I: Rickie, tell me. What are your expectations for the rest of this season?
R: Umm, you know just getting the season started, just looking to get off a solid start. Umm, I had a good finish in Maui, urr I've had some success here at Torrey so. Really looking forward to, urr, a good finish here, moving on and working on a multiple-win season.
I: After playing in Hawaii last week, where do you feel your game is, and how confident do you feel coming in to this tournament?
R: Urr, game I've been swinging well. I have had some time off, which is nice. You get the body rested up. Umm, so ready to play, definitely well rested. Umm, like I said I've been swinging well, so just ready to get out, play, and get back in contention.
I: Now I have got to ask. You've been called the "Justin Beaver of golf." How do you feel, knowing that you are such a hard throb?
R: Well I definitely have the younger, urr, I guess girls and boys fans. Urr, but as far as the status goes between me and Beaver, urr, he has got me beat by a long shot so. Urr, you know hopefully I can keep the fan base growing, umm, especially with the youth and the younger generation, but urr, yeah, he is a little bit bigger than I am.
I: Who has better hair? You or Beaver?
R: Oh, my hair is way better than Beaver's.
I: Growing up, who did you look up to most?
R: Umm, probably the one guy that I looked up to most was actually another, kind of stoked out(??) native, urr, Jeremy McGrath in the Supercross industry. Umm, I grew up, riding and racing in bikes and playing golf so, umm, I actually ? knew more people in that industry than I did in the golf industry, before I kind of become a good established amateur player. But urr, you know, obviously guys like Phil and Tiger are guys I look up to as well. They are, umm, you know, some of the best players in the world and, you know, something I want to do. But you know, Jeremy being at a different sport, umm, just like the way he handled hiself and, you know, won championships.
I: You are a phenomenal golf player yourself. Does it intimidate you to play with Phil and Tiger?
R: No, I like going out and trying to beat them up as bad as I can. Urr, God I know them both pretty well. Play some matches with Phil for fun on the side and practice rounds and, umm, you know, practice and play with Tiger a little bit more home so. It's been fun to get to know guys like that and trying to learn a little bit from them.
I: Thanks. Well, best of luck to you, the rest of the week.
早速の回答ありがとうございます! 大変分かりやすく訳していただいて助かりました。 変な話なんですが、、この”熱くなる”って、恋愛の意味でですか? 外国の方はいつもこんな風なので、こういう文章を理解するのに一番苦労しちゃいます。まだまだ勉強が必要ですね。。。