• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:海外スターに手紙を書きたい。英語翻訳お願いします)


  • 特にシーズン2では、絶望的な世界で、誰もが自分や自分の家族の事しか考えていない中、●●だけは冷静に他者を気遣ってました。
  • 両親から愛情を受けず、誰にも頼らず兄と2人だけで生きてきた●●が、兄弟離ればなれになった事で自立し、仲間に頼られて成長していく姿が観ていてとても魅力的です。
  • 短期で暴力的な面もありますが、美しく咲いた野花に気が付くロマンチストだったり、赤ん坊にミルクをあげたりと、子供好きな面があったりと、新たに加えられていく●●の設定が今後さらに楽しみです。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

俳優さんの名前を借りにDavidとして答えます。 (1) Especially in the season 2, David, you were different, being so calm there and considerate to others when the whole world went desperate and everybody else was only thinking about themselves or their families. (2) You were awesome. You didn't know the love of your parents, but you and your brother live together alone, depending on no one else. Yet, you two had to be separated, each becoming independent, and each of you had peers who wanted to depend on either one of you, and I was fascinated to see how you were growing. (3) You were somewhat short-tempered and a little violent, but you were Romanticist when you noticed the beauty of the flowers in the field and you loved children as you helped those babies drink milk. More and more of new David as person may be revealed in the future films, so I'm really looking forward to them. 以上、いかがでしょうか?



お礼が遅くなってしまってすみません。 お早い対応ですごく助かりました! 今回は有難うございました。 訳していただいた英文、ご参考にさせて頂きます!!(*'▽') お手紙も進みそうです(*^_^*)

その他の回答 (2)

  • Gracies
  • ベストアンサー率45% (150/332)

他に書く方がおられないので、訂正。 (1)In the desperate world, everyone tend to think only about own family and own self, but even so A had cared for others calmly in "The season 2", I think. (2)Without receiving affection from parents and without support from other, only two brothers have lived. Even though they were separated, he lived by self-help. I felt that their life style is so attractive. (3)For A, he has a violent and hot temper. But, he can become a romantic temper when he notice wild flowers, bloomed beautifully. And he likes children who gives a milk for baby. So, about A's setting that will be added to new one in this movie, I look forward to the future.



お礼が遅くなってしまってすみません。 お早い対応ですごく助かりました! 今回は有難うございました。 訳していただいた英文、ご参考にさせて頂きます!!(*'▽')

  • Gracies
  • ベストアンサー率45% (150/332)

拙い訳で申し訳ございませんが、ご参考になれば幸甚です。 (1)In the world desperate, everyone tend to think about only own family and own self. But, particularly, in the case of "The season 2", I think that only A had cared for others calmly. (2)Without receiving affection from parents and without support from other, only two brothers have lived in. After, even if when they has become brothers separated, they grow by own self. I felt that their life style is so attractive. (3)For A, he has a violent and hot temper. But, he can become a romantic temper when he notice wild flowers, bloomed beautifully. And he likes children who gives a milk for baby. So, about A's setting that will be added to new one in this movie, I look forward to the future.  
