Of the 203 people interviewed two-thirds were women, half of them widowed. Just under a firth had no surviving children. Table 1 outlines the numbers of different marital status, distinguishing those without children.
The main interview lasted for an average of about two hours. After an explanation of the reasons for the call, the interview itself was not so much a search for short answers to formal questions as a guided conversation. An interview schedule was taken out and extensive notes taken. A kinship diagram was drawn for each informant, the Christian names, ages, occupations, and districts oof residence of husband or wife, children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters, and so on being noted down, together with an estimate of the frequency of contact with each of them.
Information about the family often proved difficult to obtain sometimes because the number of relatives was very large, sometimes because people were infirm, deaf, forgetful, or unwilling. Too much should not be made of such difficulties. Most people were remarkably generous and indulgent and went to great lengths to find an answer to questions - searching out birth certificates, funeral cards, family photos, insurance agreements, and supplementary assistance books. The kinship diagram usually gave information about more than fifty relatives, including all those in frequent touch with the old person. Facts about income, health, household management, retirement, neighbours, and friends were also sought. After the interview a report of from two to four thousand words was written. A further note on method, together with examples of interview-reports, will be found at the end of this book. In the illustrations from interviews throughout the text fictitious names have been used and details have been altered to prevent identification. In the quotations no attempt has been made to convey dialect.
Apart from a few early interviews all the people were seen between October 1954 and November 1995. I interviewed 160 myself and the remainder were interviewed by my colleague, Peter Marris. Nearly all were visited a second time, some three, four, or more times, partly to secure additional information. Separate interviews were also obtained with some relatives of the chief informants.
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