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What Does 'pick at' Mean? And What Does 'squeeze at' and 'leaving scabs' Mean?
- The phrase 'pick at' has several meanings. In this context, it refers to the action of repeatedly touching or scratching the skin. It can also mean to choose or select something, often with difficulty. On the other hand, 'squeeze at' refers to applying pressure to something, like acne, in an attempt to remove or extract it. Finally, 'leaving scabs' refers to the result of picking at the skin, which causes the formation of dry, crusty patches on the surface.
- 'Pick at'のフレーズにはいくつかの意味があります。この文脈では、皮膚を繰り返し触ったり引っかいたりする行為を指します。また、何かを選ぶまたは選び出すことも意味しますが、しばしば困難を伴います。一方で、'squeeze at'は、にきびなどを除去するために圧力をかけることを指します。最後に、'leaving scabs'は皮膚を引っかくことによって引き起こされる、表面に乾燥したカリカリ状のパッチができることを意味します。
- The phrase 'pick at' has multiple meanings depending on the context. In this case, it refers to the habit of repeatedly touching or scratching the skin. It can also mean to select or choose something, often with hesitation or difficulty. 'Squeeze at' refers to applying pressure to something, like pimples or blackheads, in an attempt to remove or extract them. 'Leaving scabs' describes the result of picking at the skin, which leads to the formation of dry, crusty patches on the surface.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
1。pick atにはいくつか意味があるみたいなのですが、どれでしょうか? 下記の2の範囲です。(ニキビを)潰す、(かさぶたを)剥がす、(皮膚を)引っ掻く、など対象で訳語が変わります。 https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=pick+atsqueeze at 2。leaving scabsの意味も教えてください かさぶたを残す > (皮膚に傷がついて)その痕が残る
ご回答ありがとうございます。squeeze at their acneは「にきびを強く押す」でしょうか?