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Intense Battle and Counter-Attacks: A Summary of the Brigade's Actions

  • At midday, the brigade's flanks were repositioned to locate neighboring units, leading to a mistaken belief of a general withdrawal.
  • After successfully halting a German counter-attack, the division slightly withdrew to establish contact with another division and find cover from enemy machine-guns.
  • Despite facing challenges like mud and flooded trenches, the brigade encountered heavy German resistance from pillboxes, hindering their advance towards the red line.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)

>At midday both flanks of the brigade were swung back to find neighbouring units, which the troops in the centre followed, under the impression that it was a general withdrawal and all the brigade ended up at the red line. After stopping a German counter-attack in the late afternoon, the division withdrew slightly, to gain touch with the 49th Division on the left and find cover from machine-guns on the Bellevue Spur. The 198th Brigade on the left had to struggle through mud and flooded trenches north of the Ravebeek. ⇒正午に、両旅団の側面隊は近くの部隊を見つけるために後方に転進した。それは総撤退であって全旅団が赤線部上に行き着いたという印象があったため、それ(側面隊)に中央部の軍隊も続いた。午後遅くドイツ軍の反撃を止めた後に、師団は左翼の第49師団と接触し、ベルヴュー山脚の機関銃から隠れる場所を見つけるため、わずかに撤退した。左翼の第198旅団は、泥地の進軍とラヴェベーク北の水浸しの塹壕で苦闘を強いられていた。 >German machine-gun fire from the pillboxes at Bellevue 500–800 yd (460–730 m) away, stopped the infantry half way to the red line, despite a further attempt to advance by the supporting battalions. The German pillboxes at Bellevue were able to fire on the 198th Brigade, because the attack by the 148th Brigade on the right of the 49th Division stalled in the swamp astride the Ravebeek and only a few parties managed to get across. The creeping barrage was thin and moved at 100 yd (91 m) in six minutes, which proved too fast for the infantry. ⇒500-800ヤード(460-730m)赤線部へ向かう途上の歩兵隊は、大隊の支援を受けてさらに先までの進軍を試みたにもかかわらず、離れたベルヴューにあるピルボックスからのドイツ軍による機関銃掃射火のために足止めされた。ベルヴューのドイツ軍ピルボックスが第198旅団に砲火を浴びせることができたのは、第49師団右翼の第148旅団による攻撃がラヴェベークにまたがる湿地帯で行き詰まったからで、そこを渡ることができたのはほんのわずかな部隊だけであった。纏いつく集中砲火は薄弱で、6分に100ヤード(91m)進んだので、速すぎて歩兵隊はついていけないことが判明した。 >The barrage was lost on the right flank, at the marshy edges of the Stroombeek and German riflemen and machine-gunners fired through the British barrage, particularly from Bellevue and the Yetta Slopes. "Peter Pan" on the left was captured by the 146th Brigade and by 6:40 a.m., the first objective (red line) had been reached. An attempt by following waves to leap-frog through the troops on the red line failed, due to the volume of fire from the Bellevue pillboxes. One attack got to within 40 yd (37 m) of Bellevue and a later attempt at a flanking attack was stopped by machine-gun fire. The attack on the Yetta Houses, was also raked by machine-gun fire and on the left stopped 100 yd (91 m) short of the objective. ⇒集中砲火は、シュトロームベーク湿地の辺縁部の右側面で失われ、ドイツ軍のライフル射手と機関銃砲手が、特に、ベルヴューとイェッタ斜面から、英国軍の集中砲火を通じて反砲火した。第146旅団は左翼上の「ピーターパン」を攻略して、午前6時40分、第1標的(赤線部)に到達した。赤線部の軍隊を通り越してウマ飛びする追従攻撃波の試みは、ベルヴュー・ピルボックスからの大量砲火のために、失敗した。1回の攻撃でベルヴューの内部に40ヤード(37m)侵入したが、側面包囲攻撃は機関銃掃射砲火を浴びてそこで食い止められた。イェッタ・ハウスへの攻撃もまた、左翼では機関銃掃射砲火によって標的の100ヤード(91m)手前で追い払われた。 >The 147th Brigade was alerted and put on one hour's notice by 7:30 a.m. and during the morning and troops from the supporting battalions of the attacking brigades filled gaps in the line. The final position reached was 100–200 yd (91–183 m) beyond the first objective, from which a line of posts ran from south of Wolf Farm to the eastern edge of Wolf Copse and from there to the south-east of Wolf Copse, with an advanced post 150 yd (140 m) south-east of the Copse. A support line was dug along the first objective and several small counter-attacks were driven off. ⇒第147旅団は警戒警報を受けて、午前7時30分までの1時間と午前中の警戒態勢が課され、攻撃旅団の支援大隊から来た軍隊が戦線にある間隙を埋めた。第1標的を100-200ヤード(91-183m)越えて最終陣地に到着し、それから哨戒陣地の戦線をウルフ農場の南からウルフ雑木林の東端へ、そして、そこからウルフ雑木林の南東まで走らせ、雑木林の150ヤード(140m)南東の前哨陣地に至った。支援戦線が第1標的に沿って掘られて、幾つかの小反撃を撃退した。 ※この段落、誤訳があるかも知れませんが、どうぞ悪しからず。



