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The 99th Brigade Attack: A Battle Hindered by Fog and Mud
- The 99th Brigade's attack on the right was hampered by fog and mud.
- The failure to maintain the defensive flank allowed the Germans to fire on the brigade.
- British troops fell back and formed a defensive flank along West Miraumont Road.
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>The 99th Brigade attack on the right, advanced towards the second objective but was much hampered by the fog and mud. The failure to maintain the defensive flank on the right left the Germans free to rake the brigade with machine-gun fire from the right, which caused more casualties. South Miraumont Trench was entered by a small number of troops, who were then forced back to the first objective. ⇒第99旅団の右翼への攻撃は第2標的に向かって進んだが、霧と泥によって非常に難渋した。左右翼での防御の失敗で、ドイツ軍は右翼からの機関銃砲火で旅団を掃射しやすくなってより多くの犠牲者を引き起こした。南ミローモン塹壕は、少数ながら軍隊の侵入を受けた。けれども軍隊はそれからすぐに第1標的に押し戻された。 >Fresh German troops also counter-attacked from Petit Miraumont and the railway bank to the weSt (→west.) Many of the British troops had weapons clogged with mud and fell back, the troops on the right forming a defensive flank along West Miraumont road, where they were fired on from South Miraumont Trench behind its left flank and withdrew to a line 100 yards (91 m) north of Boom Ravine. ⇒新しいドイツ軍隊もまた鉄道線をプティ・ミローモンから西へ向って反撃した。英国軍隊の多くが武器に泥を詰まらせて後退し、右翼の軍隊は西ミローモン道に沿って防御用側面隊を編成した。しかし、その左側面の背後の南ミローモン塹壕から砲火を浴びせられて、ブーム峡谷の北100ヤード(91m)の戦線に撤退した。