>It was for the greater part a continuous line; but there was a three-mile [5 km] space between the French left at Roye and the right of the XIX Corps at Fransart... To fill the gap there were available the remains of the four divisions, the 20th, 36th, 30th and 61st, of the XVIII Corps. These General Maxse had instructed to assemble at (and) north-west of Roye, in order to keep connection between Robillot's Corps and the XIX Corps and to ensure that if the Allied Armies separated, the XVIII Corps might still remain with the Fifth Army."
>Most of the 36th Division had arrived in their new lines around 02:00 on 26 March, and were able to sleep for about six hours, the longest continuous sleep they had in six days, as German troops occupied Roye. The 9th Irish Fusiliers were a long way behind the rest of the Division, delayed by their action north of Guiscard the night before and their retreat was a 50-kilometre (30 mi) continuous night march from Guiscard to Erches, along the Guerbigny–Bouchoir road.
>They route-marched through Bussy to Avricourt, then on to Tilloloy, Popincourt, Grivillers, Marquivillers and finally via Guerbigny to Erches, where they arrived, completely exhausted, around 11:00 on 26 March. The German troops who took Roye during the early hours of the morning, continued to advance on the Bouchoir–Guerbigny line and by mid-morning were in Andechy, 5.6 kilometres (3 1⁄2 mi) from the new British line.
>Day 7, 27 March The town of Albert was relinquished during the night of 26/27 March, With the choice of holding the old position on the heights east of Albert, on the left bank of the Ancre, or the high ground west of the devastated town, it had been decided to adopt the latter course. The ruins of Albert were therefore abandoned to the enemy.
⇒第7日、3月27日 アルベールの町は3月26/27日の夜中に放棄された。
>The town was then occupied by German troops who looted writing paper, wine and other items they found. 27 March saw a series of continuous complex actions and movements during the defensive battle of XIX Corps against incessant German attacks from the north, east and north-west around Rosières, less than 30 kilometres (20 mi) east of Amiens. This was a consequence of the precipitate abandonment of Bray and the winding line of the Somme river, with its important bridgeheads westwards towards Sailly-le-Sec, by the Third Army on the afternoon of 26 March. The important communications centre of Montdidier was lost by the French on 27 March.
⇒町はドイツ軍隊によって占領され、書類、ワイン、その他見つかった物品が略奪された。 3月27日には、第XIX軍団の守備戦闘中に、アミアンから東に30キロ足らずのロシエール周辺で、北、東、北西からの絶え間ないドイツ軍攻撃に対して、一連の複雑な戦闘行動と動きが連続して見られた。これは、3月26日の午後第3方面軍が西のセリー・ル・セク方向に向かう重要な橋頭堡とともに、ブレーとソンム川戦線を突然放棄したことの結果であった。3月27日には、モンディディエの重要なコミュニケーションセンターがフランス軍によって失われた