rear in possession of LAMOTTE so that the withdrawal had to be done quickly. The Bn showed the utmost resource during this dangerous manoeuvre, loosing [sic] very few men. The retirement took place in daylight through HARBONNIERS & CAIX. At the latter place the Bn attacked the enemy successfully but thereafter had orders to retire on COYEUX where it again assembled in a counter attack in which the acting Commanding Officer was wounded. During the day rearguard actions took place along the river bed to IGNAUCOURT. In the evening the Bn went into trenches in front of AUBERCOURT.(28 March 1918) Day 9, 29 March The Herts war diary reads, The enemy remained fairly quiet except for machine gun fire. (29 March 1918) Day 10, 30 March The last general German attack came on 30 March. Von Hutier renewed his assault on the French, south of the new Somme salient, while von der Marwitz launched an attack towards Amiens (First Battle of Villers-Bretonneux, 30 March – 5 April). Some British ground was lost but the German attack was rapidly losing strength. The Germans had suffered massive casualties during the battle, many to their best units and in some areas the advance slowed, when German troops looted Allied supply depots.
- 日本語訳をお願い致します。
The 1/1st Herts war diary reads, The Bn who were in trenches on both sides of the road were ordered to move forward in support of the 118th Bde, being temporarily attached to the 4/5th Black Watch Regt. Soon after moving forward British troops were seen retiring to the left in large numbers. Consequently the Bn was ordered to move forward to the left and cover their withdrawal. After having skilfully carried this out the Bn conformed to the general withdrawal to a line between MORCOURT and the FOUCACOURT–LAMOTTE road. The Bn collected and assembled, then counter attacked the enemy, driving him back to within a few hundred yards of the village of MORCOURT.(27 March 1918) First Battle of Arras, 28 March Day 8, 28 March, The focus of the German attack changed again on 28 March. The Third Army, around Arras, that would be the target of Operation Mars. Twenty-nine divisions attacked the Third Army and were repulsed. German troops advancing against the Fifth Army, from the original front at St. Quentin, had penetrated some 60 km (40 mi) by this time, reaching Montdidier. Rawlinson replaced Gough, who was "Stellenbosched" (sacked) despite having organised a long and reasonably successful retreat given the conditions. The offensive saw a great wrong perpetrated on a distinguished British commander that was not righted for many years. Gough's Fifth Army had been spread thin on a 42-mile [68 km] front lately taken over from the exhausted and demoralized French. The reason why the Germans did not break through to Paris, as by all the laws of strategy they ought to have done, was the heroism of the Fifth Army and its utter refusal to break. They fought a 38-mile [61 km] rearguard action, contesting every village, field and, on occasion, yard ... With no reserves and no strongly defended line to its rear, and with eighty German divisions against fifteen British, the Fifth Army fought the Somme offensive to a standstill on the Ancre, not retreating beyond Villers-Bretonneux. — Roberts The German attack against the Third Army was less successful than that against the Fifth Army. The German 17th Army east of Arras advanced only 3 km (2 mi) during the offensive, largely due to the British bastion of Vimy Ridge, the northern anchor of the British defenses.
- 英文を日本語訳して下さい。
It was for the greater part a continuous line; but there was a three-mile [5 km] space between the French left at Roye and the right of the XIX Corps at Fransart... To fill the gap there were available the remains of the four divisions, the 20th, 36th, 30th and 61st, of the XVIII Corps. These General Maxse had instructed to assemble at and north-west of Roye, in order to keep connection between Robillot's Corps and the XIX Corps and to ensure that if the Allied Armies separated, the XVIII Corps might still remain with the Fifth Army." Most of the 36th Division had arrived in their new lines around 02:00 on 26 March, and were able to sleep for about six hours, the longest continuous sleep they had in six days, as German troops occupied Roye. The 9th Irish Fusiliers were a long way behind the rest of the Division, delayed by their action north of Guiscard the night before and their retreat was a 50-kilometre (30 mi) continuous night march from Guiscard to Erches, along the Guerbigny–Bouchoir road. They route-marched through Bussy to Avricourt, then on to Tilloloy, Popincourt, Grivillers, Marquivillers and finally via Guerbigny to Erches, where they arrived, completely exhausted, around 11:00 on 26 March. The German troops who took Roye during the early hours of the morning, continued to advance on the Bouchoir–Guerbigny line and by mid-morning were in Andechy, 5.6 kilometres (3 1⁄2 mi) from the new British line. Day 7, 27 March The town of Albert was relinquished during the night of 26/27 March, With the choice of holding the old position on the heights east of Albert, on the left bank of the Ancre, or the high ground west of the devastated town, it had been decided to adopt the latter course. The ruins of Albert were therefore abandoned to the enemy. The town was then occupied by German troops who looted writing paper, wine and other items they found. 27 March saw a series of continuous complex actions and movements during the defensive battle of XIX Corps against incessant German attacks from the north, east and north-west around Rosières, less than 30 kilometres (20 mi) east of Amiens. This was a consequence of the precipitate abandonment of Bray and the winding line of the Somme river, with its important bridgeheads westwards towards Sailly-le-Sec, by the Third Army on the afternoon of 26 March. The important communications centre of Montdidier was lost by the French on 27 March.
- 使役動詞がとる原形不定詞について
I saw the man go into my house. 私はその男性が私の家に入るのを見た。 see が使役動詞で原形不定詞のgoをとる英文ですが、 goingやto goでは間違いになるのでしょうか。 また、I saw that the man was going into my house. は同じ意味になりますか。 宜しくお願いします。
- professional dog petter
a professional dog petterとあったのですが、petterとは何でしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- god forbid
So, if you haven't told your therapist about this, please do so right away. And if, god forbid, your current therapist happens to subscribe to your mom's theory that you're being hunted by evil forces from the underworld, please call the NAMI helpline, explain your symptoms, and ask for help connecting with a psychiatrist who can screen you for mental illness. ここでのgod forbidはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- よろしくお願いします
You seem to realize yourself that your family dynamic isn't particularly great for her, and that she feels overlooked and unloved; http://community.sparknotes.com/2015/10/13/auntie-sparknotes-does-my-sister-have-an-inferiority-complex You seem to realize yourselfは「あなた自身が気付いているようだ」でしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- 英文についての質問
Carnegie Hall Notables members may purchase $20 tickets to Carnegie Hall presentations (excluding galas and Weill Music Institute events) beginning on the first day of each month by noon, for Carnegie Hall presented performances in that month. Sign in to your carnegiehall.org account and enter promo code NTB27000 when purchasing tickets. You may also mention the code when calling CarnegieCharge (212-247-7800) or visiting the Box Office. Offer is subject to availability and limited to 2 tickets per show. というようなメッセージがありました。 つまりこのメンバーに登録したら20$安く買えるということでしょうか? 毎月初日の正午まで?に購入すれば良い、ということですか? 2段落目は理解できました。 1段落目がどういうことかわからないので訳してほしいです。 よろしくお願いします。
- 和訳をよろしくお願いします
In other words, it sounds like what you're really scared of isn't so much that you couldn't hack it in the Air Force,http://community.sparknotes.com/2015/10/14/auntie-sparknotes-should-i-join-the-military-so-i-can-go-to-college 和訳をよろしくお願いします
- hook up
The other weekend at a party, I was hooking up with a guy. We knew each other somewhat through social media and we SnapChat occasionally, but I wouldn't necessarily call him one of my good guy friends. Anyway, we had both been drinking a little, and, when he made a move, I happily went along with it. We were making out and eventually moved into second base territory for a while. いつもhook upという表現に悩まされるのですが、上記は「良い仲になった」でしょうか?second base territoryの意味も教えてください。よろしくお願いします
- よろしくお願いします
I have a bit of a problem... okay, kind of a huge one. And it's sort of gross. I have a tendency to pick at my skin. I know most people pick at scabs occasionally or squeeze at their acne or whatever, but my situation seems a bit extreme. For the past four years, I've picked at the skin on my upper arms, shoulders, and chest, leaving scabs, bruises, welts, bloody pores, flaky skin, and severe scarring. pick atにはいくつか意味があるみたいなのですが、どれでしょうか?squeeze atとleaving scabsの意味も教えてください。よろしくお願いします
- よろしくお願いします
I recently told my parents about my cutting. It was not too serious, though at the time they had been getting a bit deeper and longer. That itself is not the problem however, as I have been finding ways to not do it, namely snapping rubber bands and silently counting until the urge goes away. That itselfはThat by itselfとも言えるのでしょうか?違いはあるでしょうか?snapping rubber bandsは「輪ゴムをパチリと留める」でしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- call someone out
辞書の説明によると、call someone out : North American Draw critical attention to someone's unacceptable actions or behaviour. ‘people were calling him out for his negative comments’ ‘Dan had called her out on a couple of contradictions in her story’ ようするにcall someone outは日本語にすると何になるでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- 英文を教えて下さい。お願いします。
アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しました。相手に発送の事やお願いを伝えたいのですみませんが英文を教えて下さい。お願いします。 「私はこれらが欲しいです。 私はBBを購入しました。送料を節約したいので、BBに他の商品を入れて発送してもらえないでしょうか? それと、XXとAAをもらえませんか? 添付画像を見て下さい。」
- Dear Yamada-sanのdearに照れる?
日本語と英語を勉強中の中国人です。変な質問かもしれませんが、日本の方は、異性に出すビジネス英語メールの最初の呼称、Dear Yamada-sanのdearに恥ずかしい感情が生じますでしょうか。中国語から影響を受けたか、異性にDear Yamada-sanを使うとやはり恥ずかしいです。意図的にdearを消して、Yamada-sanだけ使っています。以上の点について、日本の皆さんはどのように感じておられますか。 また、質問文に不自然な表現がありましたら、それも教えていただければ幸いです。よろしくお願いいたします。
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- awayuki_china
- 回答数3
- 英語でto をつける時とつけない時の区別が分かりま
英語でto をつける時とつけない時の区別が分かりません… ~へ 到達することっていうのは分かるのですが、 参考書の帰宅しましたの帰宅が到達ではないのですか? 目的地は家であるから、なぜtoがつかないのかが分かりません。