The motor consisted of a Siemens series-would dynamo,Type D,having its armature shaft connected with the wheels of the locomotive truck thought gearing.
The motor gave about three horsepower when running eleven miles an hour with a tension of 150volts.
The success of this show road created a profound impression in engineering circles, marking the advent of a new era in the application of electricity for transportation.
The motor consisted of a Siemens series-would dynamo,Type D,having its armature shaft connected with the wheels of the locomotive truck thought gearing.
An insulated middle rail supplied the current (by means of brushers)to the electric
motor and the return was made through the outside rails on which the locomotive ran.The motor gave about three horsepower when running eleven miles an hour with a tension of 150volts.The locomotive pulled three platforms on wheels,each having two benches capable of seating six passengers.The success of this show road created a profound impression in engineerings circles,for it marked the advent of a new era in the application of electricity for transportation.
Here I may say that we are always ready to accord historical recognition to men who bring out new ideas though they may be unable to do anything practical with them.On the other hand,the chief merit belongs to the man who makes a success of his work.Thus we give to Dr.Werner Siemens the honor he deserves of being the first to show what electricity could do in commercial traction.The same ethics fit the incandescent lamp controversy:while we know that the problem was solved by Edison,yet we mention historically the men who labored before him and yet failed to realize practicable results.Man's objective in this worlds is to advnce the well-being of humankind and to bring within the reach of all what has only been enjoyed by the few.