There are two courses open to the photographer. He can make the uncommon common. Or he can make uncommon the common.
The classic example of the photographer who aims to make the uncommon common is the news photographer. His goal is not to record the ordinary and the everyday, but the extraordinary and the unusual. Wherever there is disaster, the newsman is there. If he cannot find disaster, he searches for the odd and the peculiar, the exotic and the unfamiliar. His photographs, seen by millions, make momentary events and strange occurrences all over the world our common property. What more striking evidence could be offered of this power of photography than the atomic bomb. The mushroom cloud, the very symbol of nuclear fission, has become known through photographs.
There is another function which photography can play : to make uncommon the common. This, of course, is the way of the painter. Time and place, so all important to the documentary picture maker, are of less interest to these cameramen. We are not concerned with their work as representational and objective, but as visually stimulating and subjective. Not that which is shown, but how the photographer has looked at the world about him is the simplest way to describe this approach.
私の解釈は It is not that ~ の慣用表現の It is が省略されたものと考えて、
参考書の言うようにthatが代名詞と言うことは、thatの指すものはtheir workと言うことでしょうか?
cbm51901さん、 おはようございます。 再度の、そして最速の 回答をありがとう ございます。 巨匠はmasterを つけることしか 知りませんでした。 glorious, proudは 変だなと思いました。 質問して良かったです。 そうですね、legendaryの 方が伝説の、 後世に残すような 名作を撮影した 写真家をよぶなら しっくりきます。 honor、大変に 参考になりました。 つかわせて いただきます。 またよろしく お願いいたします。